PVP elite

PVP elite

in PvP

Posted by: kdaddy.5431


Ok so im having this problem in pvp where i lose theres always at least 1 person talking about how this team is trash. I keep running into these im the elite of pvp yet if i look up there name on gw2score there like a below 500 win %. Im just wondering if its just me?

For example i ran to far and 2 people stayed there to kill me, 1 of theres ran to our home killed our home person. And of course we had 2 mesmers and a thief at mid not cap it so by the end of my death and the end of the home persons death we get triple capped. And of course the thief and mesmer who went mid talked crap about what garbage this team was. I just wondering if this is the gw2 community or do i keep playing with best pvp players on the planet and losing?

PVP elite

in PvP

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


Communication is rather important.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

PVP elite

in PvP

Posted by: Blackwyn.8127


You got properly countered when you went far. Even if he might’ve been able to win 1vs1 or not. One supporting their close to kill you 2vs1 asap is the correct play.
But it’s essential that you have tanky players in mid to hold it long enough for the support to come once they’ve killed you 2vs1, giving them the advantage.

Your 1vs1 losing close happens. Those that go far by themselves, are confident enough in their dueling skills.

PVP elite

in PvP

Posted by: sendmark.4731


Yeah pushing far to die is not good. Just had argument with someone in my last game who was boasting that as they were keeping two people occupied for a few seconds before dying it was good play, totally ignorant that they didn’t even get decap and both enemies could push our mid quickly and outnumber us.

Saying that, sometimes you do get random baddies trash talking the team without a clue, just looked up one after a game (which we won anyway) and saw they were like 20 wins, 45 losses, 12 points overall, so pretty much vegetable level.

PVP elite

in PvP

Posted by: pdavis.8031


What sendmark said. Sometimes you just get people who talk trash. Had a game awhile back with my regular team, and 1 pug. Pug kept trying to tell us what to do, even though we had our strategy planned out. I went far to get the decep. Got into a 1v1 situation, won, and took the point. Even so pug kept yelling at me, PMing me and calling me a troll. Saying that I shouldn’t have gone far and gone mid (where the rest of the enemy team was).

Just ignore them. If you are playing the best you know how, communicating with your team and not making stupid noob mistakes (i.e. continously running into a heavily defended point and dying) then they are just whiners and don’t deserve your time or energy.

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

PVP elite

in PvP

Posted by: Mogar.9216


ppl get mad when they lose that’s just part of competitive play no matter what game or sport. It really is no different from any pick up soccer game or basketball game there will always be the players who act like that.