Legendary SoloQ
Legendary SoloQ
pretty much this:
Meanwhile the devs
^Lol for both, but yeah that’s a good picture of it right now.
League is broken because of the MMR. The 50% win ratio makes it excruciating long and frustrating specially if you are solo/duo player;
Ranked Stronghold is ok, but need some tweak and adjustments but it doesn’t counts for league;
Unraked is the same but with a long queue now since most are trying out the new stuff;
If don’t have HoT, good luck trying to be competitive, only a couple of professions can pull that.
Herald/Mallyx Rev is broken undying condition spam god and will see at least 1 of them on each match; Bunker mesmer everywhere; Reapers also prominent as well as the die hard Scrapper.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
PvP is at it’s worst state to be honest, balance was decent before HoT but now just avoid PvP is what I am telling people who want to come back. If you want to be very competitive guess what you have to buy HoT, they used PvP as pure marketing just like they did at launch with so much hype and new elite specs which were suppose to be an alternative to core builds not an upgrade to them, on top of that they don’t tell us nothing on why elite builds are superior to core builds. I don’t know man but this game after 3 years I don’t see progression compared to other games who do care about PvP.
Hey guys, PvP is not at its worst state. Dhuumfire was the worst state.
Oh yeah, leagues are really bad. Like, if you don’t have a 5 man team don’t bother queing.
There is a Guild cast tomorrow regarding league, lets see how they handle the overwhelming negative feedback.
In general, pretty terrible. Balance is of out the window. Worse than beta. Too many skills made for the elite specs without any consideration on how to counter-play them. MMR and the league make no sense together. The devs bury their heads in the sand and ignore the mess they’ve made, and refuse to do any balance patches until esport tourneys begin. I think that sums it up.