November 15th Patch: Sublime!

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


No words to describe my happiness, thank you very much Anet for getting rid of the most annoying/frustating things in PvP! ^^

1) Bunker guardians ..are no more immortal without that mace bug ^^
2) Bunker eles…are no more immortal without that double dodge in water bug^^
3) Thieves and Mesmers deadliness has been reduced by 50% , thx to stealth rendering bug removed ^^
4) Dmg reduction on thieves has brought them more in line with other professions
5) LoS on clones make them less OP by far, and the new MoA skills finally make so that we don’t die 9 times out 0f 10 when getting transformed in a giant bird ( now we die maybe 1-2 times out of 10- I love skill 5 ^^)
6) Daily/Monthly achievements are great in every single way^^
7) Nerf on healing ripple is most welcome , I’m an ele and I hated to fight other eles because of the inability to actually dodge dmg and instead relying on broken mechanic to stay permanently alive ( 13k HP+ 1k healing power= lame)^^
8) Thanks again for fixing RTL- magnetic grasp- mist form…really epic fixes, the way I can hit people with rtl now, almost cried yesterday^^
9) The new map is amazing and I wish all the other maps would use similar mechanics^^ ( need more underwater maps, I love trident and underwater combat in general)
10) The changes on downed state are most welcome , finally I’ll be able to win most 1vs2 ( no like before where I could win a 1vs2 only in rare occasions)

Thx to all these great changes I won’t be living in frustation till the next patch, great stuff keep it coming

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


They nerfed every thief build except the gimick Balisk Venom Backstab burst.

Rangers are still a joke

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Demon.7832


Rangers are still a joke


Eles and Necros have continuosly been getting their buffs and are now working great in TPvP, Rangers still don’t really have a place

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Rangers are still a joke


Eles and Necros have continuosly been getting their buffs and are now working great in TPvP, Rangers still don’t really have a place

Uh-uh Only ele conjures got buffed, and they’re still pretty weak. Besides conjure, it was just description fixes and nerfs.

Lava axe (1.2k crits) and earth shield(1defensive skill) are still worthless, no one will use them. Healing power doesn’t help ice bow- auto attack is a waste and replacing confusion with bleed means the damage is the same even with the 20% more condition duration, and its chills were nerfed anyway.

And finally, evasive arcana lost all blast finishes, so the entire playstyle was lost. That’s more than just bunkers mind you, but all staff builds and any /d might stacker were also nerfed.

(edited by Navzar.2938)

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


they deleted my post. I believe that the OP is joking with this post and hope it isnt meant to be taken seriously.

I also believe that while ele’s are ok..the nerfs they recieved far outweigh the benefits. One weapon has been crippled to the brink of uselessness and serveral other builds/playstyles have been eliminated in this patch.

Also the bug ‘fixes’ didnt actually fix anything. Over half of the skills supposedly fixed are still broken. Also..these fixes brought even more bugs

I find this hilarious.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Aga.8641


Eles and Necros have continuosly been getting their buffs and are now working great in TPvP, Rangers still don’t really have a place

What buffs have necro got? The damage increase to 1 of the axe skill, which made no difference. Other then that it’s just been ‘bug’ fixes some of which really hurt the necro.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


they deleted my post. I believe that the OP is joking with this post and hope it isnt meant to be taken seriously.

I also believe that while ele’s are ok..the nerfs they recieved far outweigh the benefits. One weapon has been crippled to the brink of uselessness and serveral other builds/playstyles have been eliminated in this patch.

Also the bug ‘fixes’ didnt actually fix anything. Over half of the skills supposedly fixed are still broken. Also..these fixes brought even more bugs

I find this hilarious.

HuH? Where does it appear that I was joking?

My team just today has started using 2 eles , me burst hybrid and another full glass cannon ele, won 3 paid tournaments matches out of 5 ( and 1 lost because I’ve crashed with the PC before match could start).

