PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: Hunter.4783


This amount of premades in that i am now seeing even in unranked is getting ridiculous.
This is the ONLY MMO in history where they let full premades fight pugs.
Guild wars 1 had PERFECT PVP matchup system. Why did you go ahead and change it?

I don’t care about MMR and how broken it might be. All i care for is that when i have 20 minutes of free time i don’t have to go loss after loss due to seeing chain premades on every game mode.

sPVP isn’t exactly as solo friendly as you hyped up the game to be.

And before some dev comes and tells me i faced 3 premades in my past 20 games or something like that…it doesn’t matter. I should not even been facing ONE premade if i decide to queue alone. Why did you go ahead and removed solo queue. it was working perfectly. if it ain’t broken, DON’T change it.

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: DeWolfe.2174


Completely agree, going against Premades is ridiculous. Just fought a group that was at minimum a 4-1. From appearances, all were rank 80 from the Dragon finishers. So we had solo Q’ers with mixed ranks going against a Premade.

My major complaint is blowout matches and how easy it is to lose points. A couple of blow outs can destroy a couple of hours worth of progress.

[AwM] of Jade Quarry.

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: Wooyadeen.6491


Completely agree, solo going against Premades is what make my friends quit guild wars… We work in different shifts and we can rarely play together. On the other hand A-net thinks that we are perfect cannon fodder…

It`s like protesters with rocks and sticks against heavily armed police force with helicopters radio links and artilery. It is fun for A-net and for some premades, but its not fun at all for solo players, and this leads us to a much smaller community.

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: Crixus.3096


i would prefer to play 2times in a hour pug vs pug instead of playing 4times in a hour pugs vs premade

or why not like league of legends
solo&duo queue
team queue

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: Omnio.3652


VOIP and no class freakin daily which is much worse cancer to any PvP than any OP build. Against premades you get farmed, sometimes, against some. Only makes you better at PvP if you can learn from it.

PvP is about winning and you can’t win all. Against good players you learn the most. But with VOIP there would be a chance to kill some premades easy. Theirs advantage mostly is communication. In CS:GO if you meet more players from one clan and we have random team it sometimes makes people work harder. Suddenly they use mics and talk as never before. And I’ve won many of those games.

Communication + doing your best = doesn’t matter who you are facing. Plenty of premades are just random guild group that have no more communication than a PUG. Pug from good players will always beat premade of bad ones

Was he swedish?
A moose. It was a moose.

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.2349


+1 SoloQ

Denied | 5.9k PvP Games | PvP Rank: 236 | 8.6k hours | 9 Legendaries | Still Bad.

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: Yakez.7561


As Anet like to say: “We developed the new PvP matchmaking system to make game more accessible and fun for all groups of casual players. Also we are developing e-sport component of the game to be enjoyable by hardcore players. Our game go through constant improvements, currently we have ladder test season to make ladder system even better. With HoT we would launch new PvP mode to make more variety in PvP gameplay.”

And here is the translation: “We thought that we kittened up PvP in GW2 because it is not good as GW1, then we kittened up even more and saw as most of player base left. It is surprise that they don’t enjoy unfair play, they should form e-sport teams with VOIP and play by schedule every day. That is why we announce new PvE focused expansion with Guild Halls and no GvG.”

(edited by Yakez.7561)

PLEASE, bring back SOLO queue

in PvP

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490


for the love of all kittens in the world LISTEN TO THIS THREAD!