PVP weapon skins

PVP weapon skins

in PvP

Posted by: SalaZin.2509


Before the patch, you were able to replace weapon skins without using a transmutation charge. Is this still possible? I did a quick search through the new pvp menu, and couldn’t find a way to change them without using a transmutation charge.

(\ /) This is bunny.
(=‘.’=) Put him in your signature,
(“) (”) And help him conquer the world!

PVP weapon skins

in PvP

Posted by: Richy Lao.8346

Richy Lao.8346

no you can not do it anymore

PVP weapon skins

in PvP

Posted by: Hammerheart.1426


Nope, Anet thought it would be an AWESOME idea to charge PvPers to transmute.