Once again.. eles
I was pug 4 fun (Good old times) and he was r20 or something lol it would be a real problem if i can’t beat a r20…problem is that any other r20 with a different class just dies and it ends there, this one just kept running away coming back in seconds…sure he couldn’t do kitten but it just proves how easily you can avoid death and reset fights with just rtl away + massive healing, expec if you’re facing a class with less mobility than you (So pretty much everyone except maybe a thief, and you are not going to meet a thief defending a point alone for sure)
You didn’t say “this one time, a r20 ele came by and I beat him.”
As a side point mesmer i got many, and i mean MANY eles coming to my point, getting beaten, rtl away
Sure…in something like 1.8k tournaments i got many of those eles…i don’t understand what’s your point here…
Archaon what you are talking about is just frustrating gameplay for you..Doesnt necessarily means imbalance… He could be entirely worthless for the whole match offering nothing for the team or putting any meaningful pressure to far and still escape death as you mention
.Just saying
I’m not frustrated…i already know that eles are coming side and even if i manage to get them they can keep healing and coming back on demand, everyone knows it…as everyone knows that a bunker ele (And that’s the only class that can do that) can easily rush alone to your side at the beginning and keep it contested until you bring at least 2 ppl to kill him while being outnumbered at mid…you don’t even rant anymore you know it’s how things work, it’s just about dealing with it while devs are still busy nerfing warriors and planning awesome pve events…the whole pvp community knows the actual sotg about eles, someone just refuse to admit it because they only play ele and they can’t/don’t want to play anything else…so they obviously don’t want their class to be balanced, but if you look at every class comparison thread on this forum you’ll see that ele is number one in every single “class ladder” there are mesmers/rangers at 2nd and necros engis and so on spread through middle positions and warriors at the bottom…but everywhere ele is always 1st place and war is last…so no, it’s not only my opinion…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Archaon what you are talking about is just frustrating gameplay for you..Doesnt necessarily means imbalance… He could be entirely worthless for the whole match offering nothing for the team or putting any meaningful pressure to far and still escape death as you mention
.Just sayingI’m not frustrated…i already know that eles are coming side and even if i manage to get them they can keep healing and coming back on demand, everyone knows it…as everyone knows that a bunker ele (And that’s the only class that can do that) can easily rush alone to your side at the beginning and keep it contested until you bring at least 2 ppl to kill him while being outnumbered at mid…you don’t even rant anymore you know it’s how things work, it’s just about dealing with it while devs are still busy nerfing warriors and planning awesome pve events…the whole pvp community knows the actual sotg about eles, someone just refuse to admit it because they only play ele and they can’t/don’t want to play anything else…so they obviously don’t want their class to be balanced, but if you look at every class comparison thread on this forum you’ll see that ele is number one in every single “class ladder” there are mesmers/rangers at 2nd and necros engis and so on spread through middle positions and warriors at the bottom…but everywhere ele is always 1st place and war is last…so no, it’s not only my opinion…
So a bunker specced guardian, thief, mesmer, necro, engineer and ranger should be able to fight against 2 people while having the same (if not better) healing, but an Ele’s almost ONLY viable build (which happens to be bunker) is not acceptable? You don’t see people playing it BECAUSE these classes have more viable builds which can actually kill and be well all around. And if people start complaining about mobility, I’ll say thief is worse, as they can stealth and heal while being NEAR you for the next burst, while you see an Ele coming from miles away.
Just for information, my main was Ele, then Mesmer, then Warrior, then Necro and I switched back to Ele quite recently when I saw all the crying… and I really don’t see the fuss about it as I can kill Eles with my Warrior in tPvP. I don’t even need to comment on the Mesmer. Necro is good, but I am yet to get the full hang of it.
Protip – anything that stuns, interrupts or impairs movement in ANY way ruins any Ele.
The Dragoon Brotherhood
Archaon what you are talking about is just frustrating gameplay for you..Doesnt necessarily means imbalance… He could be entirely worthless for the whole match offering nothing for the team or putting any meaningful pressure to far and still escape death as you mention
.Just sayingI’m not frustrated…i already know that eles are coming side and even if i manage to get them they can keep healing and coming back on demand, everyone knows it…as everyone knows that a bunker ele (And that’s the only class that can do that) can easily rush alone to your side at the beginning and keep it contested until you bring at least 2 ppl to kill him while being outnumbered at mid…you don’t even rant anymore you know it’s how things work, it’s just about dealing with it while devs are still busy nerfing warriors and planning awesome pve events…the whole pvp community knows the actual sotg about eles, someone just refuse to admit it because they only play ele and they can’t/don’t want to play anything else…so they obviously don’t want their class to be balanced, but if you look at every class comparison thread on this forum you’ll see that ele is number one in every single “class ladder” there are mesmers/rangers at 2nd and necros engis and so on spread through middle positions and warriors at the bottom…but everywhere ele is always 1st place and war is last…so no, it’s not only my opinion…
So a bunker specced guardian, thief, mesmer, necro, engineer and ranger should be able to fight against 2 people while having the same (if not better) healing, but an Ele’s almost ONLY viable build (which happens to be bunker) is not acceptable? You don’t see people playing it BECAUSE these classes have more viable builds which can actually kill and be well all around. And if people start complaining about mobility, I’ll say thief is worse, as they can stealth and heal while being NEAR you for the next burst, while you see an Ele coming from miles away.
Just for information, my main was Ele, then Mesmer, then Warrior, then Necro and I switched back to Ele quite recently when I saw all the crying… and I really don’t see the fuss about it as I can kill Eles with my Warrior in tPvP. I don’t even need to comment on the Mesmer. Necro is good, but I am yet to get the full hang of it.
