Guys, I don’t think there are OP classes/tactics in this game. I will grant that some are stronger than others and harder to counter, but they ARE counter-able. There is a counter-build to every build. I remember how in the beginning of starcraft, all you needed to do was cheese to win, until people discovered how to counter it. In League of Legends, it was pick Akali or another equally OP hero and own face. In WoW a good rogue could take on multiple opponents naked .
So what happened in those games, balance wise?
1. Counters emerged. They exist, they do exist. Phantasm spamming mesmers can be countered. So can heartseeker / pistol whip / lotus death blossom spamming thieves. Of course, when you choose to get a build that counters them, that opens up people of other professions to counter you. That, my friends, is the rock-paper-scissors nature of a good, well balanced team game.
2. Balance happened gradually . No developer can watch a video of a thief taking on multiple opponents at once and declare “This is Op. Let’s nerf it.” Seriously. There are multiple factors. Do they all have builds that are countered by his build? Does his skill far surpass their skill? Is this a thing that is happening constantly to all players, or mostly to un-skilled players? If we nerf this, how will it affect WvWvW, or PvE? It’s not time yet to desperately start pressing the panic nerf button. Expect it to take time for balance to kick in, because…
3. Rushed nerfs/buffs cause MORE imbalance. If you want a balanced game, be patient. If they start making changes before carefully tweaking those changes in a controlled testing environment, you’d bet there will be an ever increasing list of imbalances in one of the three game modes.
LoL players, think of all the champions that will completely decimate a noob, but are considered un-viable in high level team play. That’s because with a new champion every month or so, and constant changes to balance, a lot of champions get left in the dust by all the champions that just do all the same things better, or more safely.
WoW players, think of how long it took for rogues to stop being OP. Then it was Warlocks. Then it was Paladins. Then Hunters. If a game is balanced well, every profession should feel like they are OP, until they get beat, then they cry about the other profession being OP.
High level Starcraft players, does a cannon rush, or a 6 pool, still feel OP to you? I see a lot of Starcraft players adapting to a “Safe” Opener that can stop a cheese (if you scout properly) and transition into a play-style that is typically balanced around timing pushes, map control, and generally mid-game play.
I invite you to discuss these thoughts.