Old player LF EU Team

Old player LF EU Team

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


Profs – I played bunch of already. Only prof that i didnt touch at all since I dont like playing it is Mesmer.
Experience – I have been playing with some good teams and players back in the day (around november patch when QP were only obtainable by winning whole 8 team tourneys I got up to ~rank 20 even tho I did quit before QP “leaderboards” came up life). I did play in team known as Mace Stun for quite some time and I subbed a lot for teams which members are still on the top of ladders. Rank 37 with amount of tournament matches played – 927 with winratio of 78% (profession by % – 25% warrior and ranger, 15% guardian, 20% necromancer)

I did play bunch of profs as I wrote before. I did play Ranger (when they were not so viable) and had success with it, Warriors in many different builds, Bunker and Offensive guardian. I did create few builds that were used at some points by people from MS, so I can say I’m good at theorycrafting. I have slots on my account for every single profession.

Currently after playing some League and getting quite nice Division, I was thinking about giving another shot at GW2 competitive aspect since Custom Arenas and Spectator give this game another dimension from that point of view.

I’m looking for either a whole team that lacks a roaming player or players like me that have some experience and are coming back to gw2.

Contact me ingame by ID or skype – wydras_m

PS: If there is a high tier team that is looking for a sub, I would be interested in that offer as well.

(edited by Spell.6082)

Old player LF EU Team

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


gl spell, it’s nice to see good players coming back

Up Rerroll

Old player LF EU Team

in PvP

Posted by: Spell.6082


hoping to get into some good team since i think gw2 have much more potential now than ever.