Protip – anything that stuns, interrupts or impairs movement in ANY way ruins any Ele.
lol epic fail post. No one cares that an ele can bunker. No one cares that they have excellent mobility. They care that they have both. Takes 2-3 of us to down the mid guardian in a respectable time before he can get a load of back up, and just as we do wouldn’t you know it. Ele came all the way from the far point and can survive long enough for the guardian to respawn and run aaaalllllll the way back. Bunkers should never be mobile. If you didn’t notice all the bunkers you listed aren’t mobile. Except the thief, and idk who runs a bunker thief as they are a joke to kill.
Protip: An Ele mains 3 stun breakers, 4 if traited in earth which is increasing in popularity. Each of these not only breaks stuns but also removes at least one condition. They also have a high uptime on stability which negates all cc effects.
So a bunker specced guardian, thief, mesmer, necro, engineer and ranger should be able to fight against 2 people while having the same (if not better) healing, but an Ele’s almost ONLY viable build (which happens to be bunker) is not acceptable? You don’t see people playing it BECAUSE these classes have more viable builds which can actually kill and be well all around. And if people start complaining about mobility, I’ll say thief is worse, as they can stealth and heal while being NEAR you for the next burst, while you see an Ele coming from miles away.
So a bunker specced guardian, thief, mesmer, necro, engineer and ranger should be able to fight against 2 people while having the same (if not better) healing, but an Ele’s almost ONLY viable build (which happens to be bunker) is not acceptable? You don’t see people playing it BECAUSE these classes have more viable builds which can actually kill and be well all around. And if people start complaining about mobility, I’ll say thief is worse, as they can stealth and heal while being NEAR you for the next burst, while you see an Ele coming from miles away.
Just for information, my main was Ele, then Mesmer, then Warrior, then Necro and I switched back to Ele quite recently when I saw all the crying… and I really don’t see the fuss about it as I can kill Eles with my Warrior in tPvP. I don’t even need to comment on the Mesmer. Necro is good, but I am yet to get the full hang of it.
Protip – anything that stuns, interrupts or impairs movement in ANY way ruins any Ele.
The only class in that list that would have better healing than a bunker ele is a bunker guardian… Bunker mesmer builds aren’t as viable in PvP as else where because we still suffer from condition damage more so than others even when fully bunkered out…. The other thing you are missing is bunker eles can have insane damage with sigils of battle (attunement swaps count as weapon swaps with no CD between attunements aside from the one you just left not the GCD either) their very good access to blast finishers (ones a dodge roll) and that a mist form ether renewal removes all conditions while ensuring that you get the full heal… They have better boon uptime than guardians and they also have the best bunker mobility in game… I have not seen a bunker thief ever because bunkering involves staying on a point and thieves bunkering still revolve around stealth which counts you as not on the point… Bunker necro is a possibility but not nearly as powerful as a bunker ele… SO do eles need more viable builds? Sure, but is the lack of viable builds a reason to defend the most overpowered bunker spec in this game? Absolutely not…. Demand buffs for other trait lines
Ele’s do not have the highest DPS as DPS. Nowhere near tbh. They do not have the highest sutain either. They can do both moderately well which is what makes them so good. On top of their mobility/group support of course. Ele’s aren’t really all that OP. They are powerful, and are currently the best class, but OP seems a bit of a stretch. IF you ever lose to an Ele in 1v1 combat its a L2 kitten ue on your part. It should always be a stalemate unless you are the squishiest of the squishies. My warrior can sit and tank an ele all day with no issues what so ever. and if a warrior can do it, anyone can.
Also HB is still one of the best ways to down an ele. Especially in teamfights. Any ability that can effectively drop his hp from 100-0 is a fantastic way to prevent healing. You just gotta bait out all of his 3 stun breaks in a 34 second period. Hard, but not impossible.
Freaking seriously?
Sure I’ll agree that eles do not have the highest damage output but it’s FAR from lack luster. If you’re not doing a lot of damage as a d/d ele then you’re simply playing it wrong.
Also 100B will never fully hit any opponent who isn’t a total scrub now that quickness is 50% speed increase, and if a warrior actually still uses that combo you can still take the knockdown and then move out of the way of the end of it, avoiding AT LEAST 25% of the total damage. On top of that you can literally 3 shot a warrior on frenzy as an ele due to the remaining 50% increased damage debuff.
Right, that means the warrior has no more utilities once you avoid his easy to avoid 100B combo and he also has near to none condi removal (if he actually just doesn’t have none, cause that’s very common as a warrior for many reasons).
Basically saying an ele can be killed by a 100B is a total lie, at least if we’re talking about the same lvl of play that the OP is.
Also did you seriously say an ele shouldn’t win a 1v1? Eles are THE BEST 1v1 class atm besides MAYBE mesmers.
If you’re tanky you can’t do enough damage to the constantly healing ele, if you’re condi damage the ele will almost instantaneously remove your condis, if you’re high burst the ele can stun break an insane amount of times plus squish you cause you’re a glass canon.
Eles are by definition Overpowered right now, everyone knows it besides people who only play ele or only play against bad players.
well on highest level also ranger engi mesmer are super 1v1 classes and if i say necro elite hitting 3-4k on me with my 13k health thats ridicilous….
Are u getting mad because 2 eles are stomping u so you cant move while the 100b warrior eats you alive?
I swear people want every single class nerfed, but you know what every profession has some OP build. Just you wait now, in a week or so you will get owned by a thief and here we go again.
Properly geared You can easily land a 3 sec Skull crack which will let u finish the whole HB if you so desire. Or better yet u can Stop the HB at the final attack and use bulls rush u can Kd them for another 2 secs which will give you enough time to WW into rush/auto atk chain pretty much guaranteeing death on any class that relies strictly on heals. […]
And after the first second you’re attempting this the ele used one of his 3 stunbreakers and completely messed your so-good rotation. Srsly?
well on highest level also ranger engi mesmer are super 1v1 classes and if i say necro elite hitting 3-4k on me with my 13k health thats ridicilous….
All it takes is dat one dodge roll in water attunement and hey, you’re full health!
Protip – anything that stuns, interrupts or impairs movement in ANY way ruins any Ele.
