New player's opinion

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


There would be rage even if the game was balanced, probably less that’ s for sure but people have been mean to eachother on the internet since forever.
One thing that really gets on my nerves though is when people play absolutely wrong builds.
I can understand them playing bad with good builds but playing bad with bad builds is simply pointless.
If you don’ t even take your time and look for a viable build before entering the queue for a tournament (which is something that takes commitement) you’ ll have to bare with my disappointement (aka me telling you “omg noob go back to hotjoins”).

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270


Or you could say something like this to the player after the game: "I do not think the build you are playing really works out. You can go to “intothemists” and look at a few guides. This one is my favorite (link). If you have any questions about some of the builds there please feel free to pm me in game and Ill help out as I can."

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270


Plus I think we do not want them to go back to hotjoin, because we need bigger numbers in sPvP to help matchmaking and create more pressure on Anet (in a positive way) to commit more resources to sPvP.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Firstly, thanks for staying with sPvP despite the obvious hate flowing your ways for basically just starting. I do not know how many players tried out sPvP and were seriously put off by the culture of cussing and belittling other players that is apparent in many games in soloQ.

This is what I think, because once after the next uncalled rage I shared in guild chat “Btw PvP community is very unpleasant” ALL of my guild mates answered “True, that’s why I don’t go PvP anymore”. There were different comments but the meaning was the same.

You have made a very good analysis of the situation now don’t you think it’s much like Catch 22? PvP will improve if the community grows. The community will grow if PvP improves.

It’ s true PvP has many things to be fixed/ improved/ reworked. But what I think is the first step should be healing the community. For 2 resons:
1. Even with all the problems PvP games are great fun, and PvP in this game is better than in many other games
2. With nice and helpful community everyone will want to give it a try and everyone will want to be a part of it because it’s a normal human wish, to belong somewhere where is welcomed and then well known, to belong to a community. Why one of the first things we do here is to join a guild?

So I totally agree with your a/b/c/d/e points and will add f: temporarily ban for offensive language. Rage is rage and it’s alright sometimes but insulting people and making them feel bad in a game that is supposed to be fun should not be tolerated. That’s what I think.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

I feel like you have to suck really bad for them to pm you ahaha, cause their are plenty of kids I want to rage out but I wouldn’t take the time to pm them about how bad they suck lol. If only I could block people from being grouped with me ever again.

As I can see from your post you’re the only one who is grouped up with beginners/ bad players constantly. Till the others have the perfect teams, you always lose with all these noobs that fill your team every game and you just can’t shine with your awesome PvP skills because of all the dumb players like me, who bring you down! How Anet could allow beginners to play with experienced players and to ruin their game, it’s such an injustice!
I feel for you.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

(edited by Eyia Hellhide.7320)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Now please have a look at this awesome rank 1
Btw never knew I’ll be the highest rank in the team soon…


The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


Hey you are rank 16 already, for this game’ standards that means you are a veteran.
Also the rating system tends to place seasoned players and newcomers next to eachother so that experienced tournament runner like you can teach newbies the basics of competitive matches.
It’ s so awsum

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270



thanks for your kind words.

This is what I think, because once after the next uncalled rage I shared in guild chat “Btw PvP community is very unpleasant” ALL of my guild mates answered “True, that’s why I don’t go PvP anymore”.

Your experience and example underscores something. In your case the game was strong enough for you to decide to tough it out and play anyways. I think that says something positive about the game (and you, of course).

I also think what you describe here is a sad state of affairs on general grounds because of the exemplified obvious lack of human decency that you experienced (and I am sure you are not alone in your experience). But appeals to human dignity and placing value in preserving other peoples diginity are in and off themselves oftentimes futile, especially in the more annonymized environment of the online worlds. But there is also a more self serving aspect to this which I hope to make apparent in the remainder of this post.

…. now don’t you think it’s much like Catch 22? PvP will improve if the community grows. The community will grow if PvP improves.

Yes, I think these two aspects are related albeit not so much in a Catch 22 manner, but rather as being interdependent:

Anet will alot resources to various aspects of the game based on participating players. In this regard the sPvP community are rather beggers. We do not have much clout or power owing to low numbers. Furthermore, I think that Anet in general would like to alot more resources to sPvP, based on the good-will they have shown the sPvP community. I think the developers really like this aspect of the game they developed. But it is also rational for the developers to not alot that many resources to sPvP, as there is not (yet) too much interest in that aspect of the game. If the number of players who play sPvP on a regular basis increases then this would give the section of developers who are for increasing sPvP resources a good argumentative basis for their case. Anet is after all responsible towards the people who have funded the development of this game.