Evasiva arcana it’s one of the best traits available, the water double dodge was a bug , because of it, many eles appeared to be more skilled that what they really are.

Too much focus on passive defense for a class designed to adapt on the fly with active mechanisms, hence the nerf on healing ripple is justified.

The dmg of a glass cannon ele by far outweight the dmg potential of a warrior/thief in terms of raw dmg: lightning strike can hit people for 4-5k consistently every 5-6s, even though the DT combo is hard to pull , this does not mean that ele lack dmg if builded so on the contrary, a well played glass cannon ele can bring total destruction on a whole are in 1/4 of the time of a warrior.

What people see is a warrior uisng 100b on a single target, but an ele can hit several people with DT combo , softening all targets for the rest of the team..and kill few in the meantime.

The fix on RTL and magnetic grasp are a godsend so I don’t know what you’re referring to.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Navzar.2938


Magnetic and RTL still bug out, they weren’t fixed yet, and EA was also used for might stacking, not just passive defense. Yes double water dodge was too much, most of us agree on that, but a finish ever 10sec would have been fine. And no one should be stupid enough to stand there for 3 seconds for dragon’s tooth to hit…

edit: Oh and 4-5k lightning strike is a complete lie. It crits 3k max on the light golem using with 3.2k attack and 62crit damage. only 1.3k usual on non crits, and 2.7k usual on crits.
If its the sigil’s lightning strike you’re talking about, then that’s available to all professions anyway.

(edited by Navzar.2938)

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: haviz.1340


RTL and MG are still bugged and what’s more funny is that MG triggers fire aura in about 5% of cases (managed to do it in 20 tries) so overally MG is even more bugged than before. Yeah, shocking and amazing that it wasn’t tested properly.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Agreed OP, i’m very happy with this patch as well! I’m having no problems with RTL or MG myself, they dont bug out like they did before but maybe you guys are talking about something else.

I would like to suggest sorting the Hotjoin Menu so the 8v8 and 5v5 servers are sorted per 10. This would allow people to see there are 5v5 matches as well without having to scroll at all. I dont know what could be done about the leaving problem, but i think just sorting them differently will at least get more new people coming in. I’ve been playing various classes lately and i saw multiple things in the patchnotes that i asked for on the forums. Some changes might hurt now, i play an ele too so i know, but it was needed. Great job arena net, i’ve got motivation to try and hit R50 now which i really didnt expect.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: nurt.5401


Rangers are still a joke


Eles and Necros have continuosly been getting their buffs and are now working great in TPvP, Rangers still don’t really have a place

^I think it’s too early to call whether that’s true. Rangers didn’t get much in the way of buffs, but they are already one of the best 1v1 professions (if not the best), and they’re also the only profession that has access to such a short cooldown on demand quickness for stomps and revives.

It’s not that rangers are terrible, they just don’t quite fit into the meta. Guardian and Ele bunkers are nerfed, thieves are nerfed, and possibly most importantly, longer portal cooldown + phantasm nerfs mean mesmers may not be as reliable for holding the back point. Imo if it weren’t for the strength of portal rangers might be a contender for that position.

Once the metagame adapts to these changes rangers should at least find themselves in a better position relative to the rest of the field, since no professions got a significant buff as far as I noticed.

(edited by nurt.5401)

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


Rangers […] are already one of the best 1v1 professions (if not the best)

Why do you say this?

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: nurt.5401


Rangers […] are already one of the best 1v1 professions (if not the best)

Why do you say this?

Because with the right build it’s true?

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: milo.6942


What does the right build for the best 1v1 ranger look like and why is it superior to a thief (for instance)?

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


When you mean sublime, do you mean the 2 Devs who made these changes where completely stoned(Yes only two pvp devs. Both probaly play thieves.)? Oh I said something Anet didn’t like time to censor me again. I don’t understand why people still have hope in this game. Anet already took your money they care about anyone anymore.

