Now is the time to strike, we SHALL be heard!
Ele is fine.. condition meta just renders them harder to play
WHEN Warrior/SdThief/Necromancer gets toned down you can be sure Ele will at the top of the food chain yet again.
I am aware of thjat, thanks for the reply!
But there is no reason to go in the fire/earth tree because the traits are so bad compared to Water/Arcane!
Even air is just “meh..”
for kitten sake, stop asking for buffs
ask for nerfs to obscene specs
Because you think that nerfing everything to another classe level is a good way to balance?
No, not overbuffing classes from the get go is a good start.
for kitten sake, stop asking for buffs
ask for nerfs to obscene specs
This is Anet, they are bound to over nerf. Rather then nerfing everything down to the lowest standard (Ele) surely it would be better to BUFF ele up to the standard of the other classes as buffing one class is easier then nerfing 7….
for kitten sake, stop asking for buffs
ask for nerfs to obscene specsThis is Anet, they are bound to over nerf. Rather then nerfing everything down to the lowest standard (Ele) surely it would be better to BUFF ele up to the standard of the other classes as buffing one class is easier then nerfing 7….
What exactly does that mean though “buff ele up to the standard”
you want them to have regen like regen warriors?
you want them to have spirit of nature like rangers?
you want them to be able to condi spam whole teams?
for kitten sake, stop asking for buffs
ask for nerfs to obscene specsThis is Anet, they are bound to over nerf. Rather then nerfing everything down to the lowest standard (Ele) surely it would be better to BUFF ele up to the standard of the other classes as buffing one class is easier then nerfing 7….
What exactly does that mean though “buff ele up to the standard”
you want them to have regen like regen warriors?
you want them to have spirit of nature like rangers?
you want them to be able to condi spam whole teams?
In my opinion what they need:
Buff health, It should be closer to Mesmer standard in my opinion. Mesmer have so many defensive options and abilities. Meanwhile Ele left with 10.5k health less damage, less defense. Sure they have “healing” but lets face it 40second cool down for a VERY poor heal isnt that great.
Maybe make it so that we are not forced into going FULL nuke as a kill or be killed build as without it the damage is average when we try to go with a balance between attack and defense as we have go with Vit stats as we will be killed by ANYONE that is zerker build.
Toughness could be increased a tad, so coul damage. Sure we have things like Churning Earth but who ever gets hit by it? easily dodged, easily interrupted. The “high” damage skills can also be very easily dodged or avoided as well
I want them to be the jack of all trzdes. Also " what they lack in toughness, they make itbup with versatility and be able to deliver devastating damage in a single attack"! Its what they were promoted for!
I want them to be the jack of all trzdes. Also " what they lack in toughness, they make itbup with versatility and be able to deliver devastating damage in a single attack"! Its what they were promoted for!
Thats what we had, until all the crying and we got nerfed into the pits.
Your going to be moved to Ele forum
What exactly do you, Wranglerist, find bad about the current elementalist state? All I ever see on the Elementalist forum is, Eles are suppar, qq and how OP necromancers are.
There are a few things wrong with the Elementalist that could be fixed or looked into.
Ride the Lightning: 40 second cd if it does not connect. The buggy nature of this skill, as well as it being dogged / blocked, even though we use it the way the devs designed it needs to be looked at. A single CD for the skill would be nice.
Focus: A very powerful weapon when used correctly though could use some tweaks. Many of the skills have a very high cooldown for mediocre abilities. The trade off for no movement (not even swiftness) needs to be higher here I believe. Look at fire shield, it has such a high cooldown for such a poor effect. Fire shield would be very good if you removed the 1 second cooldown from the burning side of the effect. If you look at retaliation, it punishes fast attacks whereas fire shield does not. If a foe has condition reduction fire shields damage is … 0 as the burn will not tick at less then 1 second and is not reapplied till after that second.
Focus also offers 1 skill to deal with stealth and that skill is magnetic wave, which I’m sure everyone wants to waist to hit a thief who will heal the damage back within 2 seconds. Some of the other skills can be channelled into the thief’s stealth but once there it is hard to do any significant damage. Dagger main hand is much better at this role then Sceptre main hand. In fact, getting stuck in air or fire with sceptre main hand makes for fending off a stealthed thief very difficult (DT misses, phoenix has a high cooldown air has nothing, not a single skill to attack a stealthed foe)
Awkward camera angels to get your ranged auto attacks to go forward not into the ground. This is an issues that affects all classes, not just eles. Your ranged (projectile) auto attacks don’t go forward by default, what does that mean? It means melee is 100x easier to fend of a stealthed foe and as an elementalist … we cant change weapons.
