PVP Lose Streak
omg, really? You are in diamond. How many 18 game losing streaks did you contribute to on your way there?
I see you have Prince Vingador and Rtefan Saab on your team, they are a recipe to loosing and part of diamond MMR hell :p
(edited by Malediktus.9250)
OK, flawed logic aside, 18 loss streaks are the opposite of what this matchmaking system is supposed to create.
omg, really? You are in diamond. How many 18 game losing streaks did you contribute to on your way there?
I contributed through all games, even at a loss stake i always thought there could be turn points in a game, sometimes there would be but it would be to late to change the outcome of winning
OK, flawed logic aside, 18 loss streaks are the opposite of what this matchmaking system is supposed to create.
whether it was the intention or not they exist all over pvp
omg, really? You are in diamond. How many 18 game losing streaks did you contribute to on your way there?
I contributed through all games, even at a loss stake i always thought there could be turn points in a game, sometimes there would be but it would be to late to change the outcome of winning
I was asking you, how many people have you defeated contributing to THEIR 18 game loss streak on their way to diamond?
matchmaking is absolutely incredibly terrible this league.
Im in diamond and was on a 8 winning streak, 8 pips from legendary and suddenly out of nowhere I start to get people in my team with the IQ of a walnut who go far (and die) everytime when our team has close/mid and enemy team wiped. So after my 8 winning streak I get a 6 losing streak mostly because of 1 dude who sabotages the game with his stupidity….
No matter how much times I warn them or tell them, they are too braindead to read the chat or have a look at the map and that’s rlly frustrating….
“Ranked arena games won: 207”.
Congratulations on making it to Diamond, however that is likely as far as you will proceed since you are clearly new to PvP and unable to consistently compete with players above Ruby. Couple close games there in your screenshot, try to pick out the game-winning plays and evaluate how you can improve your gameplay. Best of luck.
Don’t feel bad bro, out of the last like 18 games I’ve played I’ve lost 15 of them. The team dynamics in this meta are a lot harder for solo q’ers to line up compared to the bunker meta in Season 1 and I think people are getting impatient at this point.
“Ranked arena games won: 207”.
Congratulations on making it to Diamond, however that is likely as far as you will proceed since you are clearly new to PvP and unable to consistently compete with players above Ruby. Couple close games there in your screenshot, try to pick out the game-winning plays and evaluate how you can improve your gameplay. Best of luck.
Yes I am quite new to PVP i never really played much until Season 1 started, I notice that i have a very long way to go due to my encounters of ESL Players back in lower divisions. But even if i could increase my up my skill level up, The game is heavy team based and therefore competing against Ruby and above i have no problems, Many people may have been carried to Ruby or above so they would be the same skill level as me. As i Solo Q there is no definite i’ll be with the best team ever, concluding this, its easy to see that i either have to find a ranked team whom i can trust or i can just hope for the best getting teams whom fully focuses on winning the game without throwing it.
It’s true, your teammates are a big part of the equation. However I don’t think I could lose 18 games in a row if I were 4v5 (given Foefire especially), that’s why I was speculating you may be reaching your limits. You can’t always be paired with winners every time, and improving your gameplay allows you to pick up for their inabilities. That’s why I suggested you look for the winning plays in your games. Step 1 is identification, step 2 is execution.
Scrappers in particular (which you play a lot in your SS) can have amazing carry potential and can singlehandedly snowball map advantages.
I know the PVP system has its goods and bads but on a major lose streak it’s flawless. I’m Currently in Diamond and i’m on a 18 lose streak, On my next win i’m going to get 2 pips, i could lose these in the next 2 games. It is so unrewarding compared to if i was on a 18 win streak i would be Legendary. Clearly people on major lose streaks that they deserve more pips in account for how many games they have lost.
I don’t know if it’s an issue but, it seems that you have more chance to get a loss streak if you switch classes.
news flash
winning is more rewarding than losing
you’re lucky you’re getting any pity pips at all
OK, flawed logic aside, 18 loss streaks are the opposite of what this matchmaking system is supposed to create.
Not really. The 50/50 win loss represents your level, but because there are 2 pip rebound rewards and 2 pip win streak rewards, a 50/50 w/r is likely to allow someone to climb above their level. Where you should actually end up is a position where you lose more often than win. If that position is right above a point of no return (the diamond division cross) then you may end up with an extremely low (or zero) win ratio. The matchmaking will never let you fall back to that place where you got low win ratios.