New players and Ranked Queue

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Sebastian.4610


There needs to be some sort of benchmark for all players to reach on each class before queuing for ranked matches.

It’s not fair to new players because it will ruin their ratings early on. And its not fair to veteran or good players because it also causes them pointless losses.

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Sebastian.4610


does nobody else agree?

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


No. I disagree with you. It is a ladder. As they get better, they will climb the ladder. It is fine that they play right away and start at the bottom.

The issue is bad matchmaking that puts them in matches where they don’t belong.

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Sebastian.4610


It makes no sense for a brand new player to jump into ranked matches on a game like this.

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


New players need only to start with a low rating value and don’t be matched with veteran players.

But this is a matchmaking issue.

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


The matcher will put anybody with anybody after 4 minutes of waiting.

I think that’s the problem. There is no basic “standard” of a good match that it enforces. It tries for 4 mins. But then anything goes. Whoever is available goes with whomever.

See the thread about “Make-Believe Matching and You”. It talks about it and a developer explains it.

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


No I disagree vehemently. Elitist players like to blame failures on “noobs.” Truthfully I’d rather play with a relatively new group of people. I can’t count the number of times I’ve been verbally blasted for some unspecified failure that I “should” know about.

Guess what? Your idea about the optimum way to play might not be the be all – end all strategy.

Instead of trying to make the PVP even less accessible than it is now, the “good” players should help develop others. Whining just makes you look like a scrub.

Mesmerising Girl

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Fernling.1729


I too disagree. New players should start at the bottom with other people of equal skill. They can work there way up as they get better. I think it’s more than appropriate for new players to only ever queue ranked matches.
The matchmaking shouldn’t be putting people together that are a large distance apart in skill. The issues you’re worried about is due to bad matchmaking and a low spvp population.

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: FalconBeta.9185


I don’t think its a bad idea. I can understand that people can be put off from having things restricted from them; however, at the same time there are people that literally have no idea what they are doing, and will have a terrible time going straight into ranked. There’s a reason why many games, especially competitive ones, have ranked play level gated in some way.
It doesn’t have to be some ridiculous requirement. It could be something like “you have to be level 5/10 to unlock Ranked Matchmaking”.
This way newer players at least have a general knowledge of what Maps play like.

I mean, there are people that literally could go straight into ranked play and they only have 1 weapon on, and missing traits with not matching stats on. I’ve seen it happen, and I don’t believe that person should be Punished by having their mmr(or what ever they call it now) be lowered for playing something before he understands it.

Though, I don’t think there should be a class specific requirement, just an account based one, that someone can unlocked ranked play after a couple hours of playing.

(edited by FalconBeta.9185)

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Isn’t there a rank requirement? We had it pre-patch I think.

Anyway, when ladders and eventually leagues arrive, we’ll have placement matches.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

New players and Ranked Queue

in PvP

Posted by: Acandis.3250


IMO the only threshold should be PvP rank. Rank ~30 should be fine.