New sPvP Map

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

This is apparently the upcoming sPvP map “Skyhammer”. No knowing when this map will be released.



i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

(edited by God Of Fissures.8627)

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: dargosian.2704


So this is Skyhammer… It looks epic.

Threadmancer, trollgineer, hecklementalist, and warrior. Forum warrior.

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


This trolling or what?
Looks epic tho, my guess going to be like temple of silent storm and something very worthwhile will be in that tiny little area that you port to. Also has the feeling of Legacy of Foe Fire. Or a jungle theme, which is nice.

Its nice to see games use gothic, medieval and jungle themes. I get so sick of space and futuristic themes.
Quake was a good game
Quake2,3,4 all too futuristic to me, altho I did like Quake3 multiplayer and Quake4 singleplayer, Quake2 wasn’t too bad altho didn’t like the new crouching system and the sudden shift to futuristic theme. Quake1 is the best FPS evah! One word… Grappling Hook.

If it is jungle theme, a giant invincible t-rex spawning when 1st team reaches 350 points and all it does is neut points AND kill people that agro it, would draw excitement to pvp 100% guaranteed.

(edited by uberkingkong.8041)

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: God Of Fissures.8627

God Of Fissures.8627

This isn’t trolling. I didn’t know the name of the map until some people mentioned Skyhammer. It makes sense now.

i7-3770K (Delidded) @ 4.6GHz | nVidia GTX TITAN X@ 1468/7800
ASUS Sabertooth Z77 | 16GB Corsair Dominator Platinum 1866MHz @ 2400MHz
Samsung 840 PRO 512GB SSD | Windows 10 x64

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: oRbb.5042


I would love something similar to the Temple. On Temple I have daily many many matches that are either insanely close or contain a huge turnaround, making the game much more motivating and intense. And therefore of course so much more fun!

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


The portal leads to the treb i remember a while back ago they said the new map will have 1 treb so it would make sense.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Hmmm it also looks like mid point is really far away from the close points
I really like the maps design should be extremely fun

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: Gandarel.5091


We know this for 3 months now. Devs even gave some details in the last SOTG.

It has platforms that can fall down and a floating cannon.

Captain Deutschland, Ozzy The Insane, Hanz Limbchewer – r40+ mes/nec/engi Desolation
Fear The Crazy [Huns]

New sPvP Map

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Treb eh? I kitten people up with treb. I change the tides of battle with it on khylo (dude you cant hide from me in khylo) and my win % increases dramatically even in solo que so this is something I look forward to.

I also love getting massive amounts of glory using it. if there is a cannon as well that is great to hear.

Kinda sad there is no massive t-rex tho