One Million Damage
You dropped a lot of traps and the enemy ran into them.
Personally I hate guardians for the lazy trap mechanic, just instadrop them at their feet whenever.
yes true, and it cannot be interrupted.
unless you have a minion or a shield, you gonna have some bad time if you step in.
see, it did 1 million damage without even using Dragon’s Maw, this is ridiculously OP imo and needs to be balanced quite a bit more.
LOL dodge roll on traps = gg
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
Drop them on point, drop them on people in down state. The gameplay is so skill based like nothing else in this game.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
Inb4 warriors with endure pain and perma stab
All aoe classes can do this including condi classes like necro and even warrior
Ehhhh, doesn’t really mean much tbh….I can usually hit 1mil or more on reaper and revenant.
If hit 1 mil on my Burn Guardian in a bad pub match… I wouldn’t dare make a Nerf thread because it would sound completely ridiculous..
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
All aoe classes can do this including condi classes like necro and even warrior
well, usually i do around 600k condi damage with my condi reaper.
maximum conditions i ever applied were like 2100+ conditions and didn’t get close to that number i did with the guardian.
the point is that the traps can really hit hard and still the LB can do serious damage aswell, AoE and single target.
not to mention the ability to heal and kite pretty well.
LOL dodge roll on traps = gg
F1 > pull you back in > insta drop another 2 traps
LOL dodge roll on traps = gg
F1 > pull you back in > insta drop another 2 traps
Not realistic unless the Guard is sitting on far or home for awhile for him to place all traps + gets his cds back. And if anyone gets hit or pulled with the F1 when running towards a sitting Guard… and eats traps.. he’s bad. Plain and simple.
Full trap guardian is not viable in any serious game but.. have fun in Amber through Sapphire divisions
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
I wish ranger and thief traps are as strong or as even useful as DH traps.
To me it just tells me you are doing damage to minions/clones, or it is getting healed. I if go shatter Mesmer, I can get a lot of kills, but less than 300k damage because I can kill them before they get a heal off.
Are we really going to argue about this post?
You know what also? I helped a friend some matched while he was in emerald…. Ppl literally walked on and off Test of Faith till they got killed… trap is op nerf it…
This is why the game never gets balanced at all.
And if anyone gets hit or pulled with the F1 when running towards a sitting Guard… and eats traps.. he’s bad. Plain and simple.
I find myself being pulled quite often during some heavy team fights, during times when I have an unstable frame rate for some reason or DH is the tiniest asura possible (unranked). Does that make me bad?
Tho my build is to facetank damage for about 12 seconds so I don’t mind sitting in traps.
To me it just tells me you are doing damage to minions/clones, or it is getting healed. I if go shatter Mesmer, I can get a lot of kills, but less than 300k damage because I can kill them before they get a heal off.
I have 1m+ DMG in 70% game with necro. My record is 1.8m and only one single kill
And right, totall DMG is nothing.
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
Oupí lvl 80 Immortal Guardian
there’s a reason DH is at the bottom tier for this season, doing 1m damage doesnt change the fact they basicly useless with all the projectile reflect, denial and block… and only in low tier people cant mitigate or dodge DH traps.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
Pls don’t encourage nerfing the generally weakest class rn…
1 mil damage is really easy if you are fighting one minion necro, specially running procession of blades. It’s not however a realistic number for most DH matches cause of how many people learn to easily deal with traps. Just don’t stand in them and watch out for da pull (reset pull too).
That’s awful. Pretty much means you got ignored and didn’t kill anyone.
That’s awful. Pretty much means you got ignored and didn’t kill anyone.
i find it quite amazing that you came up with this analysis, dealing 1m damage without killing anyone in a game that we won
That’s awful. Pretty much means you got ignored and didn’t kill anyone.
i find it quite amazing that you came up with this analysis, dealing 1m damage without killing anyone in a game that we won
Damage Done isn’t really a reliable method of telling the effectiveness of your build.
For example I play a marauders druid in legendary tier. Focusing not on the healing aspects of the build but on the break away and control aspects.
My “Damage Done” for each match is typically less than 400k Sometimes as low as 200k. Yet my number of kills is usually the highest. The reason for that isn’t how much damage it does but HOW the damage is applied. A dps build ranger (in this case sword axe longbow) doesnt deal a massive amount of damage overall and its damage is often avoidable. The build is centered around forcing people to TAKE the burst we can apply. Dealing high amounts of damage in a short period of time while using control effects to prevent the player from escaping or healing.
This means that the fights I usually encounter end VERY quickly when I am the one who wins. Usually in a span of 5-8 seconds. If things last longer than that I am usually looking to disengage for a short moment before reengaging to try again unless the opponent is very VERY low.
What the person your replying to was likely saying is that while yes you did alot of damage over the matches duration TOTAL. It was delivered in a way that wasn’t “Final” in the way you would expect a burst dps build to act. It showed that many of your opponents actually lived long enough to eat all the damage you put out. Instead of you finishing them off quickly enough they didn’t have the chance to sustain which should have been your goal.
Which means your burst wasn’t actually able to function how a burst should.
I did 1 million damage on a power warrior but we still lost.
I did 850k damage, but it was khylo and i trebbed. Granted, who sits in that aoe
Less Damage <No of Kills is more effective.
Less Damage <No of Kills is more effective.
I was just going to point this out. If you dealt that much damage it means they withstood an awful lot of it. It doesn’t mean anything about the class being op. Which team would you rather be on, the guy’s who wins 500/424 with a million damage, or the one that wins 500/250 with half that?
You might not be aware, but there’s minion/illusion damage added up to that. It’s not hard to reach those numbers when there’s minionmancers around, necro’s with rise shout or mesmers.
I’ve gotten at least 1 million damage done on multiple occassions and classes. It’s especially easy with DH traps, as just putting them down on point you’ll have plenty of minions walking into them.
So no, those numbers don’t say anything at all about the class or build. The only thing it shows is the viability of the build in PvE. So far, every non-bunker DH build has been a free kill in ranked.
there’s a reason DH is at the bottom tier for this season, doing 1m damage doesnt change the fact they basicly useless with all the projectile reflect, denial and block… and only in low tier people cant mitigate or dodge DH traps.
It is a gimmick way to pretend guardian/DH is in good spot, easy to play does kitten damage for people that dont know how to avoid them and due lack of sturdier trinkets on pvp due how imba other classes would become, they could even dance on a DH trap set deployed.
It takes one bunker class to make a Dh useless, still other classes can do alot of damage on bunker stats compared with guardian.
(edited by Aeolus.3615)