Ok, I am done trolling
I quit this game due to Skyhammer (amongst a few other things) and im telling everyone who asks to not play this game for its pvp…since the devs dont listen and the development/attention to pvp is slower than that of most F2P titles.
Its time they hired a real pvp dev or two instead of the jack of all trade type of devs they have now. A guy that has proven experience developing systems for pvp games. They dont have that guy right now and untill they do the pvp in this game is going nowhere.
Its sad but true.
One of the biggest downsides of pvp in this game is that some classes lack depth of play. *There is not enough build or setup required in some cases to make the regular pvp studs happy and make this a really really good pvp game.
Instead of realizing this and moving the game in the right direction they flatten it out and develop more shallow gameplay (like skyhammer).* One or two shots instead of set or build up.
So what does this game need you may ask?
Developers need to look at the flow of gameplay per class or profession with a critical eye and make improvements where needed. Dont get me wrong, more options like skills, traits and uttilities etc are great. But its a temporary fix especially if you consider that most of those new toys are barely used.
Without improvements to the depth of play this game will never be a major draw for the pvp crowd.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
I’m one of the few who does enjoy Skyhammer now, after converting to a decap engi, hate me all you want.
What I’m disgusted with the map is the amount of bugs.
People surviving falling off the map, requiring the mobs to kill them.
The one shot bug (People sometimes literally die for no reason)
People not falling off when they should due to lag.
Entering/leaving the cannon platform is buggy as heck.
I can put up with the map, but not the amount of bugs.
I’m one of the few who does enjoy Skyhammer now, after converting to a decap engi, hate me all you want.
What I’m disgusted with the map is the amount of bugs.
People surviving falling off the map, requiring the mobs to kill them.
The one shot bug (People sometimes literally die for no reason)
People not falling off when they should due to lag.
Entering/leaving the cannon platform is buggy as heck.
I can put up with the map, but not the amount of bugs.
Most people who play Skyhammer specs do put up with the map.
Most people who play Skyhammer specs do put up with the map.
I main an engie and i hate it with a passion eventho im doing really well on it (i made ToL winners quit playing that game after pulling them down 4-5 times within 2 mins).
The guys who dislike it are smart enough to realize that skyhammer is bad for the pvp side of this game … or they dont and get dominated on it. Either of the two.
Skyhammer = shallow gameplay. Shallow gameplay can lead to some fun at first but it doesnt last if youre looking for a quality pvp experience. There is no counter to stealth pulls, especially if your fighting allready (thats when i pull most of my victims down).
(edited by Locuz.2651)
I also quit this game because of skyhammer. It ruins the whole solo arena system and I don’t have time to play with a team
People who say they’ve “quit” but keep posting are the most hilarious ones.
If Hotjoin 2.0 is too hard to deal with for you why not soloque for team arena?
How about Just play hotjoin1.0?
My whole argument is, Is pulling someone to their death considered “pvp”? i wouldn’t mind it as much if my team didn’t give up 200+ points to just getting pulled to death. gravity shouldn’t affect inside on pvp and shouldn’t be there
Skyhammer is too advanced. Most players can barely handle the normal pvp/conquest mode let alone dealing with positioning and skyhammer mechanics.
But… because of that its sooooo fun to troll people. Very entertaining to reply to someone “L2P” and continue to see them drop in the exact same spot multiple times in a row as they seek revenge.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
i’m amazed there are still people that don’t AFK this cr…map.
its one of the main reasons i rarely play rated matches, i have very few nights a week were i can have a good fun gaming night,
i don’t want to risk having 10 minutes of AFK staring at the screen waiting for the garbage to end, it really puts a dint in a good gaming night.
atleast when this cr…MAP! pops up in hotjoin we can all switch server to escape it,
in rated you’re stuck to wait it out.
i can’t figure out why Anet so stubbornly ignore the community.
we hate the map anet, you know we hate it, why is it still in the rotations?
let the very few people who enjoy the map play it in custom arenas,
just like courtyard.
Simple solution: If a queue with skyhammer pops, log out of the game and come back 15 minutes later. That’s the only way ANET will get the message.
In fairness though, I do think there is only one dev for PvP and he seems to mostly be involved with fixing issues or quality of life type changes.
In fairness though, I do think there is only one dev for PvP and he seems to mostly be involved with fixing issues or quality of life type changes.
but why? this isn’t some low budget random F2P, this is Guildwars 2!
a game under the wing of NCsoft, who could be seen as MMO gods.
up there with the likes of Blizzard and old SoE back in the Everquest days.
this game sold over a million copies before it was even released,
how on earth do we end up with only 1-2 devs less than 2 years after release?…
Skyhammer is too advanced. Most players can barely handle the normal pvp/conquest mode let alone dealing with positioning and skyhammer mechanics.
