PVP meta

PVP meta

in PvP

Posted by: Keishar.7239


What is the pvp meta

and what roles work more effectivly for specific battlegrounds if any

PVP meta

in PvP

Posted by: Keishar.7239


New to heart of mists tournaments, just wondering what are best comps/specs and why,

PVP meta

in PvP

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


For a tournament team the general standard comp is something along the lines of:
1.Bunker Gaurd
2. 1 High Mobility roamer (thief/dd ele)
3. Necro
4. 1 heavy armor roamer (warrior/ GS Gaurd).
5. Mesmer- Portal between Close and center/time warp

You can run some different builds with roamers too.

Maps: First Map is fairly standard with that build
Second: Theif is good because they can solo the lord
Third: Often teams use Mesmer or Trap Ranger for this fight on treb, Mesmer for portal to the repair kit, and trap ranger because they are just so hard to beat 1v1.

This is just my experience, feel free to correct any mistakes you may see.

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

PVP meta

in PvP

Posted by: Keishar.7239


Thanks, yeah thinking of getting a nice composition, any1 else got other liable compositions?