Finally, something that should have been fixed at release or even worked on more then it is now. Delayed skills can be interrupted AFTER you have paid its price, the skill goes on cool down and the cast is fully completed. That is complete and utter bull crap that needs to be addressed before any other changes. You give us Shatter Stone and Dragons Tooth on the sceptre that are incredibly hard to get to hit in the first place and when we finally get a good shot off (or build specifically to use the great Dragons Tooth skill) it does 0 damage because some stun spamming, blind spamming tool stunned or blinded you just before it hit them. GpuppyG.
WTB Bug fixes over balance changes please. Don’t buff or nerf other classes until you fix their bugs. What happens if you buff the elementalist and then, later down the track you fix the aforementioned bug? Elementalists become op again. (well, that’s over the top, but you get the point).
Have a nice day, fix my delayed skills or remove them. Being puppydogged out of a skill I skilfully used by someone spamming blind or cc is not fun. Seeing the 5k over there head (because even when it lands it does mediocre damage) is much more fun.
PS I hate cats, for the record.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
I agree. But it dosent change the fact that they can answer other professions threads, but seem to be compketely ignoring us.
once necro got tuned down which already did and ranger already got tuned down as well and the condi meta start to drop, ele will be top op again just like mesmer.
i can already see more eles and how useful they are when there are clearly less condi spamming just from todays play.
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”
i think the main problem with buffs and nerfs are the 3 game types and anet only answeres in the spvp forums and ignores everything else(or at least it seems like that as they never answer in our profession forums) thats why people come here to ask for buffs. a wvw player has to come here to do that as wvw balance is not in a good spot at all atm.
lets see:
wvw: meta, turn chokepoints into deathtraps, great at tagging and on the edge of op
pve: performs well and seems in a stable position
tpvp: great
1v1: great
pve: best tagger, meta and the easiest to play
wvw: meta, on the edge of op
tpvp: performs well in tpvp and could be meta soon
1v1: only great inif stunlock build
pve: average
wvw: decent as they can support and hit well in large groups,but lacks build variety
1v1: average-ok in 1v1
tpvp: not that great
wvw: meta. too much heals,too tanky too many boons and foodbuffs turn them into beasts, can spam 1 on staff to tag, can reflect, reatals an entire zerg, 2 guardians are almost unkillable under water…..
tpvp: performs well
1v1: depends on build, but is in a good spot, can be very tanky, but not much dps
part of the meta in pve
wvw: part of the meta and very annoying. known for ganking, soloing keeplords,towerlords , camps and killing dolys. permastealth turns them into trolls,but not that great in zergs though.
1v1: meta
tpvp: meta
pretty bad in pve.
(u need the right build and skill though)
wvw: strong
tpvp: strong
1v1: certain builds are extreemly strong
pve: not that popular, hard to level
wvw: without our utility portal,tw and veil, bottom as all other classes do everything we can, but have easier access to it or do it better. clones die too quick, phantasms same, tagging has become hard since glam nerf
1v1 :great and can be meta if not vs cc or condi spam
tpvp: can be strong again if cc and condi gets toned down,otherwise utility bot
pve: pretty bad and tagging is a pain.
pve: stable
wvw: pretty weak, but has a few utilities that can help out though
1v1: bm was strong, got nerfed, spirit was op, could still be viable
tpvp: could maybe still be helpful
Isle of Kickaspenwood
@selan Elem is not average in PvE, not in zerker. Necros are average however (pve).
@selan Elem is not average in PvE, not in zerker. Necros are average however (pve).
u could be right. i leveled my ele which was my first main while my best friend leveled a necro and he had it pretty easy compared to me. thats maybe why i could have screwed those 2 up a little.
Isle of Kickaspenwood
for kitten sake, stop asking for buffs
ask for nerfs to obscene specs
Well, focus should be buffed anyways, since it was not useful enough from very beginning. Conjured weapons too. Also some changes should be implemented to let us not spend 30 points in arcane power trait lane and still be useful.
Almost nothing in this game will ever be fixed.
Anet fix things only if it might increase gemstore sales.
Ima just leave this comment here.
Its funny when im on my necro going heads up with an ele. and all i have to do is sit in one spot and auto attack with my scepter to send them running away.
yea.. eles need a major buff.. seriously lol…ive literally fear chained an ele to death and she couldnt do jack about.. and thought i was atm ele is at the bottom of the food chain. All ele builds atm.. are full glass cannons.. there is like no more build diversity with the constant nerfs they had. Even at this point tomorrow im deleting my ele. its honestly a waste of a character slot.. when i can make a better class. its truely. sad. but its w.e
(edited by Lordryux.9785)
Ima just leave this comment here.
