Patch Dec 1st

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Wow I wasnt expecting a non “balance” patch with all the pathetic crying from people here. Thanks again ANET for not rushing things
Keep taking your time with things that actually deserve it

Stella Truth Seeker

(edited by XxsdgxX.8109)

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Harvey.7820


I’m sincerely disappointed in Anet.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


No balance patch. Looks like I won’t bother with the new PvP leagues.

Oh well, I took advantage of the sales on Steam, so at least I have something else to keep me occupied. =P

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Gabriell.4856


So…8 weeks league plus maybe 4-6 weeks break in between. My guess is a balance patch sometime in March. That would be 6 months between large balance patch….seems about right for Anet track record.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


Thanks for updating the tooltips…


Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Poor Warriors.

An Error Prevented Saving:

Message Body length must at least be 15.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Some actual balancing would have been nice. They can take their time, but taking their time should mean giving out little adjustments here and there over time instead of waiting a long time and throwing everything at us all at once. That can’t possibly offer balance.

Also, reducing aura noise? Auras were the least noisy thing in the game. They should at least be visible… Chaos Armor is now a faint glow, barely visible, with a super thing purple oval. Visual noise on points wouldn’t be so bad if points were larger. If you keep this up, there won’t anything decent to look at and things will still be cluttered. Watching fights in the Legacy of the Foefire Graveyard is much more fun than any other points because it’s open and large. You get a better sense of space and how many more positioning options there are.

So my points are: actually balance the classes and make capture points larger. This, in my opinion (dare I have one over the internet) will make the game more fun to play and easier to watch.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Thiefz.3695


Looking at the OP’s history, so long as it doesn’t touch the Revenant, he’s happy. Which is also seeing the best use in ESL…. I fail to see why not balancing warriors or thieves is “good”.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Entenkommando.5208


I appreciate that they take their time for good balance. But they don’t need to enable leagues then since it’s just completely ridiculous right now.

R.I.P Kodasch Allianz [KoA]

All we wanted was a GvG.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

They didn’t ignore Thief. We got a nerf, as per use. And as per use, it wasn’t in the notes. Lovely.

Steal now requires a target is what people are saying. Bright side, mine is now gathering dust indefinitely. Thank you anet for ruining my favorite reason to play this game- my bloody thief. Woo.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Daharahj.1325


I mean, we tried. Both reddit and forums are packed with constructive criticism and legitimate complaints, ANet hasn’t adressed a single one. There’s nothing else to do but sit back and watch their esports dream become laughing stock.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052


What confuses me is that, correct me if I am wrong.

The Balance Team has that one job if not primarily addressing balance changes, I mean how hard could that be?

Before someone bashes me, I know balancing is hard, but what I do not get is how hard can it be to release even just 1 or 2 buffs/nerfs to all classes?

Dec 1 Patch – 0 Balancing
Nov 17 – 0 Balancing mostly noise reduction crap.

  • Noise reduction/visual clutter can be done every 3 days or so. Just edit a code and poof.

This devs also get paid on top of doing a career they love, but I just do not see how a passionate person can be this lacking in terms of consistency

Some people are so passionate about the game that they theorycraft and create builds most of the time, test stuff and etc. The devs cannot do even that. We also have the forum to help them where to start.

Communication is even worse.

Now tell me, why is that Evan Lesh can reply here on the forums but most of the devs can’t?

Before I get infracted again for the nth time, forum moderators know this communication and balancing dilemma has been a problem over and over again, so let’s not be blind and hypocrites about this.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: EdgarMTanaka.7291


Well actually I am suprised and sad, I have been pretty defencive against complainers here on the forums but almost ever since release of HoT it feels like Anet is abandoning a sinking ship… Less red posts and no “interesting” information Twich like ‘Point of Interest’ or ‘Guild Chat’ … It’s like nothing is happening. We got information about coming balance patches so I was waiting eagerly for today to be able to play my Guardian again whithout needing to Build for DH… Well one can dream but atleast I was hoping for some nerfs to the top played classes but not a single one, in fact it almost feel that the bug fixes made them stronger. Way to go!

Member of Alpha Swedish Gaming Community –
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


The only constructive criticism I ever found was on reddit and not in this sub-forums, here it’s probably something like 1 constructive post for each 30 of crying. So ANET will get better results if they dont read anything from here, pretty cancerous place.

Stella Truth Seeker

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Orangensaft.7139


Some actual balancing would have been nice. They can take their time, but taking their time should mean giving out little adjustments here and there over time instead of waiting a long time and throwing everything at us all at once. That can’t possibly offer balance.

Also, reducing aura noise? Auras were the least noisy thing in the game. They should at least be visible… Chaos Armor is now a faint glow, barely visible, with a super thing purple oval. Visual noise on points wouldn’t be so bad if points were larger. If you keep this up, there won’t anything decent to look at and things will still be cluttered. Watching fights in the Legacy of the Foefire Graveyard is much more fun than any other points because it’s open and large. You get a better sense of space and how many more positioning options there are.

So my points are: actually balance the classes and make capture points larger. This, in my opinion (dare I have one over the internet) will make the game more fun to play and easier to watch.

visual noise

means you cant see them anymore now and only hear them
so the opposite of what you understood maybe^^

We Glitched Out Of All [MAPS]
26x lvl 80 Characters
Most fabulous Character:

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Zintrothen.1056


Some actual balancing would have been nice. They can take their time, but taking their time should mean giving out little adjustments here and there over time instead of waiting a long time and throwing everything at us all at once. That can’t possibly offer balance.

