Ultimate Dominator , Diamond invader
Nice matchup in ranked anet
Ultimate Dominator , Diamond invader
Someone needs to compile all these pictures into one thread.
Someone needs to compile all these pictures into one thread.
My games so far…..
waiting for some feedback from kittens “l2p, MMR is absolutely fine”
Matchmaking is trying real hard to keep you at a 50% win rate, reducing margin of error, like a fair match, to the bare minimum.
indeed, id have to agree here, i also got matched up with soloqers against a 5man guild team in ranked game… which was demoralizing to say the least
They had 3 necroes which are usualy hard to kill, i think we got like 80 points in stronghold, but we couldn’t do anything even after trying to organize and go together..
Makes me not want to play pvp.. and i play it usualy an hour or two a day.. :/
Wait so, the only logical reason i can deduce here is, if i want to roflstomp through ranks all i need is 4 other people willing to play with me on teamspeak and we will just steamroll through ranks since it will que us against mostly soloquers.
Epic matchmaking
They have to choose wether they want a league where skill/progression matters not some plip/reward fest beaquse you clearly cant mix them both. Im done with leagues for now, not gonna sit in a 25 min queue to get asskittened matches like this one.
Ultimate Dominator , Diamond invader