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Jackie.1829


When you mean sublime, do you mean the 2 Devs who made these changes where completely stoned(Yes only two pvp devs. Both probaly play thieves.)? Oh I said something Anet didn’t like time to censor me again. I don’t understand why people still have hope in this game. Anet already took your money they care about anyone anymore.

1. 2 devs is perfectly fine for balancing purposes
2. I am fairly certain the devs play all the classes, I could bank on them playing your class better than you
3. Funny how you say Anet already took your money, and yet GW1 is still receiving balance updates and content… 7 years later.

GW1 Rank 1 – 2 Gold Capes – [sC] [sup]

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Psikerlord.2569


Thumbs up for patch from me. Feels better balanced to me. I play a thief with shortbow and sword/pistol mostly. Very happy to see 5v5 hotjoin.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Darnis.4056


I love the new patch! Everything is great, EVERYTHING
I main a mesmer/necro.

Except the new(old) Load in Bug that plagues s/tpvp.

Will the Real Pink Puma Please stand up?

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Gryph.8237


Necros remain the lowest played pvp class in gw2. they got buffed? Tell me you have a level 80 necro and he is fully geared out; or at least tell me you regularly play one in spvp. Necros have 1 build in pvp; conditions; which is outclassed.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Higgns.6537


Necros got bugs fixed and a small buff for axe2 which nobody uses anyway cause power-based necros still suck in pvp.
All in all I like the new patch very much. The new map is fast paced and combat reminds me of the good old Q3 days. Wicked sick!

(edited by Higgns.6537)

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: pinkglow.3429


I find guardians way easier to kill now, seem balanced to me.
Overall it’s quite decent balance now, except thieves that they seem like they cant get right. Everything they have is strong, and they are still all over the place oneshotting things. That’s the ruin of the gameplay. Give them a proper fix, as it is now an overall damage nerf is what is needed. Then the game will be a ok. Or well, buff rangers a bit… I feel sorry for them when I meet up against them =(

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Rythgar.2896


I find guardians way easier to kill now, seem balanced to me.
Overall it’s quite decent balance now, except thieves that they seem like they cant get right. Everything they have is strong, and they are still all over the place oneshotting things. That’s the ruin of the gameplay. Give them a proper fix, as it is now an overall damage nerf is what is needed. Then the game will be a ok. Or well, buff rangers a bit… I feel sorry for them when I meet up against them =(

Bunkers over-all is a lot weaker now, actually so much so that I would dare say we wont see much of them in tPvP. There just is so little (read close to none) gain from having a weak bunker when you can have an equally weak (survivability wise) DPS build. Is it the start of the glass cannons supreme reign? I don’t know, time will tell. Doubt people will stop going full glass cannon because bunkers are gone

And Rangers don’t need a buff per say, they just need some re-modelling. I’ve met a few Rangers in tournies that have performed well enough on the damage/survivability side. It’s the key side of actual contribution they lack. They are not as good as roamers, not as good as point defenders, not as good as point offenders and they don’t bring any kind of gimmicky things (like portal or whatnot). Rework their whole utility tree and give them a niche ArenaNet. We like our Rangers.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: zombyturtle.5980


1. RLT and Magnetic rasp are still bugged. I have first hand experienced this. maybe you have just been lucky but i can 100% say they still cause the self stun.

2. The 2 balancing devs do not play elementalist as their main. This was confirmed in an old post way back on the ele and warrior forums. It is pretty clear there is a significant lack of understanding behind ele mechanics and skills due to the nerf of tornado….TORNADO.

3. Evasive arcana was crucial to an entire ele weapon (staff) and several might stacking builds. The lack of even 1 single blast finisher has destroyed those builds and many peoples play styles.

4. Eles CANNOT under any circumstance achieve more raw damage than a thief. Yes a glass cannon ele will do more damage than a bunker thief but if each class traits glass cannon the thief will come off far superior and with better defensive mechanisms to boot. Please link me an example where an elementalist has been able to achieve 15k damage in 3 seconds.

