One of those threads....

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Well, I am sure this post will draw the ire of many, but I feel I must post my swan song. After months of wrestling between what is, and what should be, I have officially uninstalled. I think it has been the result of 2 things: 1) The complete lack of transparency of the developer team and 2) Seeing other games coming right out of the gate with features that this game touted as its main selling points, yet are still glaring omissions in this game.

Oddly enough, the game that has really caused me to question GW2 has been a game under the same NCSOFT umbrella: Wildstar. Having followed them since an early announcement, I have come to truly appreciate a developer that is open, honest, and quickly willing to rethink its goals based on player feedback. Will that game be the great MMO we have all been waiting for? I’m not sure, but I know they are starting exactly where they should, by creating a loyal fan-base with their open lines of communication.

Anyway, I won’t 100 blades this dead horse anymore, but I will end by saying that I really enjoyed the community here. I found the PvP community to be some of the most dedicated I’ve seen. Those who stuck around and who still stick around really see the massive potential this game has; however, I can no longer look through the desert and pray that the spot in the distance is a shimmering pool.

Good luck to all of you and good luck to the developers; I hope you truly develop this game into the game it should have been all along. I just can’t wait any longer for this to happen.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: garethh.3518


Yeah, I’ve got another few months left in me, its more just how there are no other, even alright, PvP games out atm short of LoL and DOTA to really draw my attention (I just haven’t gotten tooo into a MOBA in a while).
Wildstar does look great though, everyone I’ve talked to has only said good things about it.

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: Valkyriez.6578


Ironically I am on the same bandwagon. How can wildstar launch with a full rating system, ELO, a LFG feature and 2v2 , 3v3 and 5v5 arena system and be published by NCSoft and GW2 can’t get a leaderboard together (that works properly).

Hopefully it will fill the time until mid next year or so when ArenaNet has a handle on what they want PvP to actually be and where it should go.

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Yeah, the problem with a moba is there is too much PvE, I don’t wanna spend 15-20 minutes killing minions. If wildstar has a structured pvp where you can jump in and start like guild wars 2, I’d play it.

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


PvE is annoying yeah. You already have here in Guild Wars 2 the in the sPvP maps crap like Svanir(that mobs where you need to get the last hit which can destroy whole matches if lots of people are attacking one mob and it is based on luck) and the Lord and stuff.

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: Mrbig.8019


personally i really can’t understand threads like this.

I mean, i agree with everything, but just can’t understand the " i love this game, but i uninstalled".

This game is B2P.

You can quit anytime you want, the game is there and won’t go anywhere: nobody is forcing you to play.

Just go playing something else and come back when you think GW2 has all the features you want, that’s all about it.

There’s no way you won’t come back unless you become dedicated about already affirmed E-sports such LoL or TF2 ( in that case there’s no need to come back).

That is all.

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Well when you want to return, since there is no subscription you’re free to reinstall brah.

I feel your frustrations so I’ve also distanced myself from in-game play more as of late but eh, uninstalling seems pointless unless you are low on HD space. Just let the Icon on the screen get some dust and come back when you’re ready.

The great forum duppy.

One of those threads....

in PvP

Posted by: Vena.8436


Ironically I am on the same bandwagon. How can wildstar launch with a full rating system, ELO, a LFG feature and 2v2 , 3v3 and 5v5 arena system and be published by NCSoft and GW2 can’t get a leaderboard together (that works properly).

Just to be koy, the fact that it has features doesn’t mean much of anything if the rest of the game amounts to poppykitten; particularly in balance, mechanics, combat engine, pvp entry gating or not, etc. (The 2v2/3v3/5v5 arenas at launch seems hap-hazardous to me, I don’t think its possible to balance that well and you really don’t want to split a competitive scene three ways to sunday like WoW did on a balance that will teeter back and forth between multi-faceted FOTMs between the three modes of the same gametype.)

We ran this same gauntlet in Guild Wars 1 as new games released with the next game to have PvP being the “next best thing eva” in a long line of “next best things eva”. Somehow we made it out alright back then…

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

(edited by Vena.8436)