No ESL obligation, let's fix pvp now
General Balance-
All cd reduction traits will be removed from the game-
At the moment, cooldowns are volatile for skills to be balanced. Class mechanics (shatters, attunement swaps, steal, etc.) will receive the full CDR from the traits as a baseline. Weapon and utility skills will have cooldowns adjusted accordingly.
All base damage and healing values are reduced with increased scaling-
This forces people to invest into damage or healing, they can no longer have everything in a single build, they will have to sacrifice survivability for damage and vice versa. Part of the reason gameplay is so stale for many is because everyone has their own version of their classes’ “perfect build” (High damage, high healing, high group support, and high cc all in one). Forcing investments will remove those types of builds from the game.
All traps are given a 1200 range leash before they disappear-
This change removes the ability of trap rangers or guards to drop traps on a point and then leave. Not a massive problem but it forces them to play close to their traps and punishes them for dropping traps then just leaving. When they disappear they go on recharge, just in case that wasn’t already clear.
All traps must be triggered before they begin recharging-
Traps themselves don’t really do ridiculous amounts of damage. It’s just the fact that their heavy damage is too present because a lack of downtime for said traps. I agree they should be highly influential but influential skills need a higher downtime in this game so builds are less likely to become OP spammers. Traps will remain highly influential but will be less spam heavy because they will not be recharging until they are triggered. Also helps to provide counterplay by not going where you believe the traps are.
Port skills will no longer proc trap or aoe cc effects-
Right now the options for classes that have ports when getting caught in an aoe is this: 1) Stay in the aoe and die 2) Port out of the aoe proccing all the damage or be super close and get cced by the aoe. This is not acceptable when those classes need to be able to utilize ports to get to safety or to engage others. Changing the way these types of skills interact (Traps, ring/line of warding, static field, etc.) will allow for more viability in teamfights from different classes.
All passive procs will be removed-
Passive procs promote bad gameplay. They carry those who aren’t skillful enough to properly dodge and avoid cc and punish those who set up their combos and cc well. Auto stunbreaks, counter cc, invuln, damage, etc. It’s all too much and causes major imbalances. The removal of passives will reward proper timing of skills and will punish those who spam their stuff in the hopes of someday hitting something.
Other notes from poster
Elite specs will have to nerfed heavily to be at the level of core builds. Tournament balance is no longer an excuse to have massive power creep and neglect of the base game. If some of the stuff above is put into the game and we make appropriate changes to HoT content we could see a much more interesting pvp scene for the game.
Remember, the key to successful pvp is remove spam play and encourage mindful use of skills (Refer to successful esports like LoL). The more impactful skills shouldn’t be available 5 times every fight, people should have to actively think about what they are trying to accomplish with each skill they use. Now we aren’t trying to make this an esports game but certain elements from other games can be applied here to make pvp more successful.
Hopefully you found some good stuff if you read all the way. If you disagree with something or believe I’m out of my mind let me know below and let’s see if we can’t get a decent discussion circulating over how to best fix pvp in this game.
Side note: I only included things that have to deal with gameplay in here, I did not touch on matchmaking algorithms and mmr stuff because I think that’s for a different topic, here we should focus purely on the gameplay aspect and leave the ranked stuff for a different thread.
Why do you think balance was fixed around esl obligation? Furthermore, why do you think that all of a sudden all of your perceived problems are going to be fixed after the current events?..
You just have a personal agenda that doesn’t really have any logical basis, other than “I don’t like the current gw2 pvp balance.”
(edited by The Game Slayer.7632)
All passive procs will be removed-
Passive procs promote bad gameplay. They carry those who aren’t skillful enough to properly dodge and avoid cc and punish those who set up their combos and cc well. Auto stunbreaks, counter cc, invuln, damage, etc. It’s all too much and causes major imbalances. The removal of passives will reward proper timing of skills and will punish those who spam their stuff in the hopes of someday hitting something.
I’ll just pick this as an example, you basically have no understanding of game design, now don’t get me wrong this game has too many passives, but the idea there should be none is nonsense.
