PVP Teamqueue!

PVP Teamqueue!

in PvP

Posted by: Palindron.1964


I think that would be a great solution. Teams are only allowed to queue up in Teamqueue (maybe longer waiting time) and Soloplayer can only queue up in Soloqueue. Problem solved.

Everybody is screaming for “NERF”. But why not this solution? Im pretty sure other teamplayers reject this idea, cause then the good time “lowskillpeoplefarming” will be over and they’d have to earn their pips in fair matches. This should be the solution for “RANKED PVP”. Not unranked

(edited by Palindron.1964)

PVP Teamqueue!

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


Without mixing teams can have very long wait times. Fast scheduling is a top priority.

PVP Teamqueue!

in PvP

Posted by: Palindron.1964


Without mixing teams can have very long wait times. Fast scheduling is a top priority.

There are so many 5playerteams at the moment. This wouldn’t be a problem.

PVP Teamqueue!

in PvP

Posted by: Ithilwen.1529


I agree 100%. Solo queue would save a lot of misery and complaints. At the moment, solos like myself are just victims, not even really players.

Mesmerising Girl

PVP Teamqueue!

in PvP

Posted by: Ghorman.1368


Without mixing teams can have very long wait times. Fast scheduling is a top priority.

It shouldn’t matter on the queue times for teams; that is part of playing with a team. Solo players shouldn’t have to deal with any teams. It’s an unfair advantage that is being abused. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve faced 4 player groups abusing the solo queue. Teams will beat any group of randoms 99% of the time; Anet needs to make fair matches and doesn’t allow teams to fight solo players; its NOT a fair match.

PVP Teamqueue!

in PvP

Posted by: Palindron.1964


Thats the point. Im wondering there are not more ppl who wants this solution.

PVP Teamqueue!

in PvP

Posted by: Klinch.2964


Heh, this has already been in game, and the queue times were horrible. When the current system got put in the game, it was so much better. Are there flaws? Yes. But this is much more enjoyable than before. Heck, didn’t League of Legends even switch to a more dynamic queue as well?

But I guess I’m extremely lucky because since the start of the new season I’ve done about 30 games and got only one 5-man premade team, while others claim they go up against nothing but 5-man premades :P