November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Otheos.8354


Honestly I would pay another $60 just to play the game you’ve described.

ANET, maybe consider hiring Wolfdog as a consultant …

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Sasukerk.4518


Too good to be true ^^.But I think Wolfdog could be a new dev, he knows what to do ^^

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

I tried very hard, but failed to find even a single preposterous point.

Take 60€ and hire this fine man.


EDIT: I strongly(!) suggest that you remove your “notes” #1. This will give you an infraction for sure.

(edited by D I V A.6018)

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: DalzK.9086


ANET, please don’t consider hiring him….

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: DalzK.9086


I disagree with most of this…

More players on a point = game about numbers. Don’t see how zerging points to capture them adds any strategic depth or anything. I’m not saying the current bunker meta is amazing, but its 10x better than that.

Raid of capricorn is being improved (as stated by Devs), and its in hotjoin sPvP which people can leave/go as they please. Leave it in.

“Score in sPvP Conquest mode will now tick only for the team holding the major of the points at any given moment at the rate of 1 per second, 3 per second if all three points are hold.” – Whats the point of this?

“tournaments will now start when 4 teams have signed for it” – Pointless…..

“New game mode, Control and Capture” – Potentially something that can be introduced further down the line (as you mentioned)., but not a patch that is coming tomorrow. Lets make sure they introduce a match-making system, fix bugs/balance professions, introduce custom servers, solo/premade queues, Spectator mode, etc., fine-tune some other stuff. Then after that we can talk about new hybrid game modes.

Too many of the changes are overly-complicated and unrealistic and would just turn the game into the biggest unbalanced kitten ever. They just need to introduce some basic + essential features, balance professions, fix bugs, and replace free/paid with match-making solo/premade.

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: HappinessFactory.4910


Lol rangers get ignored even in fake patchmotes

And before everyone bows down wolfdog, I’ll say I don’t believe these changes would help the game in the slightest.

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


Some great points in here. However, one thing I’d like to talk about:

PvP gear will be from now on used in WvW.

No. Just no. I have put a lot of work into balancing my stats just the way I want them. In WvW, I get just the right balance of offense and defense for my build. I have carefully tuned levels of each stat. I take high power and toughness, moderately high precision, moderate vitality and crit damage, and just a little healing.

In sPvP, my build is incredibly limited. I’m forced to take the Soldier’s Amulet, because it’s the closest thing to my build. However, even with the Berserker’s or Rampager’s jewel, I have abysmal crit rate and damage, which really cuts my damage down. I could take the Knight’s amulet, except that I’d have far lower power and I’d lose all my precision.

In sPvP, you have very few options in terms of stats. There are 10 amulets, and that’s really all the choice you have. If you want a stat balance that isn’t present among those 10 amulets (like Power/Toughness/Precision) or if you want to focus on more than 3 stats, you’re out of luck.

Until they add a lot more stat customization to sPvP, this is a horrible, horrible idea. One of the big reasons I prefer WvW to sPvP is that my build is exactly how I want it in WvW. In sPvP, I have to choose between too much damage and too much defense.

Also, this would remove progression in WvW. WvW is almost a whole game in itself, and you can level up solely from WvW (although it would be brutal). There is supposed to be level and gear progression in WvW, and you’re not supposed to be guaranteed an even fight like you get in sPvP. Exotics are easy enough to get that there isn’t a balance problem. It’s not like you have to spend hundreds of hours grinding to get them (which is a problem other games have); you can get several different stat sets in a timely manner from just doing WvW.

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I disagree with sharing Worlds PvP and sPvP gear. I like that each require two different approaches to building your profession. I would make an NPC in the mist instead, that has a guide on how to make a solid sPvP build for new players.

Capture The Flag is a really bad idea in a game where players take so long to kill each other, and the maps are so small. It would just end up being a ‘control vs. stability’ game mode.

I think your downed state ideas are way off. There would be no reason to have the down state, if you remove rally. Rally is awesome, no matter which side you are on. I always respect my opponents ability to get back into the fight, and I love when I can pull it off myself. Downed state and rally are a part of the game for me now.

Other then that, you have some nice suggestions.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: dimyzuka.7051


*+dueling in mists
*+3vs3 or 2vs2 rated deathmatch arena
*nerf guardians, staff eles,thieves and mesmer portal(i play a mesmer)
*reduce paid ticket prices and/or make it 4 team tournys.

+1 for dueling in the mists.
+1 for 3v3 or 2v2 deathmatch

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Xaximbo.2763


class changes are hilarious. You surely were bored.

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Syeria.4812


I only glanced through much of them but points that stuck out to me:

4-team tournaments: If populations continue to be low, this might be a good idea to reduce queue times. However, rewards will have to be balanced for it.

New game mode – While it’s an interesting idea, and a mode I’d like to play, this isn’t the right time to add additional modes as it dilutes an already low population. A game mode addition should be hyped in advance of its introduction to ensure a population spike to accompany the dilution.

Changes to Conquest scoring: I don’t see how this would be an improvement over the existing system, or why there should be any changes.

Autobalance: The volunteer system works well. Autobalancing the newest player can result in a situation where a player is frequently switched back and forth repeatedly.

Initiative removal: Not going to happen, ever. All the people so absorbed in this idea need to get over it because if they were to remove the core mechanic for thieves, they’d likely need to eliminate the class entirely. Look at the work that went into the late game Dervish changes in the original GW. Those took something like a year between announcement, preview, and implementation and that’s a lesser change than what you’re proposing.

Confusion: While it could use balancing, this is too extreme of a solution. Damage, duration, or frequency of casting might need to be tweaked, but it should be small changes not wholesale nerfs.

Hotjoin: While 8v8 might be too high, it still needs to be higher than 5v5 to account for non-full servers as well as the lack of coordination between “pubbers.” Look at pre-GO Counter-Strike for a comparison. Maps are generally designed for 5v5 matches, but rarely played that way (outside of scrims).

Down State: Like confusion, it needs some adjustment, but massive changes are not the solution here. Rally shouldn’t be removed entirely (as it still has a purpose) but perhaps the conditions for triggering it, or the number of players able to be rallied by a kill should be adjusted. The diverse down state skills do add to the game, but again could likely use tuning.

Paid Tournament: Making a hybrid paid/free tournament would make both modes worse, improving nothing other than queue times. The purpose of paid tournaments is to provide an environment with better competition for those who want it, while reducing the number of premade vs pug battles in free tournaments.

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: pinkglow.3429


Did they ninja change the date to nov 16? Smells like paid tournaments all over again. If not, the patch is just 4min away right?

November 15 [not] official pvp patch notes preview

in PvP

Posted by: Animosity.5231


Don’t they normally release them at night on the date? Pretty sure the Oct patch came late at night, but on the date announced.