PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: Dancing Face.4695

Dancing Face.4695

I got problems with this sigil. It’s doesn’t activate at all when i kill. Not in tournaments nor hotjoin. The issue is only with my ranger, when i log the engineer it works properly.
Has anyone met this bug already? Can help me? oooor isn’t this a bug and i’m doing something wrong?

Ty for your help.


PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

- you have to stomp with the weapon-set which contains the sigil. If you swap the other set and stomp it doesn’t trigger

Bug listed from GW2-Wiki:
After getting downed you don’t get new stacks until you unequip and reequip the weapon again or log out or change the map.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: Dancing Face.4695

Dancing Face.4695

I have the sigil on both weapons set so can’t be that.
Until the patch worked perfectly without experiencing the bug posted by you, but, assuming the bug listed is right, the stack should pop up , at least, in the first match of the day. This doesn’t happen, even when i log in, out, left and right. I have stored and picked up again the weapons and applied the sigil again but nothing changed. Any other suggestion?


PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: RoRo.8270


I also noticed it has been buggy since the patch

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: erk.6712


Same here, since the patch it has been really buggy.

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: Draedark.8193


Buggy since patch on the 30th. I also run this sigil on both weapon sets. Also like previous poster this is on a ranger. I have not tested any of my other characters. Experience this both in hot join and tourneys.
One thing to note is that it would proc sometimes. I also noticed once (day after patch day only) I had 2 stacks in PvP so when it did proc is was not always procing in multiples of 5 as it usualy did.
I have since switched to force sigils so do not know if the last hot fix or two addresses te issue or changed anything.

Crystal Desert
Two Soul/Bane Midge – Ranger, Prison Riot – Thief, Effing Effer – Guardian
Feel free to contact me for info on the eSPT tPvP guild!

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: Draedark.8193


Update for this. I put Sigil of Minor Corruption on just one of my weapon sets, and now it seems to be working okay. I also have a sigil on one of my underwater sets but have not tested that yet.
So it appears to be buggy when you have the Sigil on both weapon sets.

Crystal Desert
Two Soul/Bane Midge – Ranger, Prison Riot – Thief, Effing Effer – Guardian
Feel free to contact me for info on the eSPT tPvP guild!

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: ShorTy.1468


Bugged as hell, it works only in the first round of a match, once you’re downed it’s a waste of a sigil.

Mithrillx – VoTF | [Retired Guard]
We deffo need more siege masteries.

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Sigil of Energy is bugging too. Especially on Battle of Khylo.
at least i can’t que-dodged that often into shelter anymore.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

PVP Sigil of Minor Corruption

in PvP

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


The bug is in WvW aswell (even worse off is it, that it also stops giving the weapon stats).
But for some reason, it happens when you get downed or die, and for me it also happens when I enter the first round of a match!

But you can make it work again, by reequiping the weapon with the sigil again after been downed, very annoying! Mostly because I at least still have the UI bug where I sometimes only see the weapons I have outside of PvP under Charcter Info, and not the sPvP weapons <.<

Also, I play an Engineer, so I’m allways in the “right weapon” set ^^