PVP and OP / imba

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Haven.6531


I just started the game and was wondering if someone could explain to me why are there so much crying about professions being overpowered?

If anyone thinks a profession is stronger, then just roll one and pvp with it. You automatically get level 80…. Unless I’m missing something entirely.

All this crying about thief and warriors etc is just stupid because if you want, you can instantly make a warrior or thief with the “overpowered” skill sets. It’s an mmo, balance isn’t going to be perfect. If you want perfect balance, perhaps rock paper scissors is more suited to you.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

Most of them do but they die 24/7 because Thief and Warrior go glass cannon for those burst builds, then when they realize these professions are not as strong as they thought they go back to their main and come and cry on the forum.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Burrid.4739


Some people don’t enjoy easymode, but don’t enjoy being easymoded as well.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: tOss.9024


I just started the game and was wondering if someone could explain to me why are there so much crying about professions being overpowered?

If anyone thinks a profession is stronger, then just roll one and pvp with it. You automatically get level 80…. Unless I’m missing something entirely.

All this crying about thief and warriors etc is just stupid because if you want, you can instantly make a warrior or thief with the “overpowered” skill sets. It’s an mmo, balance isn’t going to be perfect. If you want perfect balance, perhaps rock paper scissors is more suited to you.

This type of whining is, sadly, part of the standard of mmo PvP these days.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Corebot.2701


I’m genuinely surprised to see so many warrior QQ threads.

Generally you see 2 warriors:
Hammer/xyz control builds.

You’re not being lit up fast enough with a hammer build to cry nerf, and once a warrior blows his load on HB, he basically sucks until the cooldowns are back.

This is not the case with a thief. I agree that thieves SHOULD hit hard and be elusive. I have absolutely no problem being outplayed by a thief, thats part of pvp. What sucks about them is they attack from stealth, if you don’t die they re-stealth and try again. If that fails, they pop thieves guild and they run away. Too much cannon, not enough glass.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Blazer Hellsing.9184

Blazer Hellsing.9184

I’m genuinely surprised to see so many warrior QQ threads.

Generally you see 2 warriors:
Hammer/xyz control builds.

You’re not being lit up fast enough with a hammer build to cry nerf, and once a warrior blows his load on HB, he basically sucks until the cooldowns are back.

This is not the case with a thief. I agree that thieves SHOULD hit hard and be elusive. I have absolutely no problem being outplayed by a thief, thats part of pvp. What sucks about them is they attack from stealth, if you don’t die they re-stealth and try again. If that fails, they pop thieves guild and they run away. Too much cannon, not enough glass.

I don’t know why people think warrior needs Enrage to drop people, I don’t even need that to drop people with hunderd blades and axe/shield. Warrior has the best burst on demand and the best high sustained damage of any profession. They sacrafise mobility for that.

Main: Thief
Alts: Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Elementalist (bunker)

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Zatria.5783


OP has a bad attitude. Your answer to something you know absolutely nothing about is to just jump on the bandwagon and play the OP class. How is that going to fix anything? It isn’t.

And using the “maybe they are just bad” line of thinking has been debunked by players of all levels of game play and experience far greater than yours, who just started.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Corebot.2701


I’m genuinely surprised to see so many warrior QQ threads.

Generally you see 2 warriors:
Hammer/xyz control builds.

You’re not being lit up fast enough with a hammer build to cry nerf, and once a warrior blows his load on HB, he basically sucks until the cooldowns are back.

This is not the case with a thief. I agree that thieves SHOULD hit hard and be elusive. I have absolutely no problem being outplayed by a thief, thats part of pvp. What sucks about them is they attack from stealth, if you don’t die they re-stealth and try again. If that fails, they pop thieves guild and they run away. Too much cannon, not enough glass.

I don’t know why people think warrior needs Enrage to drop people, I don’t even need that to drop people with hunderd blades and axe/shield. Warrior has the best burst on demand and the best high sustained damage of any profession. They sacrafise mobility for that.

