(edited by Moderator)
Next update for pvp? dreams? Hopes?
Seriously, if they’d put in a zone where the only focus was player kills I’d give every ANet dev a big, sloppy kiss.
Next update is MAKE IT OR BRAKE IT !!! But joking aside, I have lost all hopes and dreams about pvp being developed – if I should guess it will have a generic poor balancing attempt and if we are lucky 1 new crummy map. No new modes, no normal solo queue, nothing worth while…
There’s no news on what’s coming this month. But pvp will get something, we get something every month besides a little ‘balance’. They’re close on custom arenas and spectator mode. So I hope one of those makes it in.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
I’d still like DAoC style BGs for low levels. WvW basically, with a single tower or keep in the middle of the map.
1- Implement a new Dedicated healing weapon for either Guardians or Whom ever.
2- Implement UI customization.
3- Not possible but i would like they do away with over the top long CDs Skills and reserve them for the Elite Slot and move the game in a Short CDs less extreme skills basis (10s average 15s for “powerful” not elite ones).
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
I play a warrior so I have basically given up all hope and trust in Arenanet regarding balancing
I play a warrior so I have basically given up all hope and trust in Arenanet regarding balancing
Sad but true, a warrior Class has essentially no place in current GW2, since so much focus is put in dodging, self sustain and "oh “#%”% skills", what does a warrior bring to the game? you are essentially the same as a Thief with less mobility and marginally more survivable (which does not compensate the loss of mobility, no where near it actually)
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
I really don’t understand what the reluctance is about duels, 2v2, and 3v3.
It’s like they’re trying to say: ‘You find 4 other people to play conquest with using teamspeak or don’t play at all’… unless ofc you like fighting against unfair odds and being destroyed over and over. I have zero interest in a solo que for a team format like conquest: it just won’t function competitively like that
As far as balancing goes, they’ve been playing whack-a-mole with a limp-wrist from the beginning. I’m so tired of hearing rhetoric like: meta just needs to work it out and L2P. Instead of junk factors like boonhate, I think they need to start balancing the OP factors that already exist across all classes: more equal amounts of boons, stripping, condis, cleansing, stunbreaks, healing, mobility, vigor, time spent invulnerable, ect.
As far as balancing goes, they’ve been playing whack-a-mole with a limp-wrist from the beginning. I’m so tired of hearing rhetoric like: meta just needs to work it out and L2P. Instead of junk factors like boonhate, I think they need to start balancing the OP factors that already exist across all classes: more equal amounts of boons, stripping, condis, cleansing, stunbreaks, healing, mobility, vigor, time spent invulnerable, ect.
Problem is that would destroy the already little and mediocre class differentiation that there is.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
5v5 Arena with 2 different buffs in the starting area
a) -30% damage done to u , -30% done to players , -50% boon duration on urself (with reduced damage , even shout warriors can be a deticated offhealer)
b) +30% damage done , +30% damage taken , they start at 25% hp , while in downstate
c) choose none = more balanced
Let them choose if they want to end this fast in 10 sec , or make it a attrition war game
Where to begin ???
Hopes and Dreams :-
- Pure Deathmatch arenas – no capture the point, no run the orb just a 3 v 3 or 5 v 5 deathmatch. Since fights are short maybe make one small arena where there are rounds, a best of 5 or 7. Maybe increase revive speed by 50% and stomp by 50% to spice things up. In my opinion pure deathmatch is where players play with skill and matchups as opposed to objectives.
- Solo queue tournament. As in proper solo queue, not lumping them together with premades. In my opinion this is essential to the long term fun and survival of casual pvpers. Maybe having a team of 3 or under qualifies for solo-qing but definitely not 4 or 5 man premades. As long as the current system continues it will not end up well for solo pvpers.
- Premade queue tournament. As mentioned for solo-q one for the serious pvpers and those chasing leaderboard positions. Should be for those who are looking for a challenge against other premades. This is also essential in my opinion. This should be where we see how balanced the game really is and how viable it can be for an e-sport.
- A more relevant leaderboard that seperates premade and solo pvpers. Maybe also a weekly, monthly and overall leaderboard. More information for players on the state of pvp is always a good thing for both developers and the pvp community.
- Class balance and build diversity. So much has been said already for months but the core of pvp, how fun and how fair it can be will always center around this as it does for all pvp games. Striking the right balance is always going to be hard but its no lie warriors need some love, ele’s need a bit less love with their synergy of traits, and other classes probably need to be less gimmicky and annoying (ala mesmer clones, sword blur, moa moarph etc).
- Balance out ranged and melee combat. At the moment, ranged combat just dominates and its not even close. I would love to see more classes have viable melee builds.
Anyway theres like a million hopes and dreams for pvp, I would still consider pvp in beta at the moment, coz there sure is a hell of a lot that needs to be added and changed.
As far as balancing goes, they’ve been playing whack-a-mole with a limp-wrist from the beginning. I’m so tired of hearing rhetoric like: meta just needs to work it out and L2P. Instead of junk factors like boonhate, I think they need to start balancing the OP factors that already exist across all classes: more equal amounts of boons, stripping, condis, cleansing, stunbreaks, healing, mobility, vigor, time spent invulnerable, ect.
