October 23 - PvP Leagues

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Official HoT Release date


K We believe in you, you have 2 months to do this stuff:

- queue outside hotm
- rework hotm
- solve soloer vs premade issue
- frequently balance patch

C’mon boys!

(edited by philheat.3956)

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: CptCuddles.8912


Well when you put it that way I think now is a good time to quit this game.

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


Be optimistic guys!

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: CptCuddles.8912


It took over a year for them to fix turret engis by simply making them susceptible to condition and crit damage. I’ve spent two years hoping there’s pretty much nothing left.

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: Tao.1234


It took over a year for them to fix turret engis by simply making them susceptible to condition and crit damage. I’ve spent two years hoping there’s pretty much nothing left.


Fixing means toning it down and keeping it viable.

Turrets aren’t viable in pvp even a bit.

But it’s time to buff celeele, so #hype.

Suspended for telling Like it is.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: zxstanyxz.8769


It took over a year for them to ruin turret engis by simply making them susceptible to condition and crit damage. I’ve spent two years hoping there’s pretty much nothing left.

fixed that for ya

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: CptCuddles.8912


It took over a year for them to ruin turret engis by simply making them susceptible to condition and crit damage. I’ve spent two years hoping there’s pretty much nothing left.

fixed that for ya

Let me try again…

It took over a year for them to save us from turret engis with a lazy band-aid fix of making turrets susceptible to condition and crit damage. I’ve spent two years hoping there’s pretty much nothing left.

Now all the touchy engis can sleep soundly.

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: Velimere.7685


Good night, Sweet Prince.

Anyone who says Zerk is the average Joe build is an average Joe.

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


i really really really really hope they will separate soloq and teamq or leagues will be huge fail due to
- premades vs pugs
- carries for gold
- uneven matchmaking
- faaaarmingggg
- soloq players (which are majority) having 0 chance to get any high tier rewards regardless skills → no motvation to pvp → people quiting

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: philheat.3956


i really really really really hope they will separate soloq and teamq or leagues will be huge fail due to
- premades vs pugs
- carries for gold
- uneven matchmaking
- faaaarmingggg
- soloq players (which are majority) having 0 chance to get any high tier rewards regardless skills -> no motvation to pvp -> people quiting

Yep, absolutely.

PvP Leagues will be a big shiny card for new players and new players = don’t have a team, so the option to be chain stomped by premades team will cause a fast quit and a huge rage for sure.

23 October is the date when the toxicity level will grow.

This is for sure. Simply fact, more competition = more rage/complains = more toxicity.

So for 23 October pvp needs to be really solid or lol jesus, this forum will explode for sure.

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: meow one twenty.4376

meow one twenty.4376

i really really really really hope they will separate soloq and teamq or leagues will be huge fail due to
- premades vs pugs
- carries for gold
- uneven matchmaking
- faaaarmingggg
- soloq players (which are majority) having 0 chance to get any high tier rewards regardless skills -> no motvation to pvp -> people quiting

Yep, absolutely.

PvP Leagues will be a big shiny card for new players and new players = don’t have a team, so the option to be chain stomped by premades team will cause a fast quit and a huge rage for sure.

23 October is the date when the toxicity level will grow.

This is for sure. Simply fact, more competition = more rage/complains = more toxicity.

So for 23 October pvp needs to be really solid or lol jesus, this forum will explode for sure.

I could see this being a huge problem. The game is fast enough to confuse most beginners. When you consider all the skills they have to learn to watch for and that animations are different for different races, it can be intimidating to new people.

All I can think of is making a “minor league” type system for beginners. When they go to the Mists for the first time let them pick between X amount of teams and they will automatically join that guild. They can leave at any time but this way there is at least an attempt to force them into organization.

Alright meow, where were we?

October 23 - PvP Leagues

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Well they did make a change that prevents players under rank 20 to take part on ranked, so no leagues for them. The problem with that is even if you reach rank 20 you are still usually far from being amazing and even if you are really good it is impossible to carry team alone.

High tier players punished even more. You don’t have a team, you constantly get paired with pugs (which is ok) but all you face is top ESL teams and players multiple times in a row (happend to me countless times). Add to that absurd class imbalance (sup dd eles). How the hell are you suppose to win any matches in such situation? How are you suppose to get any rewards when all you do is getting farmed in ranked by top ESL teams? Why even bother pvp at that point? Soloq and teamq NEED TO BE SEPARATED.

I honestly don’t understand why Anet is so stubborn and punishes majority of player base (soloq players) for pure existence. Wasn’t favoritism of certain group of players an offense? What happend to that?

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>