No place for casual players?
Hotjoin to learn the maps, soloque will put you into your bracket after a few games…
Hotjoin that way <——. Do us,competitive players, a favour, don’t join in teamQ nor soloQ, don’t ruin our weekend PvP. Played 3 matches soloQ, got 3 rank under 10s and have no kitten idea what to do.
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
Hotjoin that way <——. Do us,competitive players, a favour, don’t join in teamQ nor soloQ, don’t ruin our weekend PvP. Played 3 matches soloQ, got 3 rank under 10s and have no kitten idea what to do.
Now try saying that in a more polite way ? No wonder people switch to pve..
I suggest spending a bit of time in hotjoin aswel since the first levels will give you a rough time. The matchmaking still isn’t what it’s supposed to be so you will most likely face more experienced players in soloque. Watching streams is also very helpfull for improving your skills. Try to find a streamer that plays the same class as you, that’s how I became better at the game.
Hotjoin that way <——. Do us,competitive players, a favour, don’t join in teamQ nor soloQ, don’t ruin our weekend PvP. Played 3 matches soloQ, got 3 rank under 10s and have no kitten idea what to do.
Now try saying that in a more polite way ? No wonder people switch to pve..
I suggest spending a bit of time in hotjoin aswel since the first levels will give you a rough time. The matchmaking still isn’t what it’s supposed to be so you will most likely face more experienced players in soloque. Watching streams is also very helpfull for improving your skills. Try to find a streamer that plays the same class as you, that’s how I became better at the game.
My apologize, I am at my steam at the moment. If you wonder why? Please read my post “Please do us a favor!!” on first page created by me. It is depressing…
Proud player of : team [uA] – team [TGI]. Australia base, now recruiting.
dont jump in soloQ when you are new – this guyz saying “go in and learn the game there” dont know what they talking bout
your first 10 games you get a higher mmr and when you lose your first 10 games in soloQ you will have a hard time to ever come back
look on the hotjoin npc on the filter options – there are a lot 5v5 games and this is best to start in spvp (8v8 is to zergy). It doesnt matter when you do something wrong and it will not affect bad your gameplay for later when you think you are ready for it.
Go in and do some 5v5 and test a lot + learn the maps – best you can do
Actually, I was talking about the hotjoin….
the game is designed for casual players … when u get used to everything u will see
and this is what is wrong, in soloQ, new people should have 0 rating, not average to begin with… this way they ruins many games for regular average players until they drop enough to be matched with equaly skilled players…
in WoW, it used to be 1500 starting rating… and then they realized 0 is better, you dont lose anything when you are bad and lose against baddies and if you win, you are raising fast to the place where you are supposed to be…
Get rank 20 in hot join then you’ll prob grasp it enough to compete. Odds are the current mid to high range players will still out play you solo side points but you can team fight properly and that’s all you need.
If you have to queue right now run the standard meta ranger or necro after practicing with the doge practice golem till you can do it 10 time without gettin knocked back. That way you will have just enough skill to compete as well as be credit to team!
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
If you want to get better, practice.
You’ll get there. I’m still working on it myself (only rank 21), but it gets better.
Also, you should know ranks mean nothing! I’ve seen ranks less than 10 wipe the arena clean of r40+ (granted they may have been a smurf, you never know).
If you’re still working on your rotation you could also fight the profession npc’s at the north end of the mists. Then once you have a solid grasp of your build you can step into actual matches.
i dont soloQ much, mostly hotjoins. but recent 3 soloQs, all ended with losing team score in high 400s.
Seems like every time I venture into SPVP lately, the matches are just really unbalanced. Either I’m getting blown away by other team, or my team is the one doing the stomping. Either way, there appears to be a huge discrepancy between the skill levels of the players.
I’ve been noticing this too. Better players stack 1 team over and over to get tons of points. If you start a new match you might notice red team won and already has 1 more player then someone joins blue and another immediately joins red. This repeats until all high ranks are red. It can be challenging and fun sometimes but mostly it devolves into a zergfest with condis everywhere. Although hotjoin usually turns into that anyway…