I think that if Anet would put more resources into sPvP that would help to make the development smoother and less rocky (i.e. patches that jerk the meta around by changing imbalances in the game rather than balancing out the classes, half-baked improvements, which need to be quickfixed, developing nice incentives etc.) and that might help in keeping players playing as well as gaining new players. But there are two issues here, why I think that we as a community should not concentrate or wait on that.

Firstly, it is out of our hands and our control, so we cannot really do anything about that, other than giving constructive feedback.
Secondly, the game is already fun to play as you have indicated, so I believe that the main reason why other players are not coming in every now and then lies somewhere else. And I think the way the community comes across to newcomers has a great deal to do with that and that is something we can change. [Another reason is that after an initial spike of learning about sPvP and learning how to play it, there is a long flat stretch of wondering how to get better and not seemingly improving or knowing how to go about it. I think many players hit a wall in their learning curve and it is hard to garner the more hidden, intricate and deeper aspects of sPvP. Obviously we as a community can do something about that as well, but that is not where I wanna go here. Furthremore, things in this regard are being done already: e.g. the excellent podcast series by]

I also think that if more and more people are openly friendly, welcoming, and helpful and we as a community are able to tone down the ragers, insulters, and ostensive ‘pwoners’, that will go a long way to build numbers, keep numbers, and also incentivize players to stick around and try to master the more intricate aspects of the game.

Now, lachanche mentioned something that has to be taken into account, and that is the general tendency in online environments to be less well mannered than in real life. In a game that has big numbers I think players will just have to live with that. But I believe that in the case of GW2 it is possible to have an impact by being helpful and nice as the community is so small. The smaller the community the easier it is to change its culture.

And now I come to the self interest part and I hope that players realize that this course of action is in their self interest, because the more we are able to increase numbers, the more pressure we will create on Anet to alot more resources to sPvP, the more love we as a community will get from Anet, the better the game will become, the more people will come.

So we can start the process instead of waiting for Anet to do it.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: lynnhood.8270


So I totally agree with your a/b/c/d/e points and will add f: temporarily ban for offensive language. Rage is rage and it’s alright sometimes but insulting people and making them feel bad in a game that is supposed to be fun should not be tolerated. That’s what I think.

I do not think central authorities that police well manneredness are the answer to the problem. Although I understand the sentiment. They are willing to distribute bad feelings so why should they not suffer a little bit as well. But if the community is strong enough and has a right compass for countering that behavior, such behavior will diminish. [I know that you can never eradicate it, but that is not the goal, the goal is to keep it manageable, so that the dominant experience is fun and gratifying for everybody in the long run.] I think making people understand that it is in their self-interest (see above) to be nice and helpful (or at least not behave like a kittenbag) is a much better approach.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


There would be rage even if the game was balanced, probably less that’ s for sure but people have been mean to eachother on the internet since forever.
One thing that really gets on my nerves though is when people play absolutely wrong builds.
I can understand them playing bad with good builds but playing bad with bad builds is simply pointless.
If you don’ t even take your time and look for a viable build before entering the queue for a tournament (which is something that takes commitement) you’ ll have to bare with my disappointement (aka me telling you “omg noob go back to hotjoins”).

I play a sub par / bad build, in soloQ.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Lachanche.6859


There would be rage even if the game was balanced, probably less that’ s for sure but people have been mean to eachother on the internet since forever.
One thing that really gets on my nerves though is when people play absolutely wrong builds.
I can understand them playing bad with good builds but playing bad with bad builds is simply pointless.
If you don’ t even take your time and look for a viable build before entering the queue for a tournament (which is something that takes commitement) you’ ll have to bare with my disappointement (aka me telling you “omg noob go back to hotjoins”).

I play a sub par / bad build, in soloQ.

As long as it is bad in a “not optimal” manner, for example playing trap ranger instead of spirit ranger, i am perfectly fine with it, it’ s a matter of suiting your playstyle.
What i am not fine with, however, are builds that are bad in a “completely useless” way.
Take for istance thieves playing with 30 shadow arts 30 acrobatics and soldier amulet who pretend to be bunkers, that’ s not a kittening bunker spec for kitty sake, by the time you join a tournament you should already know that stealth makes you lose control of a point. Then the match turns into a 4v5 because such a thief does nothing useful but surviving and the team chat turns colorful.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


There would be rage even if the game was balanced, probably less that’ s for sure but people have been mean to eachother on the internet since forever.
One thing that really gets on my nerves though is when people play absolutely wrong builds.
I can understand them playing bad with good builds but playing bad with bad builds is simply pointless.
If you don’ t even take your time and look for a viable build before entering the queue for a tournament (which is something that takes commitement) you’ ll have to bare with my disappointement (aka me telling you “omg noob go back to hotjoins”).

I play a sub par / bad build, in soloQ.