Ye stealth pulling ppl who are allready fighting on sidepoints is such an advanced tactic + really hard to pull off … right??
I mean i know US ladder standards are relatively low. But do you guys really consider something that is so easy to pull off/ be succesfull at as “advanced”?
(edited by Locuz.2651)
i don’t consider it advance. Like i said earlier i don’t think it should count for points..
Lol at every pvp post eventually turning into NA sucks.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
I wish they would do something about this because I’ve had a lot of my Skyhammer matches ruined by afkers. As in, a majority of my matches on Skyhammer.
It only takes one guy to ruin a match and it’s become so common that something needs to be done.
Skyhammer is too advanced. Most players can barely handle the normal pvp/conquest mode let alone dealing with positioning and skyhammer mechanics.
But… because of that its sooooo fun to troll people. Very entertaining to reply to someone “L2P” and continue to see them drop in the exact same spot multiple times in a row as they seek revenge.
LMAO so true!!!
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Lol at every pvp post eventually turning into NA sucks.
Well the level of competition is a bit worse on the US ladders tbh. I have a US account and played with and against most of the guys you consider top tier. So its not like i didnt experience it first hand.
As you can see on the screenshot below i have no issues on skyhammer … even if i play on the US ladders with an extra 0.5 sec delay.
Just run around like a … from A to C → stealth out of LoS → pull ppl down who are fighting allready = so much skill?
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Whether NA is worse or not EU like every other kittening game I have ever played will always claim superiority. It’s hysterical.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
Whether NA is worse or not EU like every other kittening game I have ever played will always claim superiority. It’s hysterical.
In wow the top tier US teams where/are a bit better than the EU ones. Common known fact which most of us EU players never denied.
AoM/AoT, the game i played competetively before that had a couple (south) americans that where the best players on the ladder.
So i have nfc where that random statement comes from.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Skyhammer is too advanced. Most players can barely handle the normal pvp/conquest mode let alone dealing with positioning and skyhammer mechanics.
Ye stealth pulling ppl who are allready fighting on sidepoints is such an advanced tactic + really hard to pull off … right??
I mean i know US ladder standards are relatively low. But do you guys really consider something that is so easy to pull off/ be succesfull at as “advanced”?
The adv part is knowing when to dodge/avoid/anticipate it instead of tunnel vision 1v1 on the cap point. You’re doing it wrong in skyhammer if you spend so long trying to win a cap that reinforcement comes to pull you.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
In fairness though, I do think there is only one dev for PvP and he seems to mostly be involved with fixing issues or quality of life type changes.
but why? this isn’t some low budget random F2P, this is Guildwars 2!
a game under the wing of NCsoft, who could be seen as MMO gods.
up there with the likes of Blizzard and old SoE back in the Everquest days.this game sold over a million copies before it was even released,
how on earth do we end up with only 1-2 devs less than 2 years after release?…
Or maybe there are more than the 1 dev and they just sit around playing ping pong all day.
People who say they’ve “quit” but keep posting are the most hilarious ones.
If Hotjoin 2.0 is too hard to deal with for you why not soloque for team arena?
How about Just play hotjoin1.0?
I don’t think it’s hilarious. Guild Wars 2 has probably the best traitsystem of all games and people love the game for it. On the other hand, Guild Wars 2 has probably the worst gamemodesystem and the worst updates.
All patches are 100% PvE-based, no matter if the patch is for PvE, PvP or WvW. There is no real content and this is just silly.
All in all no wonder for me that people don’t want to leave the game. They are sad because nothing happens over and over again. So they post here. It’s annoying and boring for me too and that’s the reason why I reduced playing the game drastically compared to the first year.
People who say they’ve “quit” but keep posting are the most hilarious ones.
If Hotjoin 2.0 is too hard to deal with for you why not soloque for team arena?
How about Just play hotjoin1.0?I don’t think it’s hilarious. Guild Wars 2 has probably the best traitsystem of all games and people love the game for it. On the other hand, Guild Wars 2 has probably the worst gamemodesystem and the worst updates.
All patches are 100% PvE-based, no matter if the patch is for PvE, PvP or WvW. There is no real content and this is just silly.
All in all no wonder for me that people don’t want to leave the game. They are sad because nothing happens over and over again. So they post here. It’s annoying and boring for me too and that’s the reason why I reduced playing the game drastically compared to the first year.
i agree with this 100 percent
The adv part is knowing when to dodge/avoid/anticipate it instead of tunnel vision 1v1 on the cap point. You’re doing it wrong in skyhammer if you spend so long trying to win a cap that reinforcement comes to pull you.