Stuns, interrupts and impairs screw pretty much any class… but i’m guessing you missed the part where people mentioned Eles normally run with 3 stunbreakers? Basically 3-2 times more then any other class out there?
What people has to realize is that Elementalist has to much of everything. The only effective way i’ve seen to kill elementalists fast enough is a full berserk thief to backstab him out of nowhere. And even then the elementalist has the chance to mist form into an ally that can ress him..
I’m around rank 100-200 in EU ladder, constantly fighting 3-4 elementalists groups…. And i’m pretty sure BooN (was rank 1 today/yesterday) usually runs 2 elementalists… so if you come here and say that they are fine, i’ll honestly think you’d be a mentally challenged person.
(edited by Deep Star.6541)
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
@SwickHobo.5096 – I don’t see you complaining about bunker rangers that are even more mobile and actually EVADE your attacks WHILE rooted and WHILE executing said movement abilities… Also if you don’t know how to force an Ele to use up all the cantrips, please ask or don’t post BS. I have no issues on my Warrior or Necro. You simply have to scare the Ele away in the example you made.
@pedrst.3127 – Almost any class can spec with 3 stunbreakers. There is that little icon and it also says – stunbreaker.
Another thing to all – stunbreakers don’t work against everything (except mist form which even I consider right out OP and don’t use). If you are a good player, you should already know the 2 kind of CCs (excluding conditions) that bring down stunbreakers.
I also bet you that a team with 2 bunker guards, 2 DPS guards and 1 bunker ranger that can roam is far better than the “team Ele”. Or you can replace the DPS guards with a bunker phantasm mesmer with the retaliation, which still does far more DPS via the phantasms.
The Dragoon Brotherhood
@SwickHobo.5096 – I don’t see you complaining about bunker rangers that are even more mobile and actually EVADE your attacks WHILE rooted and WHILE executing said movement abilities… Also if you don’t know how to force an Ele to use up all the cantrips, please ask or don’t post BS. I have no issues on my Warrior or Necro. You simply have to scare the Ele away in the example you made.
Rangers have little to no con removal so poison will literally destroy them and make them 1v1able in a respectable time. They also have maybe 1 Stun break that doesn’t come from some garbage unreliable trait. They also have no stability, the strongest bunker boon (apart from protection maybe) except on RoA which has a very very lomg CD. You can only bait out breaks on average players. A good player will not panic when stunned or feared and auto break it, but see what you do to follow that stun. If its worth breaking they’ll do it on reaction to w/e your using. Not just cause they’re stunned. Ele’s stun breaks are on respectable CD’s. especially lightning flash. And of course Armor of earth x2 is pretty anti CC for a lot longer then it takes for a person to respawn. My problem with the ele isn’t how good it is, but the fact that it has no hard counter. Conditions will melt a bunker ranger/mesmer. Heavy sustained damage will down a bunker guardian. A bunker thief can’t reliably stay on point so he can tank forever with no plus side. Engies are extremely weak against conditions on some builds, burst on others. Ele is good against everything. Has an answer for everything. Isn’t countered by anything except in excess. Its poor design. Period.
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
dude you know you can dodge regardless and avoid it with or without flash??Omg
Remove eles completely. Problem solved. Also remove all the other classes.
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
dude you know you can dodge regardless and avoid it with or without flash??Omg
That’s why TIMING…. Not saying its a piece of cake to land but guess what if you are fighting on a node look at how huge the diameter of churning earth is… Likely to get someone in there.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
Zerker amulet bunker eles? Seriously?
Do you even play this game or do you just troll the forums?
we may consider whether or not there is an incarnation of [ele] that would be viable
but balanced. For now, we do not expect it to see serious use.” – ANet
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
So you can dodge churning earth alone but when lightning flash comes into play it becomes undodgeable!? What….?
As for healing – have you even played a berserker ele? No way you can heal to full health without investing into healing power. With 150 healing power (15 points in water) you get 1.45k (switch to water) + 1.6k (water trident) + 1.45k (dodgeroll) + 1.45k (cleansing wave) health using all your cooldowns. That’s 6k health out of 15k while being VERY squishy. I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you’re talking about.
@SwickHobo.5096 – I don’t see you complaining about bunker rangers that are even more mobile and actually EVADE your attacks WHILE rooted and WHILE executing said movement abilities… Also if you don’t know how to force an Ele to use up all the cantrips, please ask or don’t post BS. I have no issues on my Warrior or Necro. You simply have to scare the Ele away in the example you made.
Rangers have little to no con removal so poison will literally destroy them and make them 1v1able in a respectable time. They also have maybe 1 Stun break that doesn’t come from some garbage unreliable trait. They also have no stability, the strongest bunker boon (apart from protection maybe) except on RoA which has a very very lomg CD. You can only bait out breaks on average players. A good player will not panic when stunned or feared and auto break it, but see what you do to follow that stun. If its worth breaking they’ll do it on reaction to w/e your using. Not just cause they’re stunned. Ele’s stun breaks are on respectable CD’s. especially lightning flash. And of course Armor of earth x2 is pretty anti CC for a lot longer then it takes for a person to respawn. My problem with the ele isn’t how good it is, but the fact that it has no hard counter. Conditions will melt a bunker ranger/mesmer. Heavy sustained damage will down a bunker guardian. A bunker thief can’t reliably stay on point so he can tank forever with no plus side. Engies are extremely weak against conditions on some builds, burst on others. Ele is good against everything. Has an answer for everything. Isn’t countered by anything except in excess. Its poor design. Period.
Rangers have little to no con removal so poison will literally destroy them
-Emphatic Bond
-Evasive Purity
-Signet of Renewal
-Shake it off
-Healing spring
-Nature’s Renewal
They also have maybe 1 Stun break
-Lightning Reflex
-Signet of Renewal
The rest is just a mix of disinformation, biased opinion and what I see is just another “pro soloer” trying to kill a full bunker with his trusted “build” used for the last 4-5 months
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
So you can dodge churning earth alone but when lightning flash comes into play it becomes undodgeable!? What….?