The design of some classes necessitates some passives, take engy for example, it has the most pressure on utility slots out of any class in the game, because they are trying to make up for the damage, mobility, condi clear, etc that the class is missing from only have access to one weapon bar.
This is why for example engy has always had passives to either break stun, to reduce damage whilst stunned or reduce the durations of stuns, there simply is not enough room to fit stun breaks along with trying to fit everything else they are trying to make up for with only have one weapon bar.
The only way to have no passives is to have classes that are much, much more similar so they are on a level playing field.
But then why bother, this game would still be low skill without any passives, it is low skilled because it is tab targeted so aims for you (passive play right there), it is not particularly fast, so those two combine to it being relatively undemanding mechanically for an alleged action game. (look at how low skilled it is to interrupt in this game with something “active” like traited steal, a 1200 range interrupt that is instant and aimed for you, it couldn’t really get any easier and still require a button press)
Then on top of that you have there is virtually no resource management and what little there is fast regenerating like endurance or initiative so doesn’t require any meaningful management, then the game has generally shortish cooldowns, which when combined with the general lack of resource management results in a relatively brainless spammy game.
Then to top it off you have a game where you are supposed to react to animations, yet teamfights are a clown fiesta of effects that make your eyes bleed and even ESL “Pros” complained were largely incomprehensible.
If you want skilled gameplay you are playing the wrong game and frankly the wrong genre.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
I can’t say I agree with many of these points.
Class stacking is a byproduct of amulet stacking, and that there are singular amulets that are much better than the rest. You can have two necromancers that are completely different because of what amulets they suggest. Whilst what you suggest can alleviate the symptom of class stacking, by cutting it off, removing amulets will just make people min max the same meta builds they were using before, but with much greater potency. It won’t alleviate the problem.
The idea situation of course, is build diversity, that you can have 5 guardians in the same game all running different builds and still doing ok, but I doubt that can happen.
I can agree with toning down the passive stun break procs and definitely can agree with the cd reductions being removed. I can’t really agree with the rest.
(edited by Ramoth.9064)
1) If you think the loss of ESL, tournaments and pro players makes Anet care more about PvP you’re dead wrong.
2) These are major overhauls which would require a reason for Anet to do them and PvP is already a goner – it’s not good for anything other than retain bored PvE/WvW players and luring them in with rewards. Good rewards = they’ll come. Putting any effort into PvP to make it actually good and fun to play is no longer a priority.
All passive procs will be removed-
Passive procs promote bad gameplay. They carry those who aren’t skillful enough to properly dodge and avoid cc and punish those who set up their combos and cc well. Auto stunbreaks, counter cc, invuln, damage, etc. It’s all too much and causes major imbalances. The removal of passives will reward proper timing of skills and will punish those who spam their stuff in the hopes of someday hitting something.I’ll just pick this as an example, you basically have no understanding of game design, now don’t get me wrong this game has too many passives, but the idea there should be none is nonsense.
The design of some classes necessitates some passives, take engy for example, it has the most pressure on utility slots out of any class in the game, because they are trying to make up for the damage, mobility, condi clear, etc that the class is missing from only have access to one weapon bar.
This is why for example engy has always had passives to either break stun, to reduce damage whilst stunned or reduce the durations of stuns, there simply is not enough room to fit stun breaks along with trying to fit everything else they are trying to make up for with only have one weapon bar.
The only way to have no passives is to have classes that are much, much more similar so they are on a level playing field.
But then why bother, this game would still be low skill without any passives, it is low skilled because it is tab targeted so aims for you (passive play right there
), it is not particularly fast, so those two combine to it being relatively undemanding mechanically for an alleged action game. (look at how low skilled it is to interrupt in this game with something “active” like traited steal, a 1200 range interrupt that is instant and aimed for you, it couldn’t really get any easier and still require a button press)
Then on top of that you have there is virtually no resource management and what little there is fast regenerating like endurance or initiative so doesn’t require any meaningful management, then the game has generally shortish cooldowns, which when combined with the general lack of resource management results in a relatively brainless spammy game.