I couldnt disagree more. Axe has great burst with F1 with a small leap and somewhat of a tether so you can hit mobile opponents, and GS has great burst with HB but ONLY if you get someone to stay still. Any decent player will simply roll, knockdown, or walk out of your regular-speed HB.

In fact, I find a GS warrior to be one of the most mobile classes with 2 charges and an eluding whirl attack, especially if paired with an axe/warhorn to remove snares. I think that without frenzy to speed up that burst or at least a root to hold them in place, you’re just swinging away while self rooting and your opponent is target swapping or plinking at you from range.

my 2c

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: imba.3620


This type of whining is, sadly, part of the standard of mmo PvP these days.

Because all balance complaints are always wrong and every mmo is perfectly balanced out the door.. Oh wait.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Corebot.2701


This type of whining is, sadly, part of the standard of mmo PvP these days.

Because all balance complaints are always wrong and every mmo is perfectly balanced out the door.. Oh wait.

Why is this the default reaction? We both know he’s right, people whine their kitten off in MMO’s.

There is something about the anonymity of the internet that makes it totally acceptable to be completely and hopelessly underpowered while being the world’s biggest BAMF at the same time.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Haven.6531


OP has a bad attitude. Your answer to something you know absolutely nothing about is to just jump on the bandwagon and play the OP class. How is that going to fix anything? It isn’t.

And using the “maybe they are just bad” line of thinking has been debunked by players of all levels of game play and experience far greater than yours, who just started.

Again I refer to my statement: This is an mmo; if you want a perfectly balanced game, then play rock paper scissors. balance and genuine uniqueness is impossible.

We’re not school children anymore. Stop crying “unfair” when someone else gets a slightly larger gold star on their homework.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


All this crying about thief and warriors etc is just stupid because if you want, you can instantly make a warrior or thief with the “overpowered” skill sets. It’s an mmo, balance isn’t going to be perfect. If you want perfect balance, perhaps rock paper scissors is more suited to you.

As you suspected, you are missing something. That something being the end result if people do as you suggest.

If a couple of classes are more powerful than the others in PvP, and if as you suggest people all roll those classes in order to be able to play without getting constantly owned in unfair fights, the game will end up with just 2 classes in PvP. That’s happened to some games in the past, and it makes a very, very dull game.

People talk about “balance” like it is some lofty ideal or deep philosophical point to be debated. That kinda misses the point that in games, a FAIR game is the only one that is enjoyable for all people playing.

It’s everywhere you look in life, if you care to pay attention. You could change your final comment to be “if you want balance, play just about any game in the world.”

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Haven.6531


All this crying about thief and warriors etc is just stupid because if you want, you can instantly make a warrior or thief with the “overpowered” skill sets. It’s an mmo, balance isn’t going to be perfect. If you want perfect balance, perhaps rock paper scissors is more suited to you.

As you suspected, you are missing something. That something being the end result if people do as you suggest.

If a couple of classes are more powerful than the others in PvP, and if as you suggest people all roll those classes in order to be able to play without getting constantly owned in unfair fights, the game will end up with just 2 classes in PvP. That’s happened to some games in the past, and it makes a very, very dull game.

People talk about “balance” like it is some lofty ideal or deep philosophical point to be debated. That kinda misses the point that in games, a FAIR game is the only one that is enjoyable for all people playing.

It’s everywhere you look in life, if you care to pay attention. You could change your final comment to be “if you want balance, play just about any game in the world.”

Games like scrabble, monopoly and connect four are all perfectly balanced. But again, is that the type of game you want to play?

Guild wars allow you to play every single profession easily in PVP. So Everyone can enjoy themselves. If winning is more important to you, then play the “OP” class. If having a more substantially meaningful win is more enjoyable then play the other classes.

You can either be the best fry cook in the world where you are the king of making fast food. Or you can be a mediocre account executive of an accounting firm. It’s really up to you. Again, I’m simply saying the complaining is stupid.

