So i have read all the comments (up to a few hours ago, reading the rest now) and most of them are saying the same things
From what I can see there is 2 issue points people that highly disagree seems to have from when I read the comments, I will try to address them one at a time.
Let us first establish what perfect BALANCE is.
Prefect balance is two equally good players win/lose 50% of the time. I hope no one can disagree on this point at least
First one, which is sadly the worst one to try to explain it for, is:
1: some people lack some understanding of the mathematics (no offense meant).
I see people arguing that balance can be achieved having different TTK’s fighting each other, by this it means that class A got TTK x versus class B, but class B got TTK y versus class A.
To put numbers and names on it to make it easier to understand:
Class A called “tank”, class B called “dps”, TTK x lets say that is 20, TTK y lets say that is 10.
Therefore, the statement is:
Pvp balance can be reached even when; Tanks can kill dps’s in 20 seconds, and dps can kill tanks in 10 seconds, when both are played perfectly in all aspects.
Now if tanks die in 10 seconds and dps dies in 20 seconds that means tanks will ALWAYS lose the fight.
Because 10 is less than 20.
Now the next follow up is “stone/paper/scissor” balance.
Now the problem with the “stone/paper/scissor” is that it is inherently “unbalanced” that is the whole point of the “stone/paper/scissor”.
Stone wins 100% of the time over scissor, paper loses 100% of the time to scissor etc. which is not balanced pvp, since balanced pvp is 50% win when facing equally good players.
Anyway to address the complaint about the TTK not working when talking “stone/paper/scissor” I will explain how it is used, again this is simple mathematics.
You simply determines what the win % should be for stone to beat scissor.
Do you want stone to win 60%? 80%? 100%? Or whichever % you want the stone to win when facing a scissor, and you use the TTK to determining this.
Meaning if you want stone to be at a 20% advantage facing a scissor, you simply make the scissors TTK 20% longer than the TTK of a stone facing a sciccor.
Meaning is stone TTK is 10 sec vs. a scissor, then scissors TTK is 12 seconds when facing a stone.
In this manner, you can VERY precisely control the advantage a role/class shall have in a “stone/paper/scissor” setup.
Now to get back to the inherent problem of a “stone/paper/scissor” setup, it is NOT balanced in its core design.
However, this can be adjusted by focusing on GvG opposed to 1v1.
But by doing so you are again bringing in the TTK to the GvG, so instead of calling it “class A” it would be “group A”, and instead of calling it “class B” it would be “group B”, and the same rules applies.
TTK of group A against group B should be the same as group B against group A.
Now it will be a bit more complicated to explain the issue is when going up to groups.
Because ONLY looking at TTK will insure that it is balanced, but it will not insure that it is equally FUN for all members of the group.
Let us assume that in a group, you need one class X, if you do not have that class X you lost the fight (if not no one would ever bring class X in a group), but class X will die in the first 10 seconds of the fight when attacked and the fight will then last for 2minutes.
Now who do you think will have the most fun, class x which is dead after 10 seconds then have to wait for 110 seconds before the fight is over? Or the other classes which gets to play and engage in the game for over 10 times as long?
Now this is not really a question, more a statement
So how does games normally fix this?
Two ways are often used together:
1: by allowing equalizing of TTK amongst the team itself, meaning that the team stays alive together and all die together with very little time span between, equalizing their TTK.
This is usually done by having a trinity setup.
2: switching importance of targets, making targets have abilities that forces them to be priority targets but once that ability is used makes them low priority targets, forcing target switch (or losing the fight).
A good example of this is the spirit master from aion, which have an ability called fear shriek (insanely powerfull CC in pvp) which means it is primary focus, but if it gets off the ability it is very low priority for the next 60 seconds (cd). Thereby making the dps needed to kill it much more important to be used on a high priority target.
Lots of around explaining for something simple, yes I know :P hehe
But all in all and in short.
Without the TTK equal between 1v1, you will have an issue which needs to fixed in GvG, if you don’t use equalizing in GvG you will severely impact the amount difference on game time each player of the group gets, thereby impact the amount of fun a player gets out of the game.
True you can do Balance in GvG in such order, but the fun factor for each player will be wildly different, which is bad pvp design and definitely won’t get you an e-sport scene
(not to mention you also eliminate the 1v1 and XvX scene for any other setup then the one GvG you balanced it around. which severely hurt players thinking other XvX then the one you made is fun to do… 1v1 is always a Huge fun factor for top pvp’ers and oftend a way to measure personal skills, so i personally think it is bad to exclude it)
When that is said it is pretty clear that 5 meta builds will ALWAYS win over 5 people having very diverse builds (let’s say 2full dps, 2 full tank, 1 healer setups).
So the TTK for GvG is not good either because the group build (lets call it a build since it is a single entity as a group when we are talking balance. Same as individuals are a single balance entity when talking 1v1) is still very locked down and the TTK of other builds is in no way balanced when facing the meta builds setups
So in short it isn’t balanced.
Ok that was the First part hehe…
Pretty crazy :P
Now next part:
“The complexity of such an algorithm would be too big to be practically possible.”
Now for anyone that follows research within physics, AI, AGI, Algorithm optimization, or just general computer science, it will be clear that this statement is woefully wrong.
The complexity of doing calculations on black holes or AGI cognitive architecture, software architecture, environment task, neuro structure, mind philosophy, or even within narrow AI doing stuff like chess computers which uses machine AI is all using algorithms and systems that are Extremely complex compared to anything that would be required to do the TTK system in GW2.
The TTK could basically be done in a spreadsheet by a mathematician. True when done by a human in a spreadsheet it would properly take a bit longer and be considerably less accurate due to tweaking parameters would be much harder to do, but it would be durable.
Therefore, the notion that doing a TTK system on GW2 would be “impossible” due to the complexity of the various parameters involved is just an absurd notion, which have no hold in reality
Now as a last point TTK is a TOOL, and like any other tool it is meant to be used in the way which gives you the result you wish to archieve.
If your goal is to have an extremely “stone/paper/scissor” focused setup which is 100% focused on GvG then that is what you will use it for.
But currently it should be no discussion that builds for each roles in GW2 is woefully broken, and that many classes cannot build effective specific roles and are stuck in a very few meta builds to be effective.
If the TTK was used even to created the before mentioned “stone/paper/scissor” focused setup which is 100% focused on GvG system you would see ALL classes be able to do extremely effective in the designated roles build, and all Roles available be usefull and effective in the GvG setups. Which isn’t the case right now.
When that is said I will add that I PERSONALLY think it is a bad design choice if you want to go with a system that is so narrow as to only want “stone/paper/scissor” focused setup which is 100% focused on GvG pvp, instead of balancing it from 1v1 and up to XvX, allowing all sizes of pvp to be balanced and fun in all roles.
I doubt such a narrow system as mentioned before even when done perfectly using TTK and other balance tools, would ever stand a chance to get a large Esport following due to it being so narrow in scope.
Again, i will say that GW2 is in no way balanced even for that narrow of a scope, and even if they wish nothing else then that scope they should still take into consideration how to balance this out, i would suggest using a TTK system since it is simple to make and use and give very good balance compared to ressources used on it.
hope that cleared some points up and gave some info to people