Then to top it off you have a game where you are supposed to react to animations, yet teamfights are a clown fiesta of effects that make your eyes bleed and even ESL “Pros” complained were largely incomprehensible.
If you want skilled gameplay you are playing the wrong game and frankly the wrong genre.
you take the worts example, enginers can have more than one weapon skillbars, they trade utilities for weapons(kits), and enginer can do many thinks with one build. because of this engi whas one of the cele monsters
you take the worts example, enginers can have more than one weapon skillbars, they trade utilities for weapons(kits), and enginer can do many thinks with one build. because of this engi whas one of the cele monsters
No, I chose a fine example, it just apparently went over your head, hint – that cele engi was OP or that weapon kits are a type of skill that goes in the utility slot on engy, changes absolutely nothing about what I said in relation to the pressure on utility slots and how that relates to stun breaks on engy, in fact that engies “trade utilities for weapons(kits)” only highlights my point.
(edited by zinkz.7045)
you take the worts example, enginers can have more than one weapon skillbars, they trade utilities for weapons(kits), and enginer can do many thinks with one build. because of this engi whas one of the cele monsters
No, I chose a fine example, it just apparently went over your head, hint – that cele engi was OP or that weapon kits are a type of skill that goes in the utility slot on engy, changes absolutely nothing about what I said in relation to the pressure on utility slots and how that relates to stun breaks on engy, in fact that engies “trade utilities for weapons(kits)” only highlights my point.
Not really. I play Engi, Ranger, and Necro and the stun breaks I bring are pretty much the same. I slot 1 or 2 stun breaks. With Engi the most common ones are Elixir Gun and Elixir S. With Necro it’s Spectral Shroud and Plague Signet. With Ranger it is Protect Me and the condi signet. Engineers aren’t forced to bring a bar full of kits in PvP like they are in PvE. Every class makes a decision between taking a better utility skill for damage or for stun breaks. Engi doesn’t need passive stun breaks or protection on stun to be viable, especially if further balance was implemented alongside removing a large amount of the passive procs.
Engineers aren’t forced to bring a bar full of kits in PvP
Putting aside that for most of the game engy used two kits in PvP (cele engy, Teldo build, etc), it isn’t simpy about kits, engy needs to make up for that missing weapon bar with whatever goes in those utility slots.
Every class makes a decision between taking a better utility skill for damage or for stun breaks.
Except on every other class it is an easier decision, every other class (eles get 20 skills from one weapon) gets two weapon bars, and from that can get damage, CC, blocks, condi clear, mobility, heals, boons, evades, etc, hence, engi with their one weapon provides less of those things (even with their OP hammer, let alone how little p/p, p/s & rifle give out of that lot) so there is more pressure to obtain those things in the utility slots than on any other class, (which is why engi has kits to aid in that).
Which is why even back before they went mad with the passives (and pretty much everything else), engy still had certain passives to help deal with being stunned, assist in dealing with condies, etc to reduce the pressure on the utility slots, the devs understood this, even if you do not…
(edited by zinkz.7045)
ranking splits per account would be great. all your eles on your account have the same rank but different than all your warriors which are different from all your guardians on your account and so on and so forth.
skill splits. balance pvp skills for pvp and that in turn allows them to balance for pve and wvw and even raids should they choose to put in the effort.
sell elite specs a la carte for use in pvp only. look, im not buying a full xpac so i can use elite specs. i would however buy a few elite specs for pvp only.
buff base specs to be competitive with elite specs. i stopped playing regularly when this happened. i called arenanet’s bluff with all their false promises of what was gonna be in HoT and decided not to buy it. balancing your game around a full price xpac and leaving all the original game owners may be great for arenanet’s bottom line but its terrible for a pvp population of a game when you say you are trying to grow it and go full esports like they were when HoT came out. Their actions didnt match their words. They cashed in and got burned in the long run.
Now that esports is over id love to see some of these suggestions implemented.