Even in real life, which you suggested me to pay attention to, you are either the second generation rich people who are spoon fed everything, or you can achieve something through hard work. (if you are rich through hard work, it’s still hard work)

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


You have opened my eyes OP. Who knew that people could just roll whats overpowered? I’ve never seen this before in the game at all. I thought those 4 thiefs and 4 mesmers all lvl’d to 80 first in pvp.

You’re totally right. Lets not balance the game anymore as everyone can be OP within 5 minutes!

If you ever make a game, please tell me, so i can not buy it.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Merciless.5349


[quote=479904;Haven.6531:I just started the game…

If anyone thinks a profession is stronger, then just roll one and pvp with it. You automatically get level 80…. Unless I’m missing something entirely.

I don’t believe you just started the game, but I’ll bite.

And you are missing something. The option of 8 classes. That point is moot if everybody just rolls the OP classes because they’re tired of being at a disadvantage.

I don’t think that people spent $60 on this game to just roll 2-3 classes out of the possible 8 in order to be on par with everybody else.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Zatria.5783


OP has a bad attitude. Your answer to something you know absolutely nothing about is to just jump on the bandwagon and play the OP class. How is that going to fix anything? It isn’t.

And using the “maybe they are just bad” line of thinking has been debunked by players of all levels of game play and experience far greater than yours, who just started.

Again I refer to my statement: This is an mmo; if you want a perfectly balanced game, then play rock paper scissors. balance and genuine uniqueness is impossible.

We’re not school children anymore. Stop crying “unfair” when someone else gets a slightly larger gold star on their homework.

Again I refer to my statement, but in words you may actually understand. You are an idiot and it’s people like you that is why the world is so f’d up. You just jump on the bandwagon regardless if it’s right or wrong. I’m sure your parents are proud.

Is that harsh? Yes, probably. After all this is only a video game. But ones way of thinking is still, their way of thinking. It most certainly doesn’t stop at video games. I suggest you go see a psychiatrist and get this fixed. Living your life as a blind sheep isn’t good for anyone.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Haven.6531


I don’t know how to quote two people, so instead I’ll just write a generic reply.

First off, I’m not saying everyone should roll the class that is OP. My previous post have made a clear analogy of the situation in Guild Wars. You can’t have both slices of the proverbial pie. It is either you win “easy-mode” or you work for a win. If having a win is more important than having a meaningful win then by all means roll the OP profession rather than the other.

Secondly, I never stated I am jumping on the bandwagon; my original statement is, why are there so much crying about an overpowered class? I would much rather work for my kills then play a class that is spoon fed kills. However, if you find more enjoyment in the end goal rather than the process then the solution is to roll a class. If my psyche is in jeopardy simply because I don’t want to complain, then I would gladly see a shrink to diagnose my “potential” problems. Complaining is the mindset of the lower middle class; if you have a problem blame someone else rather than do what you can to try to rectify the problem.

Thirdly, I play an engineer. I joined guild wars because the pvp system was much better than all the other mmo’s I’ve played; with the exception of EVE Online. However, when I started visiting the forums, all I hear from players is “nerf that” or “that’s OP”, instead of actually trying to find a solution people come to complain.

Lastly, I am not Arena Net. I don’t know the first thing to balancing a game. However, I do know that all this crying is going to become the norm for the forums if we keep it up. If you guys are upset because I’m telling you to stop complaining then I’m sorry this is the first time someone has said it to you. But the message is sound; don’t complain because it doesn’t help anyone. All it does is make you look like a child who needs extra sprinkles on their ice cream cones because the other kid has it too.

TL:DR Life’s not fair. Instead of complaining, find a solution. Roll the class or play better. It’s actually the only two options.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Chesire.9043


(stupid quote buttons disappeared again)

@Blazer Hellsing.9184 “Most of them do but they die 24/7 because Thief and Warrior go glass cannon for those burst builds, then when they realize these professions are not as strong as they thought they go back to their main and come and cry on the forum.”

Actually every person I’ve met thus far who has rerolled to a Thief hasn’t gone back to their main because the class wasn’t as strong as they thought—it was actually a lot stronger than their main than they realized.

