PVP overhaul, what constitutes playing well?

PVP overhaul, what constitutes playing well?

in PvP

Posted by: Angelweave.1856


The statement was made on the upcoming changes “Players are rewarded for playing well, even if they lose the game.”
My question is what constitutes playing well?

I was playing today with a necro who kept 2 enemy players occupied almost the entire match, effectively making the game 3 v 4 for the rest of us.

We won the match because of the necro, yet the necro had the lowest score of everyone at the end of the match. Will players like the necro be rewarded highly under the new system?

PVP overhaul, what constitutes playing well?

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


PvP doesn’t give you rewards really…

Also ppl need to understand that unless you decap its v risky 1v2ing in yoloq, as if your team are bad they risk either losing a 3v3 or pushing for a 4v3 and getting decape then stalled.. followed by the inevitable collapse when the 1v2er dies…

Phaatonn, London UK

(edited by Phaeton.9582)

PVP overhaul, what constitutes playing well?

in PvP

Posted by: pdavis.8031


The statement was made on the upcoming changes “Players are rewarded for playing well, even if they lose the game.”
My question is what constitutes playing well?

I was playing today with a necro who kept 2 enemy players occupied almost the entire match, effectively making the game 3 v 4 for the rest of us.

We won the match because of the necro, yet the necro had the lowest score of everyone at the end of the match. Will players like the necro be rewarded highly under the new system?

I would imagine they would be. I don’t know how, but in my mind, points are determined by how long you stay alive and in combat, how much damage you’ve dealt out over the course of the match, how much damage you’ve recieved, how many times downed, etc.

The only way to reward player who play well, but have a low overall score would be to calculate these types of things at the end of the match. Of course this is 100% speculation, and not based on anything but the mad raving voices in my head so take it as you will….

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

PVP overhaul, what constitutes playing well?

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


The statement was made on the upcoming changes “Players are rewarded for playing well, even if they lose the game.”
My question is what constitutes playing well?

I was playing today with a necro who kept 2 enemy players occupied almost the entire match, effectively making the game 3 v 4 for the rest of us.

We won the match because of the necro, yet the necro had the lowest score of everyone at the end of the match. Will players like the necro be rewarded highly under the new system?

Currently, if you lose a game 499-500, its the same as losing a game 0-500. By rewarding players for playing well, they mean that they are changing it so that a 499-500 loss will result in almost no MMR loss vs an evenly matched team, while losing 0-500 will mean you lose way more MMR. It doesn’t have anything to do with personal score, which even the devs understand is a poor way of measuring individual performance.