Engineers aren’t forced to bring a bar full of kits in PvP
Putting aside that for most of the game engy used two kits in PvP (cele engy, Teldo build, etc), it isn’t simpy about kits, engy needs to make up for that missing weapon bar with whatever goes in those utility slots.
Every class makes a decision between taking a better utility skill for damage or for stun breaks.
Except on every other class it is an easier decision, every other class (eles get 20 skills from one weapon) gets two weapon bars, and from that can get damage, CC, blocks, condi clear, mobility, heals, boons, evades, etc, hence, engi with their one weapon provides less of those things (even with their OP hammer, let alone how little p/p, p/s & rifle give out of that lot) so there is more pressure to obtain those things in the utility slots than on any other class, (which is why engi has kits to aid in that).
Which is why even back before they went mad with the passives (and pretty much everything else), engy still had certain passives to help deal with being stunned, assist in dealing with condies, etc to reduce the pressure on the utility slots, the devs understood this, even if you do not…
Engi makes up for that missing weapon by bringing a single kit. Anything more than that is just for extra utility/damage. Passive procs for Engineer aren’t there to compensate for only having one weapon, that compensation already exists in the form of kits and toolbelt skills. Everyone has passive procs just like the Engineer’s, despite having access to a second weapon set.
Point is, if they got rid of many of the passive procs and did some balancing, Engineers would be no worse off than any other class.
Having full stat options to build from would be pretty cool. . .
Why do you think balance was fixed around esl obligation? Furthermore, why do you think that all of a sudden all of your perceived problems are going to be fixed after the current events?..
You just have a personal agenda that doesn’t really have any logical basis, other than “I don’t like the current gw2 pvp balance.”
I do not think balance was fixed around esl. The lack of massive changes being brought to the game was. If they made too big a fix or made a huge change to one class it could screw up balance for their tourney’s. That’s why they had to do such small changes when so many things were obviously broken or needed to function differently.
Yes, I do have a personal agenda. I see no problem with each person suggesting things that fit their vision of an end goal for pvp (If you don’t share mine that’s completely normal, everyone has a different vision for the game and that’s why it’s called a suggestion). If pvp is the kitten hole people describe it as then obviously they don’t like the state of it any more than I do.
It won’t “magically fix” everything because there’s individual class balancing that needs to be done but I didn’t feel like writing 10 pages of changes to go through and analyze every little thing on every class so nobody else would have to work. It would lay the framework for “fixing” the game in a way that suits a different vision for pvp.
My stuff won’t be implemented if all goes as it normally does, I don’t have high hopes, it is merely to serve as a catalyst to get us out of the “PvP sucks and I want you to do everything for me while I complain about it” mentality and get into the “PvP isn’t doing so hot, how can we make it better” mindset so stuff can happen besides pointless complaints.
Engineers aren’t forced to bring a bar full of kits in PvP
Putting aside that for most of the game engy used two kits in PvP (cele engy, Teldo build, etc), it isn’t simpy about kits, engy needs to make up for that missing weapon bar with whatever goes in those utility slots.
Every class makes a decision between taking a better utility skill for damage or for stun breaks.
Except on every other class it is an easier decision, every other class (eles get 20 skills from one weapon) gets two weapon bars, and from that can get damage, CC, blocks, condi clear, mobility, heals, boons, evades, etc, hence, engi with their one weapon provides less of those things (even with their OP hammer, let alone how little p/p, p/s & rifle give out of that lot) so there is more pressure to obtain those things in the utility slots than on any other class, (which is why engi has kits to aid in that).
Which is why even back before they went mad with the passives (and pretty much everything else), engy still had certain passives to help deal with being stunned, assist in dealing with condies, etc to reduce the pressure on the utility slots, the devs understood this, even if you do not…
If they are lacking in certain areas add more functionality to existing skills (possibly on weapons if utilities are being overvalued) to help out. Personally on engi I never found passives mandatory. Yeah they help alleviate problems but engi especially has plenty of room for extra effects to be added to skills without making them too powerful. Give them more stunbreaks and condi removal if they need it, but make it an active choice to use it. It’ll leave more room for good players to outplay and bad players will just have to learn how to effectively use stuff.