As for healing – have you even played a berserker ele? No way you can heal to full health without investing into healing power. With 150 healing power (15 points in water) you get 1.45k (switch to water) + 1.6k (water trident) + 1.45k (dodgeroll) + 1.45k (cleansing wave) health using all your cooldowns. That’s 6k health out of 15k while being VERY squishy. I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you’re talking about.
And the most funny thing you know what is?
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k on your zerker s/d build and from distance, if you’re playing a d/d zerker not only you’ll never heal yourself for 6k but also you’ll be killed without being able to even touch the mesmer
yep this thread is a big pile of bs..rangers that dont have cond removal,zerkers eles that heal t full,undodgeable ce..i just give up.
Pick up your torches and bring ele to the fire and then probably engie and whatever,,You guys are legitimately stupid
yep this thread is a big pile of bs..rangers that dont have cond removal,zerkers eles that heal t full,undodgeable ce..i just give up.
Pick up your torches and bring ele to the fire and then probably engie and whatever,,You guys are legitimately stupid
Aye so true, I haven’t seen any specific valid counter to my argument.
I also want a screenshot of that churning earth bunker ele that does 6k dmg (which by the way equals one CnD on average).
Just so everyone knows, a bunker Ele with proper healing will have at the most 15k HP and can be easily killed with some burst. But I suppose since condition tries to be the new Meta, everyone starts crying because there is one class they cannot kill with their ZOMG SUPER BUILD!!!
The Dragoon Brotherhood
yep this thread is a big pile of bs..rangers that dont have cond removal,zerkers eles that heal t full,undodgeable ce..i just give up.
Pick up your torches and bring ele to the fire and then probably engie and whatever,,You guys are legitimately stupidAye so true, I haven’t seen any specific valid counter to my argument.
I also want a screenshot of that churning earth bunker ele that does 6k dmg (which by the way equals one CnD on average).
Just so everyone knows, a bunker Ele with proper healing will have at the most 15k HP and can be easily killed with some burst. But I suppose since condition tries to be the new Meta, everyone starts crying because there is one class they cannot kill with their ZOMG SUPER BUILD!!!
They’ve got no counter to your argument, they never had them to start with, this should give you a clear indication of the nature of these claims
I can give you a brief overview on what has bees said so far about eles:
First instance:
- Ele is so OP and easy to use that anybody can make one and owns people
- Ele is OP..but you need to play a specific build
- While being OP and easy to use, you still need to be decent for you not to die while using an ele
- Only a skilled opponent can beat an ele
So ele is OP but you need to learn to play and use a specific build and will win for sure against unskilled opponents…kk
Second instance
-Bunker cleric ele is OP but burst is little
-Burst zerker ele is OP and can bunker
- Bunker eles ( with cleric amulet) can deal 6-7k fire grab and use double arcane utilities(O_o?)
- Burst ele can bunker with double arcane utilities, have 2x armor of earth and heal himself for over 6k HP ( O_o??)
I’d be you…I wouldn’t take seriously this game, it will be never an e-sport for as long as you find these level of comments on the PvP forum, a developing company that take seriously these complaints..shouldn’t be taken seriously either
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Another 59 euros so you can go soloq? lol i just soloq giving a kitten bout leaderboards…bet they’re going to reset them soon for some reason (Updates, bugs, natural disasters, alien attacks…they just need a good excuse cause they already know boards are just too messed up to fix) and probably more than once…so…who cares?
Seems more like mindless Ele-bashing and ranting going on than actually constructive, relevant breakdown of problems with the class. I guess it’s the cool thing to do these days. =/
It is easier to copy and paste “nerf xyz” than to understand how different professions work and how you could nerf/buff them. That’s why you see a lot of replies with false information which just leads to more QQ. The best thing to do is just ignore them and hope they don’t post again.
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
- Iduellist = 6-7k direct dmg + bleeding
- Izerker= 5-6k direct dmg
- Mindwrack = 2-3k direct dmg +confusion ( 20/20/0/0/30)
Zerker ele = 916 toguhness /1836 armor
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
So you can dodge churning earth alone but when lightning flash comes into play it becomes undodgeable!? What….?
As for healing – have you even played a berserker ele? No way you can heal to full health without investing into healing power. With 150 healing power (15 points in water) you get 1.45k (switch to water) + 1.6k (water trident) + 1.45k (dodgeroll) + 1.45k (cleansing wave) health using all your cooldowns. That’s 6k health out of 15k while being VERY squishy. I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you’re talking about.And the most funny thing you know what is?
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k on your zerker s/d build and from distance, if you’re playing a d/d zerker not only you’ll never heal yourself for 6k but also you’ll be killed without being able to even touch the mesmer
I’ve done it people are getting hung up on the fact of the whole “zerker” thing is just from the amulet…. The trait set up is THE SAME AS A BUNKER ELE. Still +300 for healing power… And everyone and their mom seems to be forgetting the minor trait in the GM tree that grants a damage increase PER BOON….. This is why the ele bunker build is SO GOOD… Sure 2% may not seem like much but have you seen how many boons a d/d ele can get on them? One for each attunement swap armor of earth AND if they are 10 in air they can get fury… I honestly think the only boon I did not get on my ele was aegis…
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
- Iduellist = 6-7k direct dmg + bleeding
- Izerker= 5-6k direct dmg
- Mindwrack = 2-3k direct dmg +confusion ( 20/20/0/0/30)Zerker ele = 916 toguhness /1836 armor
IZerker is not dealing that much damage not currently… Everyone seems to be forgetting that it was broken in the feb patch as stated here
With no update as to when it is going to be fixed. I duelist has a long channel one dodge mitigates half of that right there. And also why are you griping about the damage you would take as a zerker ele… If you are GC expect to die to another GC… Its all about who bursts first and hardest.
