Hey guys, I’m loving the warrior nerfs this patch. Slowing down the animations was a really cool way to make the class more immersive and fluid to play. Looking at the patch notes, it made me think of other great ways to nerf them for next patch! Feel free to add any suggestions
“ring of darkness”: Each time you land a critical hit, your screen gamma is reduced by 10%. But wait there’s more! This trait also stacks with each tick of healing signet in combat. Your enemies may be able to see you coming now with the animation speed reductions of every important skill this patch, but you now certainly won’t be able to see them
“Switcheroo”: Each burst skill you use will now automatically randomly reassign your hotkeys for the ultimate muscle memory confusion!
Still thirsty for justice? Try this baby on for size
“steal and replace”: Now this one is a real hoot! Each time an enemy theif or necro strips or steals your stability, they also install a virus on your computer. Can YOU stand up to the challenge of headshot spam and simultaneously putting out the fire started by your processor? Enter Heart of the Mist and find out today!
Still not convinced? I have just the trait you’re looking for
“Default loans”: Were you tired of that ridiculously long time you were stuck in endure pain? I certainly know I was! Well with this little handy trick, each time you use endure pain or the passive procs, you lose 10 points on your credit score and you get charged for a 2 month subscription to brazzers. Now that’s what I call a sweet deal!
These are just a few simple suggestions, but with your help, I know we can truly make warrior great again