Patch in 1 week

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


More information:

Should we expect any new content?
Maybe the pvp map that was leaked in reddit?

Maybe just class balance?

What about random map rotation?

Or maybe nothing? Is the pvp love over?

Up Rerroll

(edited by Rerroll.9083)

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: ahuba.6430


i guess the map and custom servers go public, and some bug fixes like they said they would do.

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


oh god is that a treb?

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: guza.6170


why in hell are they making a new map, last thing the game needs is another map.

aka Subl

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


why in hell are they making a new map, last thing the game needs is another map.

as far as i know this map has been in the game since the betas. not sure th0

Up Rerroll

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: Campalishous.9076


why in hell are they making a new map, last thing the game needs is another map.

As long as the artists are taking into account that the map should be able to support more modes of gameplay in the future I’m all for letting them make as many maps as they want.

It’s not like the artists can be reassigned to do coding, so what does it matter if they just continue doing the job they are there for?

[DIS] Campa Lishous

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: guza.6170


because those maps need to be balanced otherwise they make more harm than good. We see what happened with spirit watch and temple of the silent storm before that. Competitive games often have just 1 map, they should hire some more ppl to work on such advanced technology as soloque and map rotation and let map developers work on PvE.

aka Subl

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


My guess is that the people/person responsible for designing new maps are mostly artists and work completely independent from other pvp designers. So if they want to release more maps, let them.

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: Luthan.5236


They need to let us chose the map we want to play in tournaments or at least add some “unranked match” tournaments where we can chose the map(if they want to keep fixed map rotation for tournaments).

Then all the problems would be solved. Would mean longer queue but that is okay. Also you should be able to queue from everywhere in PvE so you can PvE or WvW or do other stuff while waiting. New problem might be appear: People doing some larger PvE event… but they automatically join the map as it is now. Their problem if they can’t finish it. Better to farm normally or gather some resources.

Then the people that like Maps like Spirit Watch could play them(and give feedback so it might get improved so more playrs will like it… better than all the destructive whining which is not helping and giving constructive feedback because everyone is forced and can’t take a break that’s why you start to hate the map).

Other maps that are liked by a lot of players not much will change and they might have shorter queues as well.

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


If we had a decent pool of maps they could add a "ban 1 map " system for each team

Up Rerroll

Patch in 1 week

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


If we had a decent pool of maps they could add a "ban 1 map " system for each team

Yup. We don’t have enough professions to have counter-picking but we could do it with maps and it would certainly be interesting at least for me to see teams map ban to try and strengthen their comp or weaken the others.

The great forum duppy.