Problem is that would destroy the already little and mediocre class differentiation that there is.
Well, many people say eles can’t be killed and warriors are useless… i think that’s a little too eccentric. Obviously these factors can’t and shouldn’t be made perfectly equal because they need to offset things like a.i., melee vs ranged, a.o.e., stealth, ect..
(edited by Master Charles.7093)
Split solo and premades in tournaments. Add dueling…
Realistically, add some more storage spots for pvp backpieces (quaggan backpack etc.).
As far as balancing goes, they’ve been playing whack-a-mole with a limp-wrist from the beginning. I’m so tired of hearing rhetoric like: meta just needs to work it out and L2P. Instead of junk factors like boonhate, I think they need to start balancing the OP factors that already exist across all classes: more equal amounts of boons, stripping, condis, cleansing, stunbreaks, healing, mobility, vigor, time spent invulnerable, ect.
Problem is that would destroy the already little and mediocre class differentiation that there is.
Well, many people say ele’s can’t be destroyed and warriors are useless… i think that’s a little too eccentric.
Well, i got bad news for you, crushing nerf not withstanding, eles are always going to dominate. Consider it, this entire games revolves around limited and over the top CDs on support and limited CDs on your weapon (which are much less powerful save one or 2 which again have long CDs) on that same paradigm you have Eles Who can essentially bypass this limitation on their weapons by switching atunements. The other ones that do this are engineers, why dont they dominate? simple, all their weapon skills are below average at best.
Same goes for Warriors or any melee class for that matter. With so much crap flying around there is no way your long CDs can keep up with your opponent kiting, and if by some miracle you ever do, you find your self doing about the same damage he does from range. Think about the Thief, he is essentially a warrior, but it works because he shots you and then shadowsteps for the kill. And the extra protection heavy armor confers in this game is laughable.
The only way i can see Meele classes as viable specially warriors in an actual melee role/stile, with out a massive overhaul on the current system is to bunch up Vitality, Damage and Crit on the same trait, Say Damage+Vit and Crit+Vit. Make it so that they have double, may be triple the HP pool of other classes, make them hard to bring down and by ramping the damage this way also make them a necessity to address. In short Lump together a bunker and damage build all in one. You will be kited, be time consuming to bring down and force a choice on your opponent, to deal with you or to kite you and deal with your team.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
(edited by Apolo.5942)
As far as balancing goes, they’ve been playing whack-a-mole with a limp-wrist from the beginning. I’m so tired of hearing rhetoric like: meta just needs to work it out and L2P. Instead of junk factors like boonhate, I think they need to start balancing the OP factors that already exist across all classes: more equal amounts of boons, stripping, condis, cleansing, stunbreaks, healing, mobility, vigor, time spent invulnerable, ect.
Problem is that would destroy the already little and mediocre class differentiation that there is.
Well, many people say ele’s can’t be destroyed and warriors are useless… i think that’s a little too eccentric. Obviously these factors can’t and shouldn’t be made perfectly equal because they need to offset things like a.i., melee vs ranged, a.o.e., stealth, ect…
Well, i got bad news for you, crushing nerf not withstanding, eles are always going to dominate. Consider it, this entire games revolves around limited and over the top CDs on support and limited CDs on your weapon (which are much less powerful save one or 2 which again have long CDs) on that same paradigm you have Eles Who can essentially bypass this limitation on their weapons by switching atunements.
Same goes for Warriors or any melee class for that matter. With so much crap flying around there is no way your long CDs can keep up with your opponent kiting, and if by some miracle you ever do, you find your self doing about the same damage he does from range. Think about the Thief, he is essentially a warrior, but it works because he shots you and then shadowsteps for the kill. And the extra protection heavy armor confers in this game is laughable.
The only way i can see Meele classes as viable specially warriors is a melee role, with out a massive overhaul on the current system is to bunch up Vitality and Damage on the same trait. Make it so that they have double, may be triple the HP pool of other classes, make them hard to bring down and by ramping the damage this way also make them a necessity to address. In short Lump together a bunker and damage build all in one. You will be kited by time consuming to bring down and also a necessity.
OK. Let’s continue to think of progressive ways to work this out. I’m still having a hard time giving up on this games potential.
(edited by Master Charles.7093)
You want a short solution, simple, halve the gap closing CDs and or include 2 in every weapon AND double melee damage in comparison with ranged.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
1 Proper matchmaking system ( enemy team all 30+, our team 4 around 30 and rank 1 full signet warrior -.- )
2 Solo / Team tournament mode ( just like RA / TA in gw1)
3 Class balance
Solo and premade tpvp queus. Or pvp will be very dead soon.
We could ask for so many things but so we can be realistic:
1 – Solo/Duo Que and Ladder
2 – Ele toned down a bit and warrior buffed – other little class balances as we always get
answer to title:
I would settle for getting viable melee classes.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
Work on bringing more viable builds for all professions.
Imrpove MMR.
Split Solo and Team que.