With regards to PVP, there are still no death match modes, arenas, and dueling.
No custom servers
No distinguishing between PUGS and premades in tourneys.
No clear and automated progression system.
No fix on the issue of glory farming in empty servers

positives about the patch
- 5v5 hotjoin
- 1 new map (unavailable in tournaments)
- slight nerfs to a few OP skills

Like I said, the negatives far outweigh the benefits.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Feinberg.3026


rangers still bad, game still lacking soooo many features.
patch changes nothing

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


1. RLT and Magnetic rasp are still bugged. I have first hand experienced this. maybe you have just been lucky but i can 100% say they still cause the self stun.

2. The 2 balancing devs do not play elementalist as their main. This was confirmed in an old post way back on the ele and warrior forums. It is pretty clear there is a significant lack of understanding behind ele mechanics and skills due to the nerf of tornado….TORNADO.

3. Evasive arcana was crucial to an entire ele weapon (staff) and several might stacking builds. The lack of even 1 single blast finisher has destroyed those builds and many peoples play styles.

4. Eles CANNOT under any circumstance achieve more raw damage than a thief. Yes a glass cannon ele will do more damage than a bunker thief but if each class traits glass cannon the thief will come off far superior and with better defensive mechanisms to boot. Please link me an example where an elementalist has been able to achieve 15k damage in 3 seconds.

With regards to PVP, there are still no death match modes, arenas, and dueling.
No custom servers
No distinguishing between PUGS and premades in tourneys.
No clear and automated progression system.
No fix on the issue of glory farming in empty servers

positives about the patch
- 5v5 hotjoin
- 1 new map (unavailable in tournaments)
- slight nerfs to a few OP skills

Like I said, the negatives far outweigh the benefits.

1. They’re not, I’m hitting people from behind the corner, these bugs you mention are non-existent, again with RTL I can hit people from huge distance or from the top of a keep with 100% accuracy, I can immobilize fleeing foes who even turn behind the corner( actually as long as the stone hit them before they turn).

2.The mechanic of the ele are quite simple : dagger for close range aoe dmg, scepter for single target dmg and staff for support/aoe dmg.
If now some skills are not entirely viable, that is another issue which will be addressed as soon as possible

3.Evasiva arcana is still a great trait, I assume that easy might stacking was never intended, it still possible, just not as easy as before

4. Phantaram build = 5k lightning strike+arc lightning+air sigil; 6k fire grab, 3-4k with dragon tooth- 2-3k dmg with phoenix, the entire combo happen within 5-6s.
The problem is that it’s much harder to spamm and land compared to the thief, but Jon Peters already confirmed that they’re looking in improving “rough” ele combos

-We don’t need duels or deathmatch, that will noly bring to more “cry” threads and bring nothing to the table
-Custom servers are coming, there is no rush only people who complain for the sake of it.
- Even PUGS can spend 10 mins looking for people in HoM, why would you play tournaments alone anyway? Spend enough time in sPvP and you’re bound to make a decent friend list…no other option
-Who care about glory farming?All you get is some new shiny armour, the lv of skill remain the same, so nothing change for you, at the very least you can say :" lol i can beat a r40 easily"

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


rangers still bad, game still lacking soooo many features.
patch changes nothing

Rangers are not bad at all, many tPvP team are running rangers now quite successfully, they can provide excellent sniper support and close aoe support
On thir own they can last quite a while thx to the multiple escapes they’ve got

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Necros remain the lowest played pvp class in gw2. they got buffed? Tell me you have a level 80 necro and he is fully geared out; or at least tell me you regularly play one in spvp. Necros have 1 build in pvp; conditions; which is outclassed.

Necro is in must have class in tPVP

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


rangers still bad, game still lacking soooo many features.
patch changes nothing

Rangers are not bad at all, many tPvP team are running rangers now quite successfully, they can provide excellent sniper support and close aoe support
On thir own they can last quite a while thx to the multiple escapes they’ve got

Are we playing same game?

