PVP auto balance is bad

PVP auto balance is bad

in PvP

Posted by: AngelHope.4763


I was the top scorer in Blue team and our team was nearly won and then players from Red team decided to leave and the PVP system showed me the auto balance . The system moved me to the Red Team and it caused me a lost game. So I think the auto balance is really bad in those kinds of things and I want Arena.net fix this auto balance system.

PVP auto balance is bad

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


1) you still get wining rewards if you get autobalanced. the system is not cheating you there

2) hotjoin is by definition NOT balanced. play it if u like it but dont expect balance from it

3) I see you were actualy trying to win. thats great, please listen, its not meant harsh or against you, youre just asking a very typical question that pops up every week:

  • a) U want to win? Leave hotjoin and play soloQ. in hotjoin ppl dont care about win and just run around searching for fights. In tourneys ppl actuly try to hold points and win as a team. So the satisfaction is better
  • b) Even if you lose at start, sooner or later the matchmaking system will start puting you against equaly skilled opponents.
  • c) top scorer? do not pay attention to this part. It is actualy pretty useless, as it does n t mean you did the best things for your team. Basicaly like MVP in sports.
    Example: you wiped enemy team at mid. You can go far, get decap , die to respawning full team, who then rush 4v5 mid and u lose it. In this case it would have been better for all just to wait around midpoint, for enemy to walk back, all the while your capture points keep ticking 2-1
    Example 2: a decap engie trolls 2 enemys whole game on nevtral point. He only gets 10 personal score for decap, but holding 2x ppl and preventing their home node from bringing points is basicaly wining the game, as others will be 3v4 on other 2 points. (decap engie isnt viable top tier, just find it good example)
    Again, jut leavi this score system alone, its useless, often even wrong at, showing whos good.
  • d) check the twitch.tv streams and forum guides for how other good players play, builds and how to move around map. the rotations are very important, you can win better oponents or lose to much worse player if u make wrong moves at wrong times
PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU) http://muffinspvp.shivtr.com/

PVP auto balance is bad

in PvP

Posted by: DaShi.1368


1) you still get wining rewards if you get autobalanced. the system is not cheating you there.

Yup, getting autobalanced pretty much means you can’t lose the match because you will get credit no matter which team wins. The best thing is to do your best and have fun.

PVP auto balance is bad

in PvP

Posted by: Flumek.9043


Forgot, you get much better rewards in solo and teamQ. Given that hotjoin is a random flustercuck , youre chances of wining are 50/50. When your rating settles, youll face equak opponents, meaning again, 50/50 chances of wining, just more silver, more reward track, more rank points (finishers)

PvP guild [YUM] -apply- (EU) http://muffinspvp.shivtr.com/

PVP auto balance is bad

in PvP

Posted by: AngelHope.4763


Thank you, you all for explaining the game meta for me