New scoring system

New scoring system

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Who likes the new scoring better? I thought it was a better representation of how people are performing. Would be interesting if you could see what your teammates got.

New scoring system

in PvP

Posted by: LUST.7241


You can see what they got Top Stats in, but sadly not specific numbers.

New scoring system

in PvP

Posted by: Pakkazull.6894


I like it. It reminds me a bit of Overwatch.

New scoring system

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


It makes it easier to spot the person carrying the match. Although occasionally, it makes it embarrassing when you’re the only one in the team that din’t get a top stat.

New scoring system

in PvP

Posted by: LouWolfskin.3492


Lot better than the flat numbers before.