1) If you think the loss of ESL, tournaments and pro players makes Anet care more about PvP you’re dead wrong.
2) These are major overhauls which would require a reason for Anet to do them and PvP is already a goner – it’s not good for anything other than retain bored PvE/WvW players and luring them in with rewards. Good rewards = they’ll come. Putting any effort into PvP to make it actually good and fun to play is no longer a priority.
If pvp is already a goner then there’s no reason for them to not do this. If it screws it up more then it doesn’t matter and if it helps then they are on their way to fixing their problems.
I can’t say I agree with many of these points.
Class stacking is a byproduct of amulet stacking, and that there are singular amulets that are much better than the rest. You can have two necromancers that are completely different because of what amulets they suggest. Whilst what you suggest can alleviate the symptom of class stacking, by cutting it off, removing amulets will just make people min max the same meta builds they were using before, but with much greater potency. It won’t alleviate the problem.
The idea situation of course, is build diversity, that you can have 5 guardians in the same game all running different builds and still doing ok, but I doubt that can happen.
I can agree with toning down the passive stun break procs and definitely can agree with the cd reductions being removed. I can’t really agree with the rest.
I fully respect that and I’m happy you put out a nice argument for your point. If you don’t mind I’d like to back up my point and we will see if we can’t have either a really good discussion or a consensus at some point:
My defense at the whole min/maxing metas like they do now is that certain builds will be available that weren’t before. There are builds out there that counter some of the really strong builds we have in pvp right now but can’t make their way into pvp due to stat limitations. The situation I’d be HOPING to have happen is one where you get a system that involves every build having a multitude of counters existing due to no clearly defined meta (The full customization of stats and trait selection leaves people with room to tweak their builds to the extent that it’d be really hard to fully replicate someone’s build off the top of your head) so there is no “this is the best build for the class no exceptions because this person obviously runs it” and now it’s more of a game of “This build is good at this but be on the lookout for people who can do this”.
Glad we both want diversity, but I think we have different views on how to achieve it which is okay.
All passive procs will be removed-
Passive procs promote bad gameplay. They carry those who aren’t skillful enough to properly dodge and avoid cc and punish those who set up their combos and cc well. Auto stunbreaks, counter cc, invuln, damage, etc. It’s all too much and causes major imbalances. The removal of passives will reward proper timing of skills and will punish those who spam their stuff in the hopes of someday hitting something.I’ll just pick this as an example, you basically have no understanding of game design, now don’t get me wrong this game has too many passives, but the idea there should be none is nonsense.
The design of some classes necessitates some passives, take engy for example, it has the most pressure on utility slots out of any class in the game, because they are trying to make up for the damage, mobility, condi clear, etc that the class is missing from only have access to one weapon bar.
This is why for example engy has always had passives to either break stun, to reduce damage whilst stunned or reduce the durations of stuns, there simply is not enough room to fit stun breaks along with trying to fit everything else they are trying to make up for with only have one weapon bar.
The only way to have no passives is to have classes that are much, much more similar so they are on a level playing field.
But then why bother, this game would still be low skill without any passives, it is low skilled because it is tab targeted so aims for you (passive play right there
), it is not particularly fast, so those two combine to it being relatively undemanding mechanically for an alleged action game. (look at how low skilled it is to interrupt in this game with something “active” like traited steal, a 1200 range interrupt that is instant and aimed for you, it couldn’t really get any easier and still require a button press)
Then on top of that you have there is virtually no resource management and what little there is fast regenerating like endurance or initiative so doesn’t require any meaningful management, then the game has generally shortish cooldowns, which when combined with the general lack of resource management results in a relatively brainless spammy game.
Then to top it off you have a game where you are supposed to react to animations, yet teamfights are a clown fiesta of effects that make your eyes bleed and even ESL “Pros” complained were largely incomprehensible.
If you want skilled gameplay you are playing the wrong game and frankly the wrong genre.