(edited by jportell.2197)
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
So you can dodge churning earth alone but when lightning flash comes into play it becomes undodgeable!? What….?
As for healing – have you even played a berserker ele? No way you can heal to full health without investing into healing power. With 150 healing power (15 points in water) you get 1.45k (switch to water) + 1.6k (water trident) + 1.45k (dodgeroll) + 1.45k (cleansing wave) health using all your cooldowns. That’s 6k health out of 15k while being VERY squishy. I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you’re talking about.And the most funny thing you know what is?
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k on your zerker s/d build and from distance, if you’re playing a d/d zerker not only you’ll never heal yourself for 6k but also you’ll be killed without being able to even touch the mesmerI’ve done it people are getting hung up on the fact of the whole “zerker” thing is just from the amulet…. The trait set up is THE SAME AS A BUNKER ELE. Still +300 for healing power… And everyone and their mom seems to be forgetting the minor trait in the GM tree that grants a damage increase PER BOON….. This is why the ele bunker build is SO GOOD… Sure 2% may not seem like much but have you seen how many boons a d/d ele can get on them? One for each attunement swap armor of earth AND if they are 10 in air they can get fury… I honestly think the only boon I did not get on my ele was aegis…
Yes a more or less consistent… what 10% damage? Compared to what some other classes have, if you are crying about this one’s damage boost in a healing tree, you are way out of line.
The Dragoon Brotherhood
@jportell.2197 – Please show me a screenshot of a bunker Ele that firegrabs over 4k. And if they do, that’s all the damage in burst they will be able to do. If you can’t avoid the air auto attacks, you simply aren’t moving good enough.
Don’t need to… The churning earth combo hits for 6-7k… See the thing about bunker eles as opposed to other bunkers is they can use a berserkers amulet with some toughness runes and still be hard to kill… and before you say “OMG churning earth so easy to dodge” that is why there is lightning flash (instant teleport before channel ends) The healing on eles is so insane that they don’t need a clerics amulet or a valk for that matter they can heal to full without even touching their heal skills or utilities just swap to water dodge dodge cleansing wave and tada full health….. Firegrab is good if you can land it churning earth is a lot easier to land (if you know what you are doing)
So you can dodge churning earth alone but when lightning flash comes into play it becomes undodgeable!? What….?
As for healing – have you even played a berserker ele? No way you can heal to full health without investing into healing power. With 150 healing power (15 points in water) you get 1.45k (switch to water) + 1.6k (water trident) + 1.45k (dodgeroll) + 1.45k (cleansing wave) health using all your cooldowns. That’s 6k health out of 15k while being VERY squishy. I’m pretty sure you don’t know what you’re talking about.And the most funny thing you know what is?
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k on your zerker s/d build and from distance, if you’re playing a d/d zerker not only you’ll never heal yourself for 6k but also you’ll be killed without being able to even touch the mesmerI’ve done it people are getting hung up on the fact of the whole “zerker” thing is just from the amulet…. The trait set up is THE SAME AS A BUNKER ELE. Still +300 for healing power… And everyone and their mom seems to be forgetting the minor trait in the GM tree that grants a damage increase PER BOON….. This is why the ele bunker build is SO GOOD… Sure 2% may not seem like much but have you seen how many boons a d/d ele can get on them? One for each attunement swap armor of earth AND if they are 10 in air they can get fury… I honestly think the only boon I did not get on my ele was aegis…
Yes a more or less consistent… what 10% damage? Compared to what some other classes have, if you are crying about this one’s damage boost in a healing tree, you are way out of line.
Not crying about I am saying they can get some really REALLY good damage just by being in this tree…. These are the boons a d/d ele can pump out faster than a guardian with longer durations WHILE HELPING THEIR DAMAGE.
Stability, Protection, Regen, Fury, Swtiftness, Vigor, Might=14% more damage. It is possible to get multiple stacks of might through sigils of battle (and who gets the most weapon swaps in this game? ELES!!!!!) Because the sigil procs on attunement swaps. I have and have seen other d/d eles that have gotten upwards of 16stacks of might (in the 0/10/0/30/30) not to mention Fury… This is why people claim the overpoweredness because you don’t need to trait into damaging trees to get good damage… It’s just all there…..because you can get 14% damage increase because of boons plus might, fury and defensive boons….
(edited by jportell.2197)
@SwickHobo.5096 – I don’t see you complaining about bunker rangers that are even more mobile and actually EVADE your attacks WHILE rooted and WHILE executing said movement abilities… Also if you don’t know how to force an Ele to use up all the cantrips, please ask or don’t post BS. I have no issues on my Warrior or Necro. You simply have to scare the Ele away in the example you made.
Rangers have little to no con removal so poison will literally destroy them and make them 1v1able in a respectable time. They also have maybe 1 Stun break that doesn’t come from some garbage unreliable trait. They also have no stability, the strongest bunker boon (apart from protection maybe) except on RoA which has a very very lomg CD. You can only bait out breaks on average players. A good player will not panic when stunned or feared and auto break it, but see what you do to follow that stun. If its worth breaking they’ll do it on reaction to w/e your using. Not just cause they’re stunned. Ele’s stun breaks are on respectable CD’s. especially lightning flash. And of course Armor of earth x2 is pretty anti CC for a lot longer then it takes for a person to respawn. My problem with the ele isn’t how good it is, but the fact that it has no hard counter. Conditions will melt a bunker ranger/mesmer. Heavy sustained damage will down a bunker guardian. A bunker thief can’t reliably stay on point so he can tank forever with no plus side. Engies are extremely weak against conditions on some builds, burst on others. Ele is good against everything. Has an answer for everything. Isn’t countered by anything except in excess. Its poor design. Period.
