Other profession's opionion about elementalist

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Burrid.4739



I play an elementalist in pvp, and although I’m not satisfied with it, what do other professions think about it? For one I think everybody sees a downed elementalist as a free kill. But have you ever met any superb ele? Ever avoid combat with an ele? Ever think oh poop, an elementalist is coming for me?

(edited by Burrid.4739)

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Lilbeezy.8134


nope elementalist are very easy to kill as a guardian, they stand no chance at killing me at all………… It don’t matter if your a professional gamer with sponsors. you would have no chance at killing me on my guardian. you can spec Bunker so i cant kill you ether but that about it. but thats only good on Kylo(treb) because other wize bunker elly vs bunker guardian im not looking to kill you i just want to push you around and steal the point i kinda hope you stay at the point with me…

but dps elly no way save Stability for the charging knock down so thay dont combo you, and out side that just look at the ground and don’t stand in the fire lol.. but if you get hit me 1 or lol 8 hit you will prob be ok just heal you have all day to recover

and the Earth thing they load up and tele-port onto you… count to 4 and dodge your gonna evade it 90% of the time

i think elly’s need a damage buff or a change on how they execute there big hitting abilitys…. and lol fix the down state but we all know they are gonna do that already.

And no i dont play an elly iv never played on one but my friend does as his main and i am trying to talk him into going engi because he kicks kitten on his engi but he is better on his elly the class just does not compare to engi!!

there is like nothing they can do vs good players the prep is too easy to avoid and the damage pay off for the prep time is weak at best…..

they do best at points AoE when a bad team is not looking.

all you do to counter this is attack him if he is squish then kill him because his damage will be good in a nod team fight if ignored..

if he is tank get off him he is not gonna be largely effective kill the next most squish dps…

(edited by Lilbeezy.8134)

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Braxxus.2904



But have you ever met any superb ele?

Yes, a handful. Most notably – AC Zomoa ( http://www.twitch.tv/ac_zomoa )

Ran into him 4 times one night. Wasn’t even a full AC team, they were pugging a couple members for lulz ( was 3 AC and 2 pugs ) and he was unstoppable. Could not die, even to focus fire, healing was rediculous and the aoe damage he put down on the nodes was like the wrath of god striking the teams I was in. Granted I was solo queuing so pug vs team and whatnot but it was still awe-inspiring.


Ever avoid combat with an ele?

When I’m on my warrior, yes. Unless I have a group behind me. Though that’s pretty much the case vs every class any more when I’m on my warrior. When I’m on my lolthief and being lazy (cause that’s what playing a thief is for) absolutely not. I seek ele’s out just to watch them go boom without using any effort (I play backstab build).


Ever think oh poop, an elementalist is coming for me?

Yes, if I’ve seen that the ele actually knows how to play the class then I do indeed think this when we’re assaulting a node or see an ele getting into position to assault a node we’re defending. Worst times I’ve ever experienced in the whole capture and defend style gameplay was vs a team with a GOOD ele and a GOOD necro on node assault with a support engi. Nowhere was safe. It was the aoe from hell descending upon our team and it devastated.

On a side note, after seeing some dominating eles (most notably AC_Zomoa) I was inspired to start working on my ele. I LOOOOVE playing an ele, the same as I love playing an engi. I like the mechanics with the attunements, and basically how many different abilities you can rotate through. Even if some do the same thing as each other in essence it’s still just nice to have a lot of abilities. I think between attunements, shatters and kits ANet got it right and the rest of the classes are very dumbed down in terms of engaging to play (not necessarily power level). I would love that level of buttons/versatility and complexity on my warrior for instance.

Blackwater Vanguard
Yaks Bend

(edited by Braxxus.2904)

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


My opinion is that I wish I played against more so I could get to know the class better. I think there’s more front-loaded effort with playing an Ele than with other classes, so their representation is naturally lower (moreso if they have no straight-forward “you die now” combo).

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: BishopX.6453


I laughed as my guardian squished every ele i came across and someone called me op and fotm. so I changed mains now i play my ele pretty much with 70% of my playtime.
largely inneffective compared to my guardian and mezmer.

as a tournement street fighter I look at it like this

Elementalist is like playing DAN on street fighter. I main dan, Ive advanced in tourneys as Dan. but its pretty common knowledge that if i had chosen RYU KEN or AKUMA i would be ranked higher.

Thieves are currently Akuma
Mezmers are Ryu.. hell mezmers are EVIL RYU (creaters just had too many tricks they threw into ONE bag and no real way to tone it down with both)
Engenieers are HAKAN largely low in power but can be annoying if you have to go to them.
shield+ 2hsword signet quickness warriors are like sagat (1 overpowered trick but outside of that, just average but use the trick to win any fight)

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Cogbyrn.7283


shield+ 2hsword signet quickness warriors are like sagat (1 overpowered trick but outside of that, just average but use the trick to win any fight)

I laughed at the ignorance. Not every warrior uses the “1 overpowered trick”, and I can’t speak for them, but I find lots of success.

I will say that I remember chasing one Elem in WvWvW, and she felt basically impossible to catch. Not very comforting from a tPvP perspective, but I’m sure the class has potential in the right hands.

Alduin Nightsong, 80 Human Necro
“He’s like a man with a fork in a world of soup.”

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Manji.3801


“Eles are weak” – Every other class

JK, but honestly, I just stomp them!

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I’d say Elementalists are probably the class that scales with player-skill more than others.

Bad Eles will be really weak, good Eles will be a wrecking ball.

Other profession's opionion about elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: Sezu.8564


Personally the only reason I see eles not being on par with other classes is purely the downed state. Well, that and I believe D/D builds should be close to thief damage.