Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Lauder.1467


The current system on the Forest of Niflhel map regarding Svanir and the Chieftain means it is possible to deal only a small amount of damage to the creatures, however if you make the killing blow, the kill will be counted towards your team.

Many times have I painstakingly solo’d the Creatures to tiny amounts of health only to have a ranger, thief, or other class quickly stun me and then snake/ninja the kill.

This current system is not balanced

In order to balance this system to prevent sneaky ninja kills, the team that does the most damage to the creature should be awarded the kill. This should reset if the creature’s health completely regenerates.

You aware?

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904


No, no no no no.

“Going for the steal” is a completely awesome tactic in that map and is rewarded as such when you pull it off. My team has made a few comebacks by timing steals for the point boost. It adds another dynamic to the game and that’s a good thing.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


I second the “No, no no no no.”

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: kacsa.7281


“No, no no no no.” This system is good. Just take a look at MOBAs for example, all of them use this system, it simply is good, and requires skill.

Sophie Blacksoul
sPvP only ~:3

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Lauder, the problem with your idea is that 99% of the time, each side would get their boss and that would be that. Then there is almost no reason to have the bosses in the first place since one team can’t have 2 and the other none. You just need to anticipate that they will try to steal yours, and try to send people to steal theirs.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Zadawn.2471


Don’t go solo if you know there’s a chance for it to be stolen?Its a team game,ask your team for help.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Titus.9705


The problem is it requires almost nothing to steal a kill, just a lucky hit. Personally I think they should buff the boss so it takes at last two-people a solid effort to kill the kitten, add a little more dimension.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: NIEKler.8046


Bump (so I don’t have to make my own topic).

I’ve had a few games now where my team is attacking the npc with 3 people. At the last second everyone unloads their burst, but so does a stealthed thief who we didn’t saw coming. This makes it feel random.
I agree that this is a bit of a Learn2Play thing. “If you are there with 3 people, one could be on the lookout to stun the incoming ninja”. Of course, but this is almost impossible when the other guy comes in cloacked. Especially when traited so the stealth can last up to 6 seconds (Mass Invisibility + Prismatic Understanding or Shadow Trap + Meld with Shadows).

I’d like the mechanic to be changed to “Points and boost awarded to the team that deals most damage in the last second before the kill”. This way a skillfull team can still steal the kill but it’s a lot less random.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Gelrod.1295


Then spare some nuke yourself and burst the boss down Same thing as in LoL for example… you spare smite to finish a mob to secure the kill.
And you should usually know about where the enemy team is, to know when they come for the steal.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Passive Aggressive.3154

Passive Aggressive.3154

As annoying as it is when this happens to me (especially since every time I try to ninja a kill I can’t pull it off) I think this is a horrible idea. Part of the fun is the risk involved.

“Do what you want to do and don’t tell other people how to behave.” ~ Ruth Stout

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


Back in betaevents it was far away from balanced state due to high ammount of points awarded. Now you get 25 points. Still worth of effort, still worth of trying to steal.

I pretty much like the mechanic as it is. If you are solo and trying to get the kill.. then chances are pretty high that there will be a steal try. If you have 2 gyus there.. you however have options to defend your kill.. And its up to your team to let you know if enemy is going your direction.. so you know even in advance before he get to range.

So at this point.. there is lot of strategy involved, lot of risk, rewad that is worth to go for.

No changes please.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Discordian.7906


The point of being able to steal is to add another layer of strategy. Would you rather send a few people to get Chief and know you’ll get it, or would you risk killing it slower alone? This choice is intentional. If you don’t like having them stolen then don’t take the risk of killing them solo.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Qtin.6940


No, no no no no.

“Going for the steal” is a completely awesome tactic in that map and is rewarded as such when you pull it off.

This ^
This map is the only good map in sPVP atm.
You can steal baron buff blue / red golem in league of legends, and it only makes the game more interesting.

Don’t change anything.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Seether.7285


OP, I used to agree with your position when the NPCs used to be 40pts each but I think that at 25pts the impact of a snipe can easily be dealt with.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Havoc.4053


This map is perfect compared to others. Leave it pls.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: ShunpoGuard.2194


Only thing they need to change is the 150 point from lord in 2nd map 50points would be good me thinks

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Gelrod.1295


150 points from the lord in the 2nd map is already so low, that it usually isn’t worth going for him… When the lord was worth 100 points he was just ignored.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: Vlaid.5790


It’s perfectly reasonable to have someone go to steal the kill. Just need to cc them right as he gets low, or use intelligent strategy to counter the ninja tactic.

Only things they might need to change are trebuchet’s and capriplznonothismapagain.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: pheuno.3410


Stealing killingblow is good tactic and should be like so. Why maps/tactics should be simple minded straight forward tunnel fights??? Without able to do special tactics/tricks game gets boring fast.

Ninja'ing forest creature kills on Forest of Niflhel map

in PvP

Posted by: iTB.1428


No, no no no no.

and all the arguments for keeping it as it is that were stated above

I tb | Necro Raiders [NR]
Aurora Glade