Not much glory from defending a point?

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Obed.7629


I was playing “Battle of Kyhlo” with a PuG. My team was ahead by 100 points. I soloed the Waterfall, which was undefended, and then noted that we held another point, so as long as we held 2, we would increase our lead.

We won the game, but I was surprised to see how low my score was. But of course: I had not been running around neutralizing and taking points.

I like winning better than getting a high score, so I’ll probably make similar decisions in the future, but it seems to me that sPvP disincentivizes this approach.

“Battle of Kyhlo” is not the scenario with the waterfall. I was actually playing “Legacy of the Foefire”. (Thanks, Detahmaio.2014!)

(edited by Obed.7629)

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Duckzor.4327


Nope. ANET needs to put in a defending point system. Something like 5 points for every 10 seconds guarding it.

Thief WvW Solo Roam Video

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Zzulu.5489


Yeah, basically if you try to defend you’ll end up with less points. If you run around capping and killing creatures you’ll end up with a ton of points

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: faileon.4381


Tell me about it. Tough life of defending guardian. Every tournie I’ve about <100 points unless there is a really nice zergfest mid/any other point i’m sitting at.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Smackjack.5071


If defending a point would net us enough points to be able to just stand there and ‘defend’ then there will be matches where most will do just that and try to avoid to engage when they own 2 of the points.

In 8v8 there will be 4 on one point and 4 on the other doing nothing but wait and accumulate easy points whenever they can and run between 2 points re-cappig them and doing it all over as much as possible.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: TurnipKnight.2096


Here is the solution: All the glory given is determined by the outcome of the game. 200 glory for a win, 100 glory for a loss. Then people will play to win.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: AdziK.3604


In 8v8 there will be 4 on one point and 4 on the other doing nothing but wait and accumulate easy points whenever they can and run between 2 points re-cappig them and doing it all over as much as possible.

So… players would defend points and re-cap them if lost? That would be terrible…

I’m 12 and what is this?

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


battle of kyhlo doesn’t have a waterfall cap spot.

The problem is the system rewards aggressive play over defensive play.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


actually what we need is points rewarded for how long you PREVENT the enemy player from neutralizing your point ;D and get proper points for killing s1 on neutral point too XD coz you get 5 for it atm and it’s kitten ridiculous tbh.. why.. XD get rid of that shiet and give 15 uniformly for kills. also respawn is WAAAAAAAY too short. at least 30 secs, or change it to 20 always in tourneys…. kitten that spawning in groups kitten, ppl should be organized enough in tourneys for that to be unnecessary

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Arrogoth.7085


I think a combo of getting score while on an active point and adding a large win bonus that way it will always be better to win over just capping one point and sitting on it win or lose. The point’s you get from defending should be pretty small because you will also get points for kills while defending so like 1score every 10s or something along those lines.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


I always end up finding myself the person defending points, but then I don’t get anything from it.

It’s always the people running around farming kills that get double my points. IMHO, you should get 5 or 10 points every 15s for defending a point or something.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Detahmaio.2014


I always end up finding myself the person defending points, but then I don’t get anything from it.

It’s always the people running around farming kills that get double my points. IMHO, you should get 5 or 10 points every 15s for defending a point or something.

that promotes AFKers. I would suggest they give x amount of points/glory for the time the cap point has been contested for and if you defend or neutralize it.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


I’d like to see 5 points every 20-30 seconds. It seems fair when I’m the one winning the game, yet I get the worst reward.

(edited by Rika.7249)

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: shiNn.2571


yep, that need a change.

Mighty Shinn
Jealous Much [JM]

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: TrinityX.4579


I love defending points but it is so pointless at the moment, unless you only care about the win for your account and not the glory. A system where you would get points for standing on contested points should do the trick yes. Maybe some bonus if you actually kill/scare someone away.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Rika.7249


I love defending points but it is so pointless at the moment, unless you only care about the win for your account and not the glory. A system where you would get points for standing on contested points should do the trick yes. Maybe some bonus if you actually kill/scare someone away.