Rangers have little to no con removal so poison will literally destroy them
-Emphatic Bond
-Evasive Purity
-Signet of Renewal
-Shake it off
-Healing spring
-Nature’s Renewal
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Nature%27s_RenewalThey also have maybe 1 Stun break
-Lightning Reflex
-Signet of Renewal
http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lightning_ReflexesThe rest is just a mix of disinformation, biased opinion and what I see is just another “pro soloer” trying to kill a full bunker with his trusted “build” used for the last 4-5 months
Empathetic bond is the only reliable removal they have other then the signet. Bond is very very very easily to bait out since its AI controlled.
Evasive purity is trash, and i’m unaware of any ranger bunker build that specs 30 into Nature Magic.
Signet of renewal is good but on a very long cd. Poison is easily reapplied by most classes that have access to it. The passive effect won’t cut it.
Since when do ranger’s use Bears in pvp? Must have missed that memo.
Most rangers use Troll unguent especially for bunkering as far as i know. Although healing spring is decent enough, but you can easily force people off of it depending on your classes availablility to AoEs.
Using the spirit elite makes you susceptible to stun lock since you lack stability. Also loose out on entangle one of the best team fight elites in the game Imo.
Rangers may have plenty of condition removal but like warriors they have to give up a lot(everything for warriors) to obtain the amount that guardians/Eles have.
Considering you basically just listed everything a ranger has for removal if you did the same for an ele the list would be at least twice as long.
All the synergy with other traits makes this trait OP as hell compared to other ……removals
They have sooooo many options and all of them are viable w/o having to give up anything. Cleansing water alone is miles better then empathetic bond even tho both are 30 point traits. Ele is either OP, OR every other class needs to be brought up there with eles. As i like all the synergy their builds has. Just is way to good compared to everything else.
Imo the only thing OP about eles is RtL. Maybe the amount of condition removal and boon application as well. Nothing else.
I agree with you about rangers having less viable condition removals than eles and that the bunker build is a little to strong right now. Why would you correct Arheundel.6451 and then write the exact same bs about eles though?
- “Stop Drop and Roll” – Nobody uses this trait. And I mean nobody.
- “Healing Rain” – Staff in PvP? Good luck with that.
- “Magnetic Wave” – Focus in PvP? Good luck with that.
- “Cleansing Fire” – This one is ok but most players I know prefer Lightning Flash as their 3rd utility skill.
- “Signet of Water” – No comment on this one…
=> “They have sooooo many options and all of them are viable w/o having to give up anything.”
Also not true. You have to spend 30 points in Water and Arcana and use 3 (!) cantrips to have all the condition removal. You give up the majority of your damage output for this. At the same time there is no other viable build which Anet already mentioned in the last SotG.
Like I said before I agree that the bunker build is a little too strong right now but at the same time every other build is pretty bad compared to other professions. Anet needs to find a good balance between nerfs/buffs for the ele.
I agree with you about rangers having less viable condition removals than eles and that the bunker build is a little to strong right now. Why would you correct Arheundel.6451 and then write the exact same bs about eles though?
- “Stop Drop and Roll” – Nobody uses this trait. And I mean nobody.
- “Healing Rain” – Staff in PvP? Good luck with that.
- “Magnetic Wave” – Focus in PvP? Good luck with that.
- “Cleansing Fire” – This one is ok but most players I know prefer Lightning Flash as their 3rd utility skill.
- “Signet of Water” – No comment on this one…
=> “They have sooooo many options and all of them are viable w/o having to give up anything.”
Also not true. You have to spend 30 points in Water and Arcana and use 3 (!) cantrips to have all the condition removal. You give up the majority of your damage output for this. At the same time there is no other viable build which Anet already mentioned in the last SotG.
Like I said before I agree that the bunker build is a little too strong right now but at the same time every other build is pretty bad compared to other professions. Anet needs to find a good balance between nerfs/buffs for the ele.
I know nobody uses those i was just listing them because the ranger did the same thing. Although you undervalue the focus, but neither here nor there. lol
Spending 30 points into water/arcane is something i don’t consider “giving” up anything as that’s the build the way its suppose to be. Giving up to me is having to decide between this trait and that trait. Condition removal or stun breaks. Mobility or sturdyness. Burst or sustained. The cookie cutter ele doesn’t really have those choices because cantrips are both con removal and stun breaks. Hes pretty much forced into x/x/x/30/30 because the water traits are WAAAAY to good to pass up. The attunement swapping is equally important as well. Mobility comes with the weapon skills. They also have two bursty skills (albeit both hard as hell to land) in churning and fire grab, and their sustain is subperb as well thanks to larger AoE’s. Perma burning and plenty of might.
Couldn’t agree more with the last paragraph you wrote tho. Cookie cutter ele is too good, every other ele build is warrior level bad. They got their work cut out for them that’s for sure.
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
- Iduellist = 6-7k direct dmg + bleeding
- Izerker= 5-6k direct dmg
- Mindwrack = 2-3k direct dmg +confusion ( 20/20/0/0/30)Zerker ele = 916 toguhness /1836 armor
Yeah sure because ppl usually go with both phantasm spec and shatter spec at the same time….didn’t know mesmers actually have 120 trait points instead of 70…2 amulets too? full berserker + full rabid i suppose…you know that confusion dealing so much dmg…
(edited by Archaon.6245)
lol epic fail post. No one cares that an ele can bunker. No one cares that they have excellent mobility. They care that they have both.
Not even worth trying, everyone already knows it…those who don’t admit it it’s just because they don’t want their cookie spec to be balanced….you know…
One word: MOBILITY, and no, not just on spirit watch
Ele sum-up post right here:
The usual 1vs1 vs eles is like: He starts with rtl and his well known combo, you evade it, you blow all your stuff, you bring him to something like 25-30% hp and while you’re waiting for your skills to get ready to finish him off…puff he’s full health again, ok let’s try again…puff mist form….and again…rtl somewhere…puff again 100% hp, while you have your only healing skill on cd obviously…oh finally there’s someone coming from you team, now you can get this dam ele once and for……..oh well, time to go contesting another point, cya guys —-> rtl somewhere else..
