New pvper looking for server tips
Hi, personally I only use HotJoin if I want to quickly get my PVP Daily rewards.
For proper 5v5 play try Unranked. You will only get players dropping out due to a dropped internet generally, it doesn’t happen very often. Ranked cue tends to be more difficult in my experience. It’s best stayed away from until you feel more confident.
Hotjoin is super casual mode now. The only people really playing hotjoin are those doing it for dailies, which means they are after specific class wins, once a team starts losing they will jump out and go look for another matchup they can jump into and try to join the winning team.
Unfortunately while ever the daily requires a win and not just a match played people will just keep jumping between games until they can get on a winning team. Matches always tend to just snowball from there which is why you will always see one sided scores when you join a game.
Your best bet is to practice in hotjoin and don’t worry about winning, just get used to your class again, then go to unranked queue, its much different to hotjoin, no team selecting, just thrown in with 4 other players for a full match-up.
If you can get into a pvp guild you can usually get some fun matches joining as a team or better practice still if they have their own private server for playing together.
You can also check out for all the latest builds used in the competitive scene. Just click on the Ranked Arena tab and select a build if you’re not up on what’s changed in the current “meta”.
Other than that, don’t get too serious over hotjoin matches, its a terrible place to look for actual games but a good place to just jump in with a random class and have a bit of fun trying to figure out new builds and such.
Super!! thx for the advice, good to see the community is helpfull atleast
yeah i had the feeling that ranked may be a bit to try hard for my skill cap atm, will practice before i ruin it for others, thx for the tip