Can you explain how to do it? I mean i stealth out of LoS so you whont see it coming. I roam around aswell so its not like youre sure that i am at point A or whatever.
Are you like a psychic or something?
I mean maybe i should give your name to guys like ROM, Tage, Misha and a long list of other top tier players who cant deal with it?
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Yep, so much skill. Im really proud of myself there. Never knew what I was capable of. Skyhammer made me realize how much raw potential there is in me.
You can TRY to dodge about 1 sec after you see glkittenter… 2 sec after you see mesmer put down curtain on glass. But it only works against unskilled noobs. “Good” mesmers/thieves/engineers will wait a bit longer before pulling. Against thief pulls you ckittene reflect as well as stab and dodge, but you have to be fast. Pretty much already hovering above the button. For which you have to know that there actually is a thief…
As shown in my video above, that’s not really something a thief will let you know in advance.
Engineer literally has so many pulls, knocks etc. He can just wait for you to use all your dodge/stab up and pull/knock you after that. The only profession I was ever able to actually out-stab an engineer with, was a guardian with 3x stab. Rotating them properly lets you sit on skyhammer and least block that cannon successfully, though you wont be able to use it.
Mesmer is a bit more tricky, but with the right spec he just rips off your stab and then pulls you after you dodged.
This map would be hilarious to play as a mini-game. But as a spvp map it’s just so totally wrong, there’s no words for it. This map limits the amount of “useful” professions even more so than other maps, and it limits the amount of “useful” builds to… exactly ONE per profession. There’s no “skill” involved in this at all. It’s build vs build. NOT player vs player.
And as such it should NEVER be put into a rated map rotation.
Tbh, I was forced to take a break from gw2 – especially gw2 spvp – due to rl stuff, and first map I got when logging in to do some spvp matches was…. skyhammer…. funny, I didnt have any problem at all quitting right when it popped.
(edited by Yasi.9065)
I don’t think it’s hilarious. Guild Wars 2 has probably the best traitsystem of all games and people love the game for it.
Its the combat system thats good …not the traitsystem.
The traitsystem in a game like The Secret World is miles better, even tho the combat is a lot worse. They have preset builds for newer players, lots of viable alternatives to meta traitroutes, proper depth and theorycrafting withing the traitroutes etc.
But than again their combat is clunky and outdated.
(edited by Locuz.2651)
Yep, so much skill. Im really proud of myself there. Never knew what I was capable of. Skyhammer made me realize how much raw potential there is in me.
Map working perfectly as intended…..
Seriously look how stupid this is xD
Whether NA is worse or not EU like every other kittening game I have ever played will always claim superiority. It’s hysterical.
In wow the top tier US teams where/are a bit better than the EU ones. Common known fact which most of us EU players never denied.
AoM/AoT, the game i played competetively before that had a couple (south) americans that where the best players on the ladder.
So i have nfc where that random statement comes from.
Yeah my bad I forgot those were the only games ever.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
The metagame in Skyham is not getting pulled through holes and knocked off edges. If you’re too cool to play the metagame, or you ‘know better’ for some reason, get used to faceplanting the ground and earning stacks of dishonor.
Really, no-one cares about your whiney l2p issues. There are a bunch of other vanilla conquest maps for you to roll hambow on, if that’s all you can play. If you absolutely can’t or won’t roll a CC spec in Skyham for whatever reason, just stay on midpoint and get carried by your betters.
“Skyhammer is too advanced. Most players can barely handle the normal pvp/conquest mode let alone dealing with positioning and skyhammer mechanics.”
*I am so sick of this argument about not understanding positioning. Unless you have permanent stability you cannot “position” yourself to cap A or C without being stealth pulled by engies, thieves and mesmers. So unless you troll spec you are at B the whole time and you are a liability to your team. Not to mention that if you don’t have hammer holding B is very difficult.
You cant even go help get hammer…its all push pull fall no matter where you position unless you go just in the doorway and tele in and out…which is a huge waste of time.*
Stealth pulled by engies, thieves and mesmers. So unless you troll spec
Magnet has a Tell, easy to dodge.
Mesmers pull lasts for 5 seconds but can only be used on the last 4 has a low range and can be out positioned.
Thief has no tell and it can be done while stealthed+daze to prevent skill use during the pull, there is no way to counter this except with a very quick stability/invuln
Pro Tips when defending a or c; Stand off point. Preferably where you can see them coming, Have a ranged weapon or nest defense.
Master race for defending a/c is Engineer.
Master race for defending b is Guardian
Master race for The Hammer is Mesmer
Why is it considered troll spec to have a build specifically for this map?
You SHOULD be forced to play different builds or to switch your build for each map.
Stealth pulled by engies, thieves and mesmers. So unless you troll spec
Magnet has a Tell, easy to dodge.
