Node Defending and points

Node Defending and points

in PvP

Posted by: SwickHobo.5096


Do you play a tanky build that likes to sit on a point and hold it through the entire match? I know i often do. I also know that my score usually ends in the 20-50 range depending on the map and how much (or usually little) action i get. All in all this isn’t a HUGE deal or anything, but it is a little saddening. I like to believe i do just as much as the roamers on my team getting well into the 150-250 range, yet they get 4-5 times more glory then me, why?

My suggestion is to add a system that gives you 5-10 points for every minute you stand on a point. Also add in a “Top Player Point Holder” that way your not rewarded more for playing a roaming build, just so you get cooler looking gear faster.

Node Defending and points

in PvP

Posted by: Scarlett.1549


Awesome suggestion. +1

It’s becoming common knowledge that point holders are not rewarded enough.

Node Defending and points

in PvP

Posted by: Shoka.2370


Completely agree! When you kill people on a point, there should be extra points for “Point Defending” also. It just makes sense and adds incentive to fight and kill on objectives.

Node Defending and points

in PvP

Posted by: Escellation.9270


I agree with this, though I am more of the roamer type, Those tanky guys that sit and defend points need more love!


Node Defending and points

in PvP

Posted by: Atticus Creed.4062

Atticus Creed.4062

I agree. In the end having a decent bunker gets you wins in tournaments so you still get reward but it would be nice to be able to rise through the ranks a little faster.

[Res] The Prestige

Node Defending and points

in PvP

Posted by: dysp.1248


The way the point system works, winning tactics aren’t really rewarded enough. In hotjoin, it seems far more beneficial, from a glory perspective, to roam and cap as a zerg, which usually prompts a loss for the zerging team. But, the zerging team usually has much more than +20% glory than the winning team. In tournament, as far as I’ve seen, defense is key. I’d really like to see winning tactics, such as defense, rewarded more through glory to curve hotjoin play and be a bit more in-depth.

I can see why the stand-on-cap glory accumulation may not have been included, as it can promote cap afking. But yeah, something needs to be added for the defensive character, other than the defense kill.