I’d only add a few extra details: in the process, the node you’ll be fighting on will literally be littered with all kinds of aoe forcing you off it, unless you can dodge consistently all day long thanks to vigor, or have a gozillion spammable jumps ala ronger style.
On the topic of rangers having lacklustre (or what was it) condition removal, or few cond removal choices.
Gud one.
(edited by KarlaGrey.5903)
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
- Iduellist = 6-7k direct dmg + bleeding
- Izerker= 5-6k direct dmg
- Mindwrack = 2-3k direct dmg +confusion ( 20/20/0/0/30)Zerker ele = 916 toguhness /1836 armor
Yeah sure because ppl usually go with both phantasm spec and shatter spec at the same time….didn’t know mesmers actually have 120 trait points instead of 70…2 amulets too? full berserker + full rabid i suppose…you know that confusion dealing so much dmg…
Amount of builds available to mesmer ( 5x the number of possible ele builds)
You don’t belong here, dunno what level you’re playing at…but it’s extremely low, your level of disiformation is mindblowing, it’s pretty much guaranteed that we will never find your name on the leaderboard, why are you even here? You’re not helping new players with the disinformation you’re spreading, maybe going back to the PvE subforoum is suggestable for you
-edit- just another information which could help you even at the low PvE level you’re playing, EA trait dodge count as skill activation and mesmer apply confusion on shatter..for clone, removing confusion will still deal damage be it the water dodge or normal skill
(edited by Arheundel.6451)
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
- Iduellist = 6-7k direct dmg + bleeding
- Izerker= 5-6k direct dmg
- Mindwrack = 2-3k direct dmg +confusion ( 20/20/0/0/30)Zerker ele = 916 toguhness /1836 armor
Yeah sure because ppl usually go with both phantasm spec and shatter spec at the same time….didn’t know mesmers actually have 120 trait points instead of 70…2 amulets too? full berserker + full rabid i suppose…you know that confusion dealing so much dmg…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPPASbjDRrQ&list=PLBF2912D72F052EC7Amount of builds available to mesmer ( 5x the number of possible ele builds)
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/List-Find-your-Mesmer-Build-Guides/firstYou don’t belong here, dunno what level you’re playing at…but it’s extremely low, your level of disiformation is mindblowing, it’s pretty much guaranteed that we will never find your name on the leaderboard, why are you even here?
Ok tell me how many tournaments builds do mesmers actually play at YOUR level (Because you know this is s-tpvp forum and we don’t talk about pve/wvsw here) really curious about it…seems your knowledge on mesmers is so great, or you just google some random stuff knowing pretty much nothing about what you’re saying? (As usual)
Please tell me all those viable tpvp builds. Thank you.
LOL linking builds with moa (Even from jan with pre-nerf tw available) and without portal and talkin’ about how great you are, i know stuff because i’m sooo proo…lol are you serious or what?
(edited by Archaon.6245)
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
- Iduellist = 6-7k direct dmg + bleeding
- Izerker= 5-6k direct dmg
- Mindwrack = 2-3k direct dmg +confusion ( 20/20/0/0/30)Zerker ele = 916 toguhness /1836 armor
Yeah sure because ppl usually go with both phantasm spec and shatter spec at the same time….didn’t know mesmers actually have 120 trait points instead of 70…2 amulets too? full berserker + full rabid i suppose…you know that confusion dealing so much dmg…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPPASbjDRrQ&list=PLBF2912D72F052EC7Amount of builds available to mesmer ( 5x the number of possible ele builds)
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/List-Find-your-Mesmer-Build-Guides/firstYou don’t belong here, dunno what level you’re playing at…but it’s extremely low, your level of disiformation is mindblowing, it’s pretty much guaranteed that we will never find your name on the leaderboard, why are you even here?
Ok tell me how many tournaments builds do mesmers actually play at YOUR level, really curious about it…seems your knowledge on mesmers is so great, or you just google some random stuff knowing pretty much nothing about what you’re saying?
Please tell me all those viable tpvp builds. Thank you.
LOL linking builds with moa (Even from jan with pre-nerf tw available) and without portal and talkin’ about how great you are, i know stuff because i’m sooo proo…lol are you serious or what?
The main problem is that you don’t know what it means to play against decent opponents or worst against skilled opponents, even more you have never played as ele against decent opponents..so based on what you even dare to comment?
Not only your 3-4 eles team are non-existent, but also professions like necro or thief for example show none of the weaknesses these forum “heroes” so much cry about
Regarding the tPvP builds met, I’ll list them even though you’ve never played them or against them:
- bunker mesmer with portal
- staff/sword+pistol mesmer
- confusion mesmer
- greatsword /sword+pistol mesmer
And against confusion mesmer, omfg did you just say that confusion mesmers deal no damage in PvP? god forbid you…you really know nothing, you know less than zero about eles…
Finally..do you really know how to read english?
I have clearly stated that the mesmer atm possess 5x the number of builds available to ele, I didn’t say anything specific about tPvP or PvP…I was talking in general
A zerker mesmer will deal well over 15k dmg within half the CD required for you to heal up for 6k
lolwhat? Are you talking about real shatter mesmers or just some fantasy forum’s spec? You know they fixed 4k shatter bug months ago…
- Iduellist = 6-7k direct dmg + bleeding
- Izerker= 5-6k direct dmg
- Mindwrack = 2-3k direct dmg +confusion ( 20/20/0/0/30)Zerker ele = 916 toguhness /1836 armor
Yeah sure because ppl usually go with both phantasm spec and shatter spec at the same time….didn’t know mesmers actually have 120 trait points instead of 70…2 amulets too? full berserker + full rabid i suppose…you know that confusion dealing so much dmg…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPPASbjDRrQ&list=PLBF2912D72F052EC7Amount of builds available to mesmer ( 5x the number of possible ele builds)
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/List-Find-your-Mesmer-Build-Guides/firstYou don’t belong here, dunno what level you’re playing at…but it’s extremely low, your level of disiformation is mindblowing, it’s pretty much guaranteed that we will never find your name on the leaderboard, why are you even here?