Multiple Escapes? LOL.

PS Lighting Reflexes is also bugged

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Noctred.6732


What does the right build for the best 1v1 ranger look like and why is it superior to a thief (for instance)?

- axe/torch + shortbow
- shaman’s amulet/jewel
- 0/30/30/10/0 if running traps or something like 10/10/30/15/5 if not running traps + lightning reflexes, or something inbetween
- dwayna runes + troll unguent/signet of the wild for around 1300+ hps with nearly 50% uptime, or some condi rune set w/ healing spring if you’re running point defense with traps, or something inbetween
- double leeching sigils + minor corruption or whatever else
- wolf + lynx (my preference)

The non-trap version is probably better for straight 1v1’s cause of more reliable condi removal/lightning reflexes/non-reliance on gtaoe’s, but the trap version is probably better in the big picture for team fights and w/e.

Either way you have one of the best 1v1 builds in the game. Thieves won’t do much to you when you have over 2100 toughness, constant burning uptime, high vigor uptime, and massive regen + a decent number of evades.

(edited by Noctred.6732)

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


rangers still bad, game still lacking soooo many features.
patch changes nothing

Rangers are not bad at all, many tPvP team are running rangers now quite successfully, they can provide excellent sniper support and close aoe support
On thir own they can last quite a while thx to the multiple escapes they’ve got

Are we playing same game?

Multiple Escapes? LOL.

PS Lighting Reflexes is also bugged


- axe/torch + shortbow
– shaman’s amulet/jewel
– 0/30/30/10/0 if running traps or something like 10/10/30/15/5 if not running traps + lightning reflexes, or something inbetween
– dwayna runes + troll unguent/signet of the wild for around 1300+ hps with nearly 50% uptime, or some condi rune set w/ healing spring if you’re running point defense with traps, or something inbetween
– double leeching sigils + minor corruption or whatever else
– wolf + lynx (my preference)

The non-trap version is probably better for straight 1v1’s cause of more reliable condi removal/lightning reflexes/non-reliance on gtaoe’s, but the trap version is probably better in the big picture for team fights and w/e.

Either way you have one of the best 1v1 builds in the game. Thieves won’t do much to you when you have over 2100 toughness, constant burning uptime, high vigor uptime, and massive regen + a decent number of evades.

Yeah I think we’re playing the same game, though not in the same way or with the same mindset

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Sebyos.4089


Rangers are still a joke

Necros have continuosly been getting their buffs and are now working great in TPvP

hhahahahahahahahahahahah yeah sure

We got a couple of bug fixes, 3 minor buffs and even nerfs c’mon.

80 Norn Necromancer Max : JC, WS, TL, AT.
100% World completion.

(edited by Sebyos.4089)

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Dallason.7859


I’m finding Ranger does pretty good in spvp and tpvp.

I’m running a 30/5/30/0/5
axe/torch + sword/dagger
carrion amulet and undead armor.

The only condition removal I use is Emphatic Bond and then signet of the wild and RAO for stability.

sword/dagger is really good for evasion and then I use signet of stone as well for the invulnerability.

basically just stack burning + bleeding and evade.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: Clackerr.6401


I’m not understanding all the “Rangers are bad” comments. I play every class except engineer with ele being main. My condition/trap build (that doesn’t use shortbow) is just as strong as before the patch. I almost never lose a 1 v 1 unless it’s against a very good bs thief, but even then my conditions annihilate them while I’m down. Bunker builds don’t stand a chance, especially after the patch: I stack conditions so fast.
I can however see that power builds and spirit builds are terribly weak after trying them out, but saying the ranger class as a whole is weak is not true. A well played condition ranger is a scary thing.

Clackalackin likaboss.

November 15th Patch: Sublime!

in PvP

Posted by: nurt.5401


Rangers should get more play in high level TPvP after this patch. People are trying them out right now and I think they’re going to find their place.

The change with the biggest impact on the meta is probably going to be the change to downed state health.