I want to see what the formula is for the MMR they are using, and personally, how the boon hate build for thieves/warriors is going to work.
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock
What I want to happen:
- Solo Queue
- Team Queue + Team Registrations
- Solo Leaderboards
- Team Leaderboards
What is going to happen some day:
- Custom Arenas replacing Hot Join
- Spectating
1. Dueling.
The end.
Skrittball !! (as in huttball)
-Maybe we could get some cleanup and polish on traits and utilities that serve no purpose, are barely used, and/or are completely outclassed by other options.
-Cancel out all movement skills when carrying the orb in spirit watch. The only thing that should affect runners are swiftness and traits/utilities the provide a speed increase (still implies classes can build around orb carrying to have that particular role, but it would be nowhere near as effective and much easier to hard counter)
-Weapon balancing for underused or subpar weapons across professions. Particularly, making things better, not worse with the goal to make all the options mediocre.
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
1. Improved reporting system
2. Separation of solo queue and team queue tournaments
3. Class balance? lolz
Let’s see realistically…
-Revealed rating (visible on character or pvp page and leaderboard both)
-Solo tournament and group tournament
-Seperate rating for solo and group (with solo rating hidden of need be, just for matchmaking purposes)
-Randomized map selection
-Removal of 8v8 hotjoin
-Some form of monetization for spvp
One can dream right.
Already lost all my hopes something like 2 updates ago. Everything would be fine…at this point i just don’t care anymore. 7 years of Guild Wars, the best pvp game ever, just trashed in a few months.
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Hotjoin and tournament it should be possible to only play 1 map. Hotjoin needs mapped servers for the different maps that stay always at the same map(in addition to some other servers that still stay with rotation).
Tournament(at least that 1 map tournament which is not a real tournament) you should just be able to choose the map even if it means a bit longer wait time because not everyone wants the same map and might need some time before there are others that want to play your map.
Why are there even arrowas and other stuff like upcoming, ongoing, … when you just play 1 map that is fixed every few days?
5v5 team survivor/bomb mode ala counter-strike. Please. I love what we have now but sometimes I just want to kill people. Sometimes I want to run builds that are build FOR the killing of people, with allies, instead of needing everything to relate in some way to points and bunkers. Others make the argument for TDM but that turns into a tacticless zerg clusterkitten like you see in most hotjoins. Survivor is tactical. You have to manage your allies, you have to manage you own life. It’s also tense. Ever been the last alive and pulled off a sick 1v3? It also leads to neat teamfights, especially in the initial rush. The point behind Bomb is to prevent stalemates and add direction.
Solo queue/everything else queue split because I do not enjoy solo queuing and going up against a team that has an insane advantage in terms of teamwork and composition.
really bad engineer
I feel custom arenas are too hardcore and create too many restrictions for casual players to join. There has to be an easier gateway for the casuals to access so that we can create more competitive players. Casuals only have hotjoins, which to nothing to foster competitive play. Then when they do step into tPvP, they get yelled at by the “pros.”
1. More game modes (GvG, CTF, King of the Hill, etc.) that will draw people to the HotM
2. Let friends queue up together in hotjoins and make players re-queue after every match instead of rotating to the next map. Let players pick the maps they want to play like how WoW lets you choose between AB, AV, WSG, EotS, etc. I find that if you have to queue up after every match, you tend to commit to it, especially if there is a deserter debuff for leaving the match. That will also foster the idea learning to play the map to win. People who rage quit will just keep hopping from map to map until they land on a winning team, then leave the team when it becomes the losing team on the next rotated map.
For spvp, i’d say the toning down of the three professions I feel to be a bit much. Engineer, Elementalist and Ranger. I won’t go into details for those who needs buffs since most of us pretty much know it already and i’d rather not beat a dead horse.
My hopes are that the skill diversity in gw2 will be that of gw1 (not gonna happen), everyone and their mother won’t be able to run a tank build (not gonna happen), a PvP that’s not completely and utterly boring (doubt that this will happen), and being able to use all your fancy skins you’ve acquired from PvE in PvP, like you could in gw1 (doubt that this will happen too, considering the game has shown no sign of this ever happening).
(edited by Kurow.6973)
1. separated solo queue and premades. (also in leaderboard)
2. class balancing and bug fixes
rest is quite unimportant for me
Eles are fine except on spirit watch. If you’re going to tone down eles, tone down the other classes that are right there with them – namely, rangers, mesmers, guardians, and especially engineers. Would love to see warriors get the help they need, though. Ressing teammates is also ridiculously fast right now. Warrior’s greatest problem right now is still condition removal.
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling
Skrittball !! (as in huttball)
Haha, that’s actually a cool Idea, cuz Huttball was one of the few things SWtOR did right in PvP, it’s probably one of the most exciting, fun, strategically intense and spectator-friendly game-mode I’ve seen in a Team-based game.
@Topic: I hope for Custom Arenas that will blow our socks off with options to really play the game we want to (2nd objective, kills and Node-cap Point-gain control / switching off certain Nodes).
Oh yeah, and random Map rotation…. It’s getting really annoying….