Incentive to actually defend the point.
AFK’ers will be murdered on the point anyway.

And let’s not balance stuff around AFK’ers.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Obed.7629


Oops. As Detahmaio.2014 points out, battle of kyhlo doesn’t have a waterfall cap spot.

I was playing Legacy of the Foefire. <blush intensity=“10”/>

But the “no glory for guarding” issue pertains to all the fights.

It’s not a biggie for me. In SWTOR, I end up defending all the time; it’s a weird combination of boredom and anxiety. I have much more fun to run from node to node.

(edited by Obed.7629)

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: auhfel.4129


yesterday in Capricorn I kept the underwater Ruins point uncontested for the ENTIRE match. I never killed anyone (it was 1v3) but I never died and they never took it. I got 0 points for the whole match, even though I kept 3 people busy at one point and let the rest of my team have free reign over ther other two. There definitly needs to be a mechanic to get points while keeping an area defended or contested (I realize this would take a lot of work because such a mechanic could easily be exploitable).

On being able to defend a point 1v3 underwater, thieves are incredibly strong underwater because they can chain evades for an enourmously long period of time. That’s a different topic.. if I ever go against an Ele or Thief underwater, I usually just leave.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: pullnointer.1476


I always end up finding myself the person defending points, but then I don’t get anything from it.

It’s always the people running around farming kills that get double my points. IMHO, you should get 5 or 10 points every 15s for defending a point or something.

that promotes AFKers. I would suggest they give x amount of points/glory for the time the cap point has been contested for and if you defend or neutralize it.

right? they could give you points for something that actually makes you win, yet they throw in bullkitten like “objective assaulter”……..

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Jenosyde.6341


id rather them do something like 20-30 points for every 10-15 seconds in combat in one of the defending nodes circles. or something that will not encourage 3 ppl sitting at the henge for a whole game just to lose and watch tv at the same time.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Dust Bunny.1652

Dust Bunny.1652

The best solution is to pool all rank points of a PvP roster and distribute them equally at the end of the match.
Meaning that if you have a roster of 3 in tPvP, you 3 will receive the sum of the rank points earned by each, divided into 3
In numbers: if you and your 2 buddies had a score of 100, 150, 200, at the end each of you would receive 150 rank points.

This would prevent people leeching points, or afking. It will still promote aggressive play style, but will be much more rewarding for the whole of the team.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Griffon.4716


The other night Jon said they wanted to add a fix for defenders to get points, so its coming.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Pinder.5261


1. Give players points for showing up to retake a contested node. Even if it’s already been neutralized. If their team owns it, and someone wants to take it away, any teammate who shows up to defend should get points, just for showing up.

2. Give players points per 10 seconds for holding a base while in combat and outnumbered. Because, really, that’s the only claim to fame a true defender owns. And if that’s what they can do, then they should get credit for it.

Defenders should get points, but not for sitting alone on a captured point. Anyone can do that. Even the least capable builds can sit on a point when no one is around. That doesn’t make them good defenders; if anything, it makes them a drain on the team since they aren’t elsewhere helping their comrades push or defend territory. If you’re willing to pay attention to the map and actively respond to situations that require defense, or if you’re such a dang good defender that you can hold your own while outnumbered until people show up, then you deserve points.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: Obed.7629


Jenosyde.6341 wrote:

id rather them do something like 20-30 points for every 10-15 seconds in combat in one of the defending nodes circles. or something that will not encourage 3 ppl sitting at the henge for a whole game just to lose and watch tv at the same time.

That is major: one of my favorite SWTOR WZs was ruined for me when so many folks started camping at a node to farm commendations. What a waste of time!

But it is solvable, I think: award no score if your team does not have the lead in points (i.e., either 1 vs. 0, 2 vs. 1, or 3 vs. 0), and no score for more than 1 guard of an uncontested point.

Not much glory from defending a point?

in PvP

Posted by: AlphaDuck.7592


Here is the solution: All the glory given is determined by the outcome of the game. 200 glory for a win, 100 glory for a loss. Then people will play to win.

I second this. Awarding players for anything other than winning is silly.