One main issue in pvp

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Im speaking for both unranked and ranked now.
Lets start off with that i have more wins than losses with thousands of matches played.

I had an interesting match a few weeks ago and those matches start to become more common. I have a memory of that anet said we would get matched with people who had played similar amount of matches. It was a change they did a few months ago. Anyhow the match i had, was really strange. Didnt matter what i did or how well i played, we still lost the parts of the map where i wasnt at. Since i knew one of the guys in my team, even tho i had entered as soloq, i asked him how many games in pvp he had played. He told me 100. 100 whole pvp matches…who get paired with someone who played thousands of matches. He was NOT good.

Ill add a pic of how it looked like. This particular match was in unranked. Im the one with highest scores of both sides in red team. 16 kills, 5 decaps/caps overall in that match. My team could not hold much on the map when i wasnt with them, they lost every fight. 320 points…let me remind you its not hotjoin…That match was not difficult for me, but difficult for my team.

Conclusion of this post is, dont match people with 100 to no matches played with people who have thousands of matches played. It doesnt matter what you say about ranks or whatever doesnt matter, because it DOES matter. Many players matches look like this and litterally have unwinnable matches because you dont have a working matchmaking system. Sadly those matches start to become more and more common because you match people who have thousands of matches played with new players. Something needs to be changed about this.

And i did not use the skyhammer.


(edited by sanctuary.1068)

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


I see loads of people with the champion paragon/genius etc titles in pvp. Just as many of them suck as players running around with avenger.

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


champion titles just need like 150 won matches, thats nothing, ofc they suck. But the point is that they shouldnt be matched with people who have thousands of games played. Its a huge difference in gameplay.

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


In my opinion, the problem lies more with the system giving new PvPers an artificially high MMR. Thus you have experienced PvPers and less experienced (but quick learners) being grouped with relatively new players.

This has three obvious outcomes.
1. New players get kittenstomped
2. Experienced player “fills” spot with newer players and has to carry very hard, while this is occasionally fun, it’s pretty frustrating if it happens repeatedly.
3. New player gets lucky, fills group with experienced players, gets carried up the ranked divisions then gets stuck in mmr hell.

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Faux Play.6104

Faux Play.6104

Based on the scoring your had a better team mechanically, but got out rotated. You all have a high score so you were winning fights and decapping things, but you weren’t holding them. 9 of your kills were on points you didn’t own, 4 were between points, and 3 on points you did own. Looks like you also stayed to full cap on 5 of the 6 points you neutralized. They could have all been solo caps, but if they weren’t then it might have been better to rotate off early.

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Based on the scoring your had a better team mechanically, but got out rotated. You all have a high score so you were winning fights and decapping things, but you weren’t holding them. 9 of your kills were on points you didn’t own, 4 were between points, and 3 on points you did own. Looks like you also stayed to full cap on 5 of the 6 points you neutralized. They could have all been solo caps, but if they weren’t then it might have been better to rotate off early.

My teammates had high scores because of me. I decapped and capped all nodes solo. My teammates lost every teamfights when i wasnt with them. They lost every 1vs1 so i had to run between nodes over and over and take the node back. We won all teamfights when i was with them. Sadly i couldnt be everywhere all the time, hence when other team went to cap one of our nodes, my teammate defending it ALWAYS died. So no, my team was not mechanically stronger, only i was. You can see i have alot more points than my teammates + alot more points than the other team. We got “outrotated” due to my teammates couldnt win their 1vs1. This lead to me having to take back every node everytime since you need 2 nodes to win basically right. I explained this in my first post actually, wherever i was, we won, wherever i wasnt they lost their teamfights. This wasnt on a level where more than 1 person cap a node, its actually on a above 50% winrate level, but its violate because anet throw in people with 100 matches played who happens to have above 50% winrate of those 100 matches played.

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Famine.7915


There are so many variables that could affect this matchup problem, anywhere from algorithm bugs to loss of long time players. I don’t spvp much, but from an objective standpoint it is quite likely that spvp is losing more players than it is taking in. Eventually, you are going to be getting matches where the difference in games played between you and the rest of your team are going to be so large, it will feel like you’re carrying the team anyways. Don’t take this as an authoritative post. These are merely possibilities.

Maguuma – Predatory Instinct [HUNT]

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: sanctuary.1068


Im trying to raise my mmr in unranked, kinda difficult when you get to that grey area where all newbs get throwed in. Had a match earlier today, someone whispered me from other team about smth and then told me he wasnt even rank 20. Come on anet…I mean my team won 500 to 160. Something needs to be changed. Throw new players into lower mmr instead of the grey area of 50% +/- winrate.

Its so weird because 2 weeks ago i had better players in unranked than now, maybe all moved from ranked to unranked since ranked is ending tomorrow. Maybe just maybe, anet is losing pvp players. Well, its a mystery of its own, kinda boring tho, never know what ill get when i que up.

One main issue in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Trevor Boyer.6524

Trevor Boyer.6524

The MMR algorithm works differently in unranked than it does in ranked. Let’s say that there are 10 people que’ing at a given point in time, who range in MMR “10 being high and 1 being low” as 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 – these are 10 players hitting the que button. In unranked, it takes these 10 players and divides them in to two parties with a similar average party MMR vs a similar average party MMR. It also makes Team A slightly higher in average MMR and Team B are players who have currently been outperforming their MMR, who have slightly lower average party MMR, who are being given a chance to rise in MMR against Team A. This results in a party split that looks like this in unranked: Team A, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 vs. 9, 7, 5, 3, 1.

Ranked is completely different. In ranked it takes the 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 who are que’ing and it tosses all the higher MMRs on Team A and all the lower on Team B. It makes splits that look like this – 10, 9, 8, 7, 6 vs. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Division also segregates who may be que’d against who. You may only go against or be with players who are within 17 pips of your current pip position. Division segregation has little to do with actual player skill or MMR. It is simply a system that rewards play time invested. This is why people are angry with the league system.

I use the name Barbie on all of my characters.