As long as it is bad in a “not optimal” manner, for example playing trap ranger instead of spirit ranger, i am perfectly fine with it, it’ s a matter of suiting your playstyle.
What i am not fine with, however, are builds that are bad in a “completely useless” way.
Take for istance thieves playing with 30 shadow arts 30 acrobatics and soldier amulet who pretend to be bunkers, that’ s not a kittening bunker spec for kitty sake, by the time you join a tournament you should already know that stealth makes you lose control of a point. Then the match turns into a 4v5 because such a thief does nothing useful but surviving and the team chat turns colorful.

Lol true. Though I do play a Ele with S/F as a roamer which is very counter intuitive. But the day I have <100ms will be the day I give Daggers another try.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Whata about soldier amulet and evasive attacks ? :P
Rangers doing pretty cool atm with their evasive attacks :P

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

Hey you are rank 16 already, for this game’ standards that means you are a veteran.
Also the rating system tends to place seasoned players and newcomers next to eachother so that experienced tournament runner like you can teach newbies the basics of competitive matches.
It’ s so awsum

Do I smell sarcasm here?
No seriously I don’t feel like a veteran at all, with my poor 2 weeks experience I still feel a newby. Hell I still can’t decide on my build, I change it every day so I do with my weapons. I play one day with hammer one day with greatsword and can’t decide which one I prefer. Aaaaa why it should be so hard to chose! Lol

Hey lynnhood, I read your posts on the thread about downstate and it totally changed my view over this topic, they sound very convincing. I’ll keep an eye on this argument it’s very interesting.

Firstly, it is out of our hands and our control, so we cannot really do anything about that, other than giving constructive feedback.

The philosophy of my life
Try to accept the things you can’t change.

I do not think central authorities that police well manneredness are the answer to the problem. Although I understand the sentiment. They are willing to distribute bad feelings so why should they not suffer a little bit as well. But if the community is strong enough and has a right compass for countering that behavior, such behavior will diminish. [I know that you can never eradicate it, but that is not the goal, the goal is to keep it manageable, so that the dominant experience is fun and gratifying for everybody in the long run.] I think making people understand that it is in their self-interest (see above) to be nice and helpful (or at least not behave like a kittenbag) is a much better approach.

Okay I will agree. When I think of it the rude people are not that many, they are just the noisiest. Even though I’m a girl I’m not very emotional but they still menage to upset me sometimes. When this happens I switch my laptop off, go out, start to remember which are the really important things in life. Because well, as a competitive person I always put efforts to be one of the best in what I’m doing, but achievements in a video game can’t be the goal of my life.

The night is dark and full of turnips.

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: TGSlasher.1458


I went to university’s, studied IT (BIT graduate) and the people I met there, well lets just say there isn’t a single verbal thing in the verse that could enrage me after the insults and comebacks that we threw around there. So people can’t get under my nerves, nonetheless people shouldn’t go around insulting others.

Its a video game .. what happens if you lose …. your house burns down? Your bank account is emptied? The government takes away your doll money? No, you lose and that’s it. If you were in line for the 10k tournament I could see people being peved, but then you would have your own team and each member would be responsible for his AoR (area of responsibility).

Winning feels good, losing not so good, but at least try to work with your team. I’ve been in matches where people just left because they looked up the rank of the enemy … guess what (one example) we were + 100 points at the start with 1 person down, only lost by 100 in the end, not too shabby for a lower ranked matchup with 1 person down. Had they stayed … well we would have gone up the board. Instead us other 4 are punished with staying while he gets off Scott free.

Personally I think allied and enemy names should be invisible till the end of the match. Red Team 1, Red Team 2, Red team 3 etc etc.

Slasher Sladorian – Charr Warrior – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows

New player's opinion

in PvP

Posted by: Eyia Hellhide.7320

Eyia Hellhide.7320

I went to university’s, studied IT (BIT graduate) and the people I met there, well lets just say there isn’t a single verbal thing in the verse that could enrage me after the insults and comebacks that we threw around there. So people can’t get under my nerves, nonetheless people shouldn’t go around insulting others.

Hmm before my brother made my first account in MMORPG my idea about nerd culture was formed by series like The IT Crowd and Big Bang Theory. Nothing to prepare me about the nerdrage.

Personally I think allied and enemy names should be invisible till the end of the match. Red Team 1, Red Team 2, Red team 3 etc etc.

Absolutely! I didn’t know you can see the opponent’s names and ranks before the game in this format I’ve only played hotjoin and SoloQ so far. You’re right, for psychical weaker players it could be very oppressive and to make them to give up before even the match starts.

Btw one of the things I thought as a very good idea is the fact in WvW you can’t see the enemy’s names. All you can see is for example “Desolation recruit” or “Elona Reach scout” etc. You don’t know the names of the players who you kill or who kill you and I think it’s how it should be, just like in a real war. Why it’s not the same in sPvP?

The night is dark and full of turnips.