No stats/leaderboards?

No stats/leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: ontages.6542


Mainly being a pvp player, i wish there were stats or leaderboards in this game. The mmo genre has never really gotten the same level of multiplayer attention that most other competitively played games have gotten. I hoped that would be different in gw2 but it still lacks any good matchmaking features and any sort of publicly viewable/shareable character profile.

Your pvp options are very limited in this game and it feels like everything i do, i do for nothing other than some sort of currency that i can buy a bunch of useless stuff with. Theres no team/personal ranking or rating system other than a purely exp-based level system which cant even be viewed publicly. With no dueling and no arenas, pvp in its current state will get old quickly.

For me at least the replay value of a game is all in the multiplayer. While the gameplay of this game is great, theres only so many maps, so many gametypes, so many times i can do the same thing over and over again. With stats like kill/death, win/loss, points per match, etc. not only do i feel like im always playing the game for a reason but i also like to work towards a goal and improve my gameplay.

Achievements are nice but theyre more pve oriented. Like achievements players want to show off their level of skill in pvp which IMO is why adding some sort of public pvp stats/leaderboards would make this game very much playable even with only the 4 maps and 1 gametype that are currently available.

Im not bashing this game, i think its a great game but i wish there were just a little more there on the pvp side of things. Just because theres never been an mmo with advanced multiplayer support doesnt mean this game has to follow trend. Just a few additions to this game and it could be the best mmo for years to come.

No stats/leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: RalekShin.2083


I totally agree with you, in order for PvP in GW2 to survive, those things just need to happen. The thing you say about the reason we play is all true. PvP is competitive, and people who compete is driven of something, like becoming more skilled, get fame, get better rating and so on.. So without ranked systems, spectator mode and all that you mentioned, it feels like you don’t really play for any reason except for the stuff you get from the chests and trying to get higher rank, just like you level up in PvE.

But I think Anet knows this. And the thing is: the game has been out for 2,5 weeks, those things you speak of as rating system and such was not really needed for the game to launch and will surely be added, especially as I hear they try hard to make it an e-sport.

Really good job on the game so far Anet, now we want to see further updates on the PvP