Noob Questions - Ele PvP
If your favorite trait lines are Fire and Air, you’re going to have a bad time. For D/D, Phantaram made some videos a while ago explaining rotations and many things that would help you, but it’s out of date.
If you’re inexperienced with the game, playing a non-meta elementalist build is probably the worst thing you can do to yourself. It’s pure garbage.
I just thought fire was the base of my dmg. If I’m wrong, I can switch to whatever is meta.
I’m aware that damage values are standardized, but is armor also standardized as well? Does what I have equipped not matter at all? I ask because it seems like my sustain is extremely low. I know I have to use my abilities appropriately in order to survive, but it still feels like I’m a complete glass cannon. For instance, two abilities from anyone is usually enough to kill me. Is this right? Is there something within my equipment that needs to change? I’m only level 14 overall so my gear is bad.
I remember reading that ascended gear is necessary for pvp and seeing in a video that it could be bought for free. But, I don’t see this free gear at any of the merchants and I have the full game purchased.
Your gear does not matter at all. The only thing which matters are those you can find in the PvP build tab. So all your gear stats are replaced completely with the “amulet” and the “rune” stats. Ele now plays with cleric. This is a very small amount of HP, and only works because of the large amount of healing you can get if you build appropriately.
General build:
I don’t see any D/D builds on metabattle. Is there a build you can recommend for me? Currently I’m most comfortable with fire and air. I know I’ll need to utilize all stances to be effective, but for the time being a solid build that favors those two stances would be appreciated.
To start with, I would really recommend using a more “meta” build. If you have HoT, this is the auramancer. If you have only the core game, it is D/D ele, but with celestial gone, D/D ele is worse than before, and with HoT, D/D ele was already outgunned. That is the sad state of PvP, you really need the expansion to have a shot.
That does not mean you can’t play core ele, but you will have harder time. You can probably find old D/D ele build templates, I can just tell you the traitlines are usually fire or earth and water+arcane. I think earth is a better choice than fire currently.
I have seen builds that suggest procs that activate on weapon change. However, with D/D both weapons are always out? How does that work?
They activate on switching elements (be careful, most have an internal cooldown, so they won’t proc at every element swap).
Hey man i main ele for Gems N Tonics a pro league team and have a lot of experience give me a whisper in game and I’d be happy to help u out.
Zuko, thanks again for the help, its already made a huge difference in my game.
np man
/15 chars
u can still run d/d with a modified auramancer build, it isnt on meta. BUT it helps if u are playing with a couple ppl that know you are running it, and understand what u are up to.
u can bump fire dmg and might stacking(or blind on tier 3 fire), sacrificing some of the heals.
currently testing rune of the pack, and paladins amulet
u lose the reflects from focus, but ride the lightning and updraft suprise groups.
not saying its optimal, but its fun..