Ok tell me how many tournaments builds do mesmers actually play at YOUR level, really curious about it…seems your knowledge on mesmers is so great, or you just google some random stuff knowing pretty much nothing about what you’re saying?
Please tell me all those viable tpvp builds. Thank you.
LOL linking builds with moa (Even from jan with pre-nerf tw available) and without portal and talkin’ about how great you are, i know stuff because i’m sooo proo…lol are you serious or what?
The main problem is that you don’t know what it means to play against decent opponents or worst against skilled opponents, even more you have never played as ele against decent opponents..so based on what you even dare to comment?
Not only your 3-4 eles team are non-existent, but also professions like necro or thief for example show none of the weaknesses these forum “heroes” so much cry aboutRegarding the tPvP builds met, I’ll list them even though you’ve never played them or against them:
- bunker mesmer with portal
- staff/sword+pistol mesmer
- confusion mesmer
- greatsword /sword+pistol mesmerAnd against confusion mesmer, omfg did you just say that confusion mesmers deal no damage in PvP? god forbid you…you really know nothing, you know less than zero about eles…
Finally..do you really know how to read english?
I have clearly stated that the mesmer atm possess 5x the number of builds available to ele, I didn’t say anything specific about tPvP or PvP…I was talking in general
Okay I will say something here… Bunker Mesmer will not bring portal… Because a bunker Mesmer build is very specific on what it requires to effectively bunker…. Confusion is very lame in PvP. Staff Sword/Pistol is your standard shatter build that may be a threat to boon heavy bunkers… GS sword/pistol isn’t all that great because as I have mentioned iZerker is buggy right now in how many hits it lands without its target evading… You are forgetting how damaging a scepter/sword Mesmer can be due to 2 blocks that can deal 5k damage each on landing them and focus has much better CC than a pistol… Yes portal is great but not all maps are suited for portal because of the range (Foefire) or because you can be better for your team with the 3 stun breakers and laying down heavy damage… And yes I do know what I am talking about when it comes to Mesmer in tourneys.
- bunker mesmer with portal – Bunker lol do you mean a normal shatter mesmer with portal just leaving it on side and coming back if needed? Or do you think it would be useful to bring portal on a bunker mesmer (Can’t stop asking myself why someone would actually drop a ranger to put a fixed mesmer bunkering side) if you have to hold a point?
- staff/sword+pistol mesmer – Shatter again
- greatsword /sword+pistol mesmer – And again
- confusion mesmer – Cond dmg mesmer? (lol) or just another shatter with his confusion lasting for about 3 secs with laughable dmg?
You know that you can actually use:
With the same main build 20/20/0/0/30 with maybe some 5 pnts variations right? And that those are like 99% of tpvp mesmer’s specs? Since if you go phantasms you have good dmg in 1vs1 only and it’s not viable for teamfights and support like you should be..
Try to google better next time
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Lots of long posts here. I do hope nobody has the audacity to suggest eles are not overpowered.
Lots of long posts here. I do hope nobody has the audacity to suggest eles are not overpowered.
Believe me…there is still someone who claims eles are perfectly fine and they are so powerful just because they belong to pro players….yeah…sure, but at the end of the day the only solution is to agree with them like you would do with annoying kids, arguing with some ppl is just pointless…waiting for some balance, if they are done with nerfing wars to the ground and planning fancy pve/wvsw events..
(edited by Archaon.6245)
Lots of long posts here. I do hope nobody has the audacity to suggest eles are not overpowered.
Believe me…there is still someone who claims eles are perfectly fine and they are so powerful just because they belong to pro players….yeah…sure, but at the end of the day the only solution is to agree with them like you would do with kids…waiting for some balance maybe..
and there are the people that know its too strong but at teh same time cant believe what crap they ar reading here..Is it so hard for you to understand that ideas like lcoking 2 attunement,making rtl target only,removing the boons prot and regen etc would make the class from god to not even remoretly warrior level??
And you occasionally get a noob that makes a thread asking how to kill an ele (on engie btw ) before the ele kills him with…retaliation /facepalm.
And people instead of pointing him out to hgh they say dont bother ele is op /double facepalm..
Anyway im done here..But so you dont get dissapointed..Dont expect huge changes in ele this month.The difference in his efficiency compared to other lasses is there but is nowhere near as big as you make it sound.
Lots of long posts here. I do hope nobody has the audacity to suggest eles are not overpowered.
Believe me…there is still someone who claims eles are perfectly fine and they are so powerful just because they belong to pro players….yeah…sure, but at the end of the day the only solution is to agree with them like you would do with kids…waiting for some balance maybe..
and there are the people that know its too strong but at teh same time cant believe what crap they ar reading here..Is it so hard for you to understand that ideas like lcoking 2 attunement,making rtl target only,removing the boons prot and regen etc would make the class from god to not even remoretly warrior level??
And you occasionally get a noob that makes a thread asking how to kill an ele (on engie btw) before the ele kills him with…retaliation /facepalm.
And people instead of pointing him out to hgh they say dont bother ele is op /double facepalm..
Anyway im done here..But so you dont get dissapointed..Dont expect huge changes in ele this month.The difference in his efficiency compared to other lasses is there but is nowhere near as big as you make it sound.
They said they were going to nerf aoe and they didn’t.
They said they were going to tone down eles and they nerfed quickness, so they buffed already broken bunker eles while nerfing pretty much every full dps class.
2 eles in every team is still pretty common and you get even 3 sometimes…not talkin’ about Spirit Watch where everything becomes even more ridicolous…
I definately expect some DECENT changes one day…as usual, when it’s ready..
What annoys me most about eles is they’re really not hard to play well. Just keep swapping attunements and spamming anything that’s off cooldown works just fine. Chances are people won’t kill you.