No Matter what i do...

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


I know that Anet believes that conquest is the right way to go but it feels awfull for soloqers…Theres no point into putting soloq cause its not a soloq,it will always be a teamq..

No matter what i do,no matter how well i perform,even if i win 2v1 or 3v1 batttles still i cant win a game,i dont make much difference..
Most of the times my teammates arent even response to me…
Im kinda bored of trying to play this game as a pvp MMO,its kinda obvious right now that it is not at all…The combat system is awesome but it doesnt provide any high pvp experience to me..Soloq took almost a year and still its in a very prime state.Right now the pvp matches are overflowing with Necros cause they were weak at some points of the meta and with one patch became OP,i cant understand how this is “going things slowly,step by step,whack a mole”..
Anyway this is not a QQ thread i believe,is a thread that states a simple logical thought…

When you are playing alone,when you are soloqing you exept your solo performance to be a huge advantage…

So why should someone soloq if hes not becoming better at his personal lvl,even if he is better he have a great chance of losing?
I dont understand..

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


People solo que because they don’t want to form a team, they don’t want to deal with drama, they just cant find anybody to play with that is why people solo que.

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: Nik Rane.6431

Nik Rane.6431

>Anyway this is not a QQ thread i believe,is a thread that states a simple logical thought…

Yes it is.

You are just now coming to the realization that you can not carry teams on your 5v1 and that your team mates must be at least competent enough to think “hm that point is free I better go get it.”


Yes it can. It just requires certain circumstances to do so, such as 1v5ing a bunch of r1 Warriors.

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Yes, this game is very team oriented. So, try and communicate with your team. React to what your team is doing.

But I agree, it’s hard to really carry in this game. It’s partially because of conquest and partially because of the skill floor being very low (which generally is a good thing) but the skill ceiling isn’t that high. The lack of a high skill ceiling comes from the passive play, risk/reward not very balanced, RNG, visual cues, etc. I hope Anet has plans to adress this. (Talking about individual skill floor/ceiling)

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


The funny thing is that the “farm” mechanic,the mechanic that i hated the most in other pvp games(dota-LoL) is the way of carrying a game..Since in GW2 there is no way to carry honestly there is not a way to make soloq fun.
This conquest is so wrong the way it is…Its a good idea but its so not fun at all and i think that the community feels this way for a long time…

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


Teamfights are still very important in GW2, as a conquest based game. Win a teamfight, snowball the nodes. The problem is, you can only 1 v 2/3 against total newbs. And this because of the low skill floor, which allows them to be viable just by spamming whatever skill they have. And it’s because of the low skill ceiling, which doesn’t reward potentially skilled players as it should.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: Dardamaniac.1295


Teamfights are still very important in GW2, as a conquest based game. Win a teamfight, snowball the nodes. The problem is, you can only 1 v 2/3 against total newbs. And this because of the low skill floor, which allows them to be viable just by spamming whatever skill they have. And it’s because of the low skill ceiling, which doesn’t reward potentially skilled players as it should.

You are totally right..Still tho i can understand this low skill floor,they want to give something to new players to play with…They must raise the ceiling as much as it gets but its almost a year now,there are 2-3 games that comes out soon,ppl will prefer to try new games than return in GW2 imo,its too bad for this game to fail cause i really liked the combat as i said before…

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: Lian Olsam.9541

Lian Olsam.9541

gw2 is a pvp game based on team, and i love it, but what it happens if someone cant have it? it’s a drama, cause u cant do anything seriusly without guys, so soloq its just a random pvp, really, its like hj, i hope that anet will do asap something for solo players…

No Matter what i do...

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


A good start would be balancing team setups. This would make game more interesting, and less HJ like.