The ONLY reason I’ve heard of regarding people going back to their mains is because Thief got boring and required no challenge and just wasn’t as complicated/fun to play as their main of pretty much any other profession.

I’m not sure what people you’ve been talking too.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Agree. Sure, if the post highlights that a certain class may be warping the meta, fine, talk about class. Otherwise, see sig, reroll, and let people discuss real issues as they arise. ‘Class X is overpowered!’ is not a legitimate complaint. If 5 mesmer or 5 thief teams start dominating, you’ve got an issue. Fact is, that won’t happen.

If certain classes are never seen in competitive matches, you’ve got an issue, and that may happen. If it does, you can bet anet doesn’t need you to point it out, they know, so stop wasting your time posting about it.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


Because many of us don’t like the gameplay of a certain OP profession? Is it THAT hard to understand?

I have a Thief. I deliberately refuse to play it because it’s just too easy and anti-fun for everyone involved.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Corebot.2701


Know whats fun?
Being a thief who pushes 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Know whats even MOARRRR fun?
Being attacked by a thief who pushes 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

Know whats even MOAAAAARRRRR fun?
Being killed by a mesmers illusions/phantasms/clones etc. after you’ve already put him in a down state. Skillzors!

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Because many of us don’t like the gameplay of a certain OP profession? Is it THAT hard to understand?

I have a Thief. I deliberately refuse to play it because it’s just too easy and anti-fun for everyone involved.

Apart from ’don’t like the gameplay’ being the kind of complaint that should definitely refer to my sig, it’s a nonissue.

Thief is not the only viable profession, far from it. If it was, you can bet anet would be well aware that 5 thief teams were all over the place, and would make changes fast. You’d still be wasting your time to post about it.

I still think their burst or mobility may get toned down a bit, because it’s limiting the viability of some other builds, but nothing said here will change it one way or the other. Probably not the mobility though, they’d never see play.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

(edited by Mammoth.1975)

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Haven.6531


Apart from ’don’t like the gameplay’ being the kind of complaint that should definitely refer to my sig, it’s a nonissue.

This is exactly what I’ve been trying to say. If your enjoyment comes from meaningful kills and not playing a certain profession because it’s too easy then that’s very well and good for you.

However, other people might enjoy the easy mode of killing, or perhaps isn’t skilled enough to play the game at another profession. Their enjoyment lies with the end goal which is to win / kill as much people as they can, rather than having any meaningful kills.

Arenanet has given us an elegant solution to solving the “that class is better than mine” problem in most mmo’s. Please don’t turn the forums into those of other mmo’s.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Asan.6257


People crying about thieves and warriors, obviously haven’t tried to kill a good mesmer or guardian.

PVP and OP / imba

in PvP

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


If you’re dying to a Heartseeker thief, I’m sorry, but you are just plain bad. There is really no reason to die to one unless you are distracted in another battle, in which case you lost a 2v1.

All classes have some sort of ‘oh kitten’ skill to get out of being attacked. Most make you invulnerable. Some can make you near invulnerable or give you an entirely new health bar (Necro’s Death Shroud). If a thief is using Heartseeker spam on you, dodge or use one of those abilities. Heartseeker can, at best, be used 5 times in a row. Unless you’re a pure glass cannon, you are not going to die to 5 of them. Even then, I’d be surprised for you to die to 5.

Heartseeker spam is the worst complaint about thieves. There is no reason to be complaining about being killed by Heartseeker spam. Backstab is pretty insane, but it will be getting nerfed, hopefully, where it needs it (Assassin’s Signet). A thief needs burst, especially on D/D. D/D is ONLY burst. The only “utility” it has is stealth. There is no CC on it. There isn’t any AoE on it, aside from Dancing Dagger. D/D builds give up everything for single target burst, and apparently it’s too hard to use a control ability on a thief (because these Backstab builds lack break stuns, fyi).

Also, I’d like to add that Heartseeker being used one to two times in a row to finish someone isn’t “spamming it.” It’s using a finisher as it’s supposed to be used.