Also, reducing aura noise? Auras were the least noisy thing in the game. They should at least be visible… Chaos Armor is now a faint glow, barely visible, with a super thing purple oval. Visual noise on points wouldn’t be so bad if points were larger. If you keep this up, there won’t anything decent to look at and things will still be cluttered. Watching fights in the Legacy of the Foefire Graveyard is much more fun than any other points because it’s open and large. You get a better sense of space and how many more positioning options there are.

So my points are: actually balance the classes and make capture points larger. This, in my opinion (dare I have one over the internet) will make the game more fun to play and easier to watch.

visual noise

means you cant see them anymore now and only hear them
so the opposite of what you understood maybe^^

I understand it as the strength of a visual. Auras were very visible, but now barely visible. That, in my understanding, is a strong visual noise reduction on auras. And if you ask me, they were way too strongly reduced, but that’s beside the point. Tight spaces, no matter how much you lower visual noise, will always look noisy!

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Serious Thought.5394

Serious Thought.5394

We strongly believe that regular balance updates are one of the key pillars of building a successful competitive game. As such, prior to each season, there will be a balance update. League play will generally begin about two weeks after a balance update to ensure that the metagame has stabilized in an appropriate manner. Balance will be closely monitored throughout the season with the goal of having solid balance going into the postseason tournaments.

Worst Thief in the world, yes I am.

Patch Dec 1st

in PvP

Posted by: Drayos.8759


tbh, in all honesty, it is made out as if the fact of the matter is proffessions are crazily Overpowered, where it isnt the case, its the other way around.

Warriors and Thiefs need some serious attention to, and Even Dragonhunters have been deleted from the meta because how bad ESL has really made them look, when this expansion launched DH was pressume Meta due to the fact there was HUNDREDS of threads of QQ, but its just simply not overpowered at all, and finally players are now seeing this.

All 3 proffessions are completely abandoned in ESLs / high MMR Games, now i can understand the problems of this, walking into a Tournament erasing 1/3 of the games proffessions from the game, entirely builds for very static and boring teams and compositions, Im hoping to see a Rework on ALL 3 OF THESE PROFFESSIONS based on how long they’re taking to realistically bring them to scale.

Warriors Thief Dare devil and berserker all need buffing, Dragonhunters need Nerfing and buffing, purely because if u buffed the skillset uptoo par right now DH Would just scale out of control

now to the Elite v Core Proffession argument, i dont understand it, this game has not had variety, it hasnt existed, and its no less then what it was, the only reason this argument is Suddenly appearing after 3 years of Sticking to a Strict meta, is simply you dont like the Elite released for your main proffession and you want to go back to it, but u simply think “oh it has to be the Elites nullifying core proffessions” where actually it isnt.

Guardians just have NOTHING else good going for them, Why role a bunker Guardian when the Druid exists, Why role a Bruiser guardian when Scrapper or Reaper exist?.. you cant Simply Nerf another proffession Just cause it Out-classes it in a role, that simply would make more and more drop out of Meta and become considered unviable til the Entire game needs Rerolling.

Guardians just arnt good at anything, and Losing DH wouldnt give you ur Guardian back, Because no matter WHAT happens to DH its forever Ur ONLY build til bunker guardians or something come in the Meta, Metas Decided by what counters the Majority of other builds used not whats the Strongest on paper, Neither the Proffession or its Elite is useful at all, outside Tanking in PvE or being a Commander in WvW.

Chronomancer Revenant and Reaper are the only proffessions that are actually forced into their elite speccs, u arnt going to go DH for a bunker Guardian, you arnt going to Druid for a Power Ranger, you wouldnt go Scrapper for a Condi Engineer, you wouldnt go Tempest for a 1v1 Elementalist build.

at the end of the day it isnt YOUR elites pushing your builds out the window, its actually the other proffessions Development Pushing ur proffession out the window, One proffession will ALWAYS be the strongest in a Specific Role, Meta will forever Decide that, with DH Replacing a Guardians DPS role, and the fact Neither of ur other Roles can be fit into the current Meta at all, Isnt a Elite v Core specc problem, thats called a Meta change.

true “variety” exists in No MoBA no FPS or MMO, u cant suddenly Demand that, games have Run with “top builds” for a Loooong kitten time now, if it was so easily introduced, Why has NO OTHER game developed it either?

this is NOT a defence of Anets actions, Warrior thief and Guardian all Seriously need Looks at where both core proffession and Base proffession is

Warrior and Thief for obvious reasons, I dont play either proffession i’ve never even tried them, however i know they’re in a bad place and im sure the majority of the warrior and thief forum is full of ideas.

Dragonhunters Skillset is too basic, its Rigid and you cant do anything but what it Does with the abilities, this is setting their balancing in a high place in low MMR and a Really bad one in higher MMR, it needs changing and Depth is needed to be introduced, Nerf it Down and give the build Some Depth Counter play and Capability outside Trap spamming and True Shot Crit RNG Praying.

all 3 need some Serious attention that Anet are just ignoring, i wouldnt defend that or even attempt to cause the community is right there, however the whole Elite v Core is rubbish tbh, its Standard PvP costs.. Nothings truly balanced within the proffession things will always be stronger then other things in itself.

(edited by Drayos.8759)