Its funny when im on my necro going heads up with an ele. and all i have to do is sit in one spot and auto attack with my scepter to send them running away.
yea.. eles need a major buff.. seriously lol…ive literally fear chained an ele to death and she couldnt do jack about.. and thought i was atm ele is at the bottom of the food chain. All ele builds atm.. are full glass cannons.. there is like no more build diversity with the constant nerfs they had.
The problem here is not the Ele class, It’s Necro scepter Auto attack being overly efficient.
Ima just leave this comment here.
Its funny when im on my necro going heads up with an ele. and all i have to do is sit in one spot and auto attack with my scepter to send them running away.
yea.. eles need a major buff.. seriously lol…ive literally fear chained an ele to death and she couldnt do jack about.. and thought i was atm ele is at the bottom of the food chain. All ele builds atm.. are full glass cannons.. there is like no more build diversity with the constant nerfs they had. Even at this point tomorrow im deleting my ele. its honestly a waste of a character slot.. when i can make a better class. its truely. sad. but its w.e
You haven’t tried all builds then. I have not met a necro that beat me in a 1 on 1 fight in pvp. Though, most people I come across have copy paste builds. My favourite type of foe. Copy Paste D/Ds … defeated. Copy Paste condition necros defeated. Spirit Rangers … I suck against spirit rangers though haven’t fought any since patch.
Edit: can’t spell or punctuate Today, going good.
Sophea Sladorian – Charr Ranger – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Sophea Of Elements – Human Elementalist – [DECM] | Sea of Sorrows
Ima just leave this comment here.
Its funny when im on my necro going heads up with an ele. and all i have to do is sit in one spot and auto attack with my scepter to send them running away.
yea.. eles need a major buff.. seriously lol…ive literally fear chained an ele to death and she couldnt do jack about.. and thought i was atm ele is at the bottom of the food chain. All ele builds atm.. are full glass cannons.. there is like no more build diversity with the constant nerfs they had. Even at this point tomorrow im deleting my ele. its honestly a waste of a character slot.. when i can make a better class. its truely. sad. but its w.e
You haven’t tried all builds then. I have not met a necro that beat me in a 1 on 1 fight in pvp. Though, most people I come across have copy paste builds. My favourite type of foe. Copy Paste D/Ds … defeated. Copy Paste condition necros defeated. Spirit Rangers … I suck against spirit rangers
though haven’t fought any since patch.
Edit: can’t spell or punctuate Today, going good.
Ive tried every ele build there is.. its just not as fun anymore by any means.. if u have fun on your ele. hey thats you but 90% of the ele forums.. all agree that they need some serious love.. and i cant stress that enough. alot of eles even up and quit there mains just to make a freakin stun warrior or guardian.. now if that doesnt speak for itself. idk what else does..
and why are we still talking about spirit rangers.. ive seen only 2 since the nerf.. and today they never even logged on at all. and they were some pretty hardcore pvpers. aswell lol. that build is torn to shreds.. back to traps.>
S/f seems to be fairing decently well against fotm build matches and the damage potential is defiantely there..But there is 1 thing that i want to change for the ele and it hasnt to do with getting or losing power..Its the kitten frustration of playing it atm.It doesnt matter what build you ll run ,you will seeing your life going down by anything and even the way you do damage is frustrating.
On a warrior i autoattack ,build adrenaline,skullcrack and 100 blades and pop an bers stance f needed or block while the signet heals me passively..
On an ele i need to switch in and out of air for the lightning strikes while trying not waste an attunement and its buff if im gonna need it in the near future,whil trying to aim the fire spells while im keeping an eye of my position cause i cant disengage with focus while trying to be near los options for ether renewal. etcetc
Warrior vs Ele is just an example that gives me the impression that effort required for classes to perform is very unevenly dstributed..That hasnt annything to do with their power though
I want them to remake useless utilities (glyphs, signets, conjure weapons) and traits (fire and earth line). Plus, all of Arcana major traits are too good. They should nerf this line a little and buff the others much.
I really want more variety on ele…
for kitten sake, stop asking for buffs
ask for nerfs to obscene specs
At some point specs have to become generally enjoyable to play.
Balance doesn’t give that.
If you say ‘but they are’.
Just know, no one really plays GW2 anymore.