Mesmers pull lasts for 5 seconds but can only be used on the last 4 has a low range and can be out positioned.Thief has no tell and it can be done while stealthed+daze to prevent skill use during the pull, there is no way to counter this except with a very quick stability/invuln
Pro Tips when defending a or c; Stand off point. Preferably where you can see them coming, Have a ranged weapon or nest defense.
Master race for defending a/c is Engineer.
Master race for defending b is Guardian
Master race for The Hammer is MesmerWhy is it considered troll spec to have a build specifically for this map?
You SHOULD be forced to play different builds or to switch your build for each map.
“Cap” was the term I used.
Defending is easier yes, you don’t have to stand on the point and that is a huge difference. Capping one of those with a triple kit engy….if you don’t get pulled off you are gonna get condi bombed and pushed around until magnet is back up and then you have to dodge again. Maybe its easy for you but I aint pro and sometimes they get me.
And speaking of dodging….dodging the godsmack would also be something of an improvement. Come on….you can dodge every other player initiated siege type weapon in PvP why not this? And the radius is so big that if you don’t immediately make a run for it, its gonna get you.
Switching for maps I understand as I like to play bunker guard mostly. So I understand I need to switch from AH to Virtues depending on the map and the team comp..but I switch because of my team and how I fit into the team. Its about making for better fights.
Skyhammer is about building NOT to fight. Building for troll like 1 hit kills.
Team don’t matter.
Skill don’t matter.
Which is the whole reason why it shouldn’t be in the rated soloQ.
Why isn’t it in team Q? Probably for the reasons I am pointing out.
For those of you that say “Just solo queue up in TeamQ because solo ladder is poop anyway and not to be taken seriously” Well this is one of the reasons why it is poop. This is the first and easiest step that can toward giving this ladder any legitimacy.
Put simply I would love to mess around on this map perfecting troll specs and having fun playing hide & go fall damage in hotjoin. Not in rated play on a ladder I am trying to climb. Climbing it by getting better at 5 man TEAM PvP. And even though its called SoloQ, you are still on, and have to work as a team.
Stealth pulled by engies, thieves and mesmers. So unless you troll spec
Magnet has a Tell, easy to dodge.
Thief has no tell and it can be done while stealthed+daze to prevent skill use during the pull, there is no way to counter this except with a very quick stability/invuln
When stealthed the magnet animation does not appear. And i’ve learned with thieves is easy to strafe back and forth stand as far away from the glass pads while still in the point. wire moves pretty slow and once you hear it its pretty easy to dodge
Stealth pulled by engies, thieves and mesmers. So unless you troll spec
Magnet has a Tell, easy to dodge.
Thief has no tell and it can be done while stealthed+daze to prevent skill use during the pull, there is no way to counter this except with a very quick stability/invuln
When stealthed the magnet animation does not appear. A
Actually yes it does o_o
Actually yes it does o_o
After doing like 2,000 stealth pulls, I can say it definitely does not have a telegraph, this is common knowledge!
New Twitter: @chaithhh
Lol at every pvp post eventually turning into NA sucks.
Well the level of competition is a bit worse on the US ladders tbh. I have a US account and played with and against most of the guys you consider top tier. So its not like i didnt experience it first hand.
As you can see on the screenshot below i have no issues on skyhammer … even if i play on the US ladders with an extra 0.5 sec delay.
Just run around like a … from A to C -> stealth out of LoS -> pull ppl down who are fighting allready = so much skill?
proud enough to post a picture… as an engineer… That’s like Goliath bragging about beating up David
I hate the map because of the hammer more so than the pulls. The hammer is boring to operate and annoying to worry about.
(edited by Cam Ron.4170)
Wow .. That is ………I could of sworn I could see it.. but now I cant =/
Maybe Ive been getting lucky with timing this whole time.. whenever an engie stealths I just wait for him to step on a pad and then dodge.. or better yet I Blurred frenzy..
(edited by Darnis.4056)
Give me a utility skill for warrior that’s a hookshot with the same range as magnet pull or scorp wire with the same cooldown and you can keep your skyhammer.
Stealth pulled by engies, thieves and mesmers. So unless you troll spec
Magnet has a Tell, easy to dodge.
Thief has no tell and it can be done while stealthed+daze to prevent skill use during the pull, there is no way to counter this except with a very quick stability/invuln
When stealthed the magnet animation does not appear. A
Actually yes it does o_o
maybe its a graphics glitch then because i know what to look for when I’m on sky hammer around an engi. and when i go to a point and they stealth, their is no animation
I dunno when I tried it in a duel server I could no longer see the strings from thin air… but I swear to god I’ve seen them before : /