Out of curiosity...
Your stunbreaker does break daze, it’s probably just not one that teleports you so you got stunned again from chaos storm with halting strike…
Undercoverism [UC]
Stunbreakers work fine on dazes. You can also dodge while dazed.
Stunbreakers work fine on dazes. You can also dodge while dazed.
You can move,you can dodge,you can stunbreak.You cannot use skills. Daze
Look again.
Funny then. They use their pistol. Shoot me. I’m dazed. Cannot move, cannot dodge. I use my stun breaker. Still cannot move, still cannot dodge.. In the meanwhile they are teleporting on top on me and doing the usual combo.
What am I missing? Other than the basics which is my stun breaker not doing what a stun breaker is supposed to do.
Funny then. They use their pistol. Shoot me. I’m dazed. Cannot move, cannot dodge. I use my stun breaker. Still cannot move, still cannot dodge.. In the meanwhile they are teleporting on top on me and doing the usual combo.
What am I missing? Other than the basics which is my stun breaker not doing what a stun breaker is supposed to do.
u are missing the immobilization!
The pistol also immobilizes? I must have missed that. Is it recent? Because, I repeat (there is no iSwordsman close or even summoned).
Pistol shot. Dazed. Cannot move. Cannot dodge. Use stun breaker. Still cannot move. Still cannot dodge. In the meanwhile three clones blow up while they use their sword attack. Conveniently, invulnerable while doing it so I cant even fight back and try to stop them, but that’s another bag of kittens.
The pistol also immobilizes? I must have missed that. Is it recent? Because, I repeat (there is no iSwordsman close or even summoned).
Pistol shot. Dazed. Cannot move. Cannot dodge. Use stun breaker. Still cannot move. Still cannot dodge. In the meanwhile three clones blow up while they use their sword attack. Conveniently, invulnerable while doing it so I cant even fight back and try to stop them, but that’s another bag of kittens.
First of all, magic bullet is a stun if they shoot it at you, not a daze.
Secondly, a stun is basically a daze + immobilize, and except a stunbreaker removes all the effects of the stun. A daze will be completely removed with a stunbreaker. If they daze/stun AND immobilize you, then you need to use a stunbreaker and a condition cleanse.
Stun: Can use no skills. Can not move. Removed with a stunbreaker.
Daze: Can use no skills. Can move, can dodge. Removed with a stunbreaker.
That’s simply how it works, no arguments allowed.
Edit: And for a guy who claims to have a mesmer leveling guide, you’re awfully ignorant about game/mesmer mechanics.
The pistol also immobilizes? I must have missed that. Is it recent? Because, I repeat (there is no iSwordsman close or even summoned).
Pistol shot. Dazed. Cannot move. Cannot dodge. Use stun breaker. Still cannot move. Still cannot dodge. In the meanwhile three clones blow up while they use their sword attack. Conveniently, invulnerable while doing it so I cant even fight back and try to stop them, but that’s another bag of kittens.
you can’t move or dodge because you’re immobilized
Look up illusionary leap (Sword 2)
that’s what they use after the Magic Bullet – which is a bouncing projectile that Stuns the first target hit, Dazes the second, and blinds (?) the third. Mesmers have multiple ways to Daze a target though.
it’s a mind numbingly easy, safe and effective burst rotation
I’ve stayed at this party entirely too long
That’s what I was missing then. I was raging for the wrong reason. Just goes to show.
No wonder I was under the impression that Dazes were omnipotent. Stunbreaker cured the stun but didn’t remove the immobilize.
probably immob + daze combo like every mesmer out there uses it
if i don’t shadowstep that i die instantly lol
but yes you can break it
[Teef] guild :>