That is why balance is a thing. You look at what is making a class weak and compensate it through the ability to actively combat it, not let the game do it for you. It’s not like we would put all this in and then leave classes alone, that would actually be the single worst idea ever.
For resource management, that’s why I addressed the need to adjust cd’s so bigger skills have longer cd’s. You balance cd’s in a way that brings about a cd or ini management based system. Endurance regen can also be hit once things aren’t so spammable. The issue right now is because everything is full on spam wars with passive junk you pretty much need the spammable defenses to survive longer than 2 seconds. This proposal is supposed to lead to a reduction in all spam (Offensive and defensive) and force people to start managing everything: Cd’s, dodges, blocks, etc.
With a reduction in spam there will probably be less of the effect overload in game which should help and animations can always be messed with after all the other stuff is taken care of if the problem is still not solved.
To say you can’t push for a certain aspect of gameplay to be changed because of the type of franchise or genre of game is close minded and shows I quote “You basically have no understanding of game design”. Genre doesn’t limit what people can push for or what someone’s ideal vision is for a game. It may differ from yours but it is not a “design understanding” issue, it’s a difference of opinion.
1) If you think the loss of ESL, tournaments and pro players makes Anet care more about PvP you’re dead wrong.
2) These are major overhauls which would require a reason for Anet to do them and PvP is already a goner – it’s not good for anything other than retain bored PvE/WvW players and luring them in with rewards. Good rewards = they’ll come. Putting any effort into PvP to make it actually good and fun to play is no longer a priority.
If pvp is already a goner then there’s no reason for them to not do this. If it screws it up more then it doesn’t matter and if it helps then they are on their way to fixing their problems.
You don’t seem to understand the situation. Maybe these changes would help but, a lot of these would take quite some effort and collaboration with the “skills” team. And by “quite some” I mean a metric kittenton.
They symply aren’t going to go through all that trouble for a lost cause. The devs are also way too proud to admit mistakes and by doing these changes they’d acknowledge HoT being a trainwreck.
Why fix issues when mindless drones grind SAB for a month and empty their wallets?
1) If you think the loss of ESL, tournaments and pro players makes Anet care more about PvP you’re dead wrong.
2) These are major overhauls which would require a reason for Anet to do them and PvP is already a goner – it’s not good for anything other than retain bored PvE/WvW players and luring them in with rewards. Good rewards = they’ll come. Putting any effort into PvP to make it actually good and fun to play is no longer a priority.
If pvp is already a goner then there’s no reason for them to not do this. If it screws it up more then it doesn’t matter and if it helps then they are on their way to fixing their problems.
You don’t seem to understand the situation. Maybe these changes would help but, a lot of these would take quite some effort and collaboration with the “skills” team. And by “quite some” I mean a metric kittenton.
They symply aren’t going to go through all that trouble for a lost cause. The devs are also way too proud to admit mistakes and by doing these changes they’d acknowledge HoT being a trainwreck.
Why fix issues when mindless drones grind SAB for a month and empty their wallets?
I understand the situation completely. PvP is dead and they need to up the population if they want it to survive. Yes, this would be the biggest patch in the history of the game and it would require anet to do things they have either been reluctant or unwilling to do in the past. But, if it saves pvp and gets more people playing their game then the reward is worth the work and humility involved in this.
Like I said, it’s highly unlikely anything like this will happen but it’s better to at least get the ideas circulating out there. If anything I can at least say “I tried” and leave pvp knowing I did what I could.
For tournaments Anet should make pre set builds that people have to use, give a selection to each class.
This way they could reduce the amount of steamrolls, and they should also make it so that at the very least one one single double class is on each team.
For tournaments Anet should make pre set builds that people have to use, give a selection to each class.
This way they could reduce the amount of steamrolls, and they should also make it so that at the very least one one single double class is on each team.
Hhahahahahahaha sorry no thank you I don’t want some standard builds or a website copy paste build. I love my off the wall tank necro that one one else uses. If we had it that way then i wouldn’t be able to have fun.
|||Necro the masterclass very few know about.|||