Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Dirame.8521


if they wont nerf necro this esportsthingy will be over …

and by the way it is stupid to let the best american team play vs the best european team. the best teams come from europe ….
i would say the best 3 teams in the world are european…

Yes it is totally fair because you never know what will happen.

I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


so when paradigm cant participate you arenanet guys should get them to co-comment this event – atleast xeph or teldo would do a phantastic job and make the viewers happy^^

and plz dont stream this 720+ only^^


suggestion: make a minigame ingame so ppl can bet glory/gold on teams and win or lose it – so you get alot mooooooooore viewers and hype for e-sport

(edited by Romek.4201)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


You got 2 weeks to move to an eligible country :p. While I understand the legal hurdle I am sad we won’t see teams on full power.

Btw is this replacing the Mistleague or something? Or is this additional?

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: East.8960


this is in addition to the mist league =D

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


I can understand the age limitations, but the fact that Xeph and Vanish can’t participate due to their country is bs :/

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


if they wont nerf necro this esportsthingy will be over …

and by the way it is stupid to let the best american team play vs the best european team. the best teams come from europe ….
i would say the best 3 teams in the world are european…

There is 2 major servers. U.S and E.U…You may find that considering only 12% of box sales were in U.S and E.U that the other 88% of people who purchased gw2 are just playing on E.U servers, but are in fact not European…like for example…all of Asia. So yeah, it stands to reason European servers are home to larger populations.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Lazarast.6571


Good luck all! Another little big step for gw2 on e-sport!

Keep it up!

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


Exciting. I will definitely watch the games if they are streamed/shoutcasted.
As for all the hate about restrictions/requirements, are there really that many people under the age of 18 playing competitively?
I know there are some, but as Anet has already stated they have to start somewhere. Remember that they don’t even know how well this event will be received, and how many participants there will be. I understand the decision.
Furthermore (even though I know it’s not 100% ideal) there will be time to find a replacement and practice with him/her.

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


This is a positive move well done to all involved , im sure there will be live streaming of the matchs yes ? . Im hoping to find a bookmaker so i can invest a wager on ze germans , MiM , as i think they will win especially as there will be no korean teams there , WM/EviL

:) but yeah this should be great entertainment , looking forward allready

[WM]give us in game ladder

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Romek.4201


ye MiM strong but also ugly and CC – but a tournament without pardigm isnt rly a tournament cause everyone will say paradigm would win this (me too^^)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Zanthrax.6538


With all due respect to players, how did yas not see this coming and why are you surprised? Every other competition of any sort ever has had these exact rules for the same reasons….companies having policies regarding laws about prizes prize pools minors participating in large prize pool events accomodation hotels also have their own rules regarding guests underage etc etc regions having certain laws in countries regarding competitions minors etc flights being booked for minors need parental provision? who can act as a guardian for the kid? rules regulations regarding that…theres a plethora of reasons why and I’m completely not surprised at all its all industry standards.

With all due respect to some of the people posting their outrage I have spoken and know yas a fair bit and as such happen to know your involvement in watching etc other games like League of Legends who also employ these exact rules regarding competitions, I’m just a little surprised that you don’t understand why and didn’t expect this to happen. /shrug….prime example is kitten whats his name….the eu kid whos beast adc but can’t play cause 17 blonde hair streams a lot….ah someone will know who im talking about =P

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Erwin.5603


I am 17 currently and during the Qualification tournament, but i will be 18 right after it and a month before Pax Prime, can I participate?


Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


I am 17 currently and during the Qualification tournament, but i will be 18 right after it and a month before Pax Prime, can I participate?

I would imagine they mean 18 at time of pax prime.

I think the restrictions are valid.

I look forward to watching the tournament which I hope is streamed. Usually I don’t watch much but this should be fun to watch as I doubt I will participate as I am busy that weekend one day at least.

Mostly team wouldn’t run more than 1 of a class so balance can’t be that bad.

I would hope they don’t just invite the “known teams” to this thing. I solo q alot and whilst solo queuing you meet and play with and against players who are at a higher level than those in the top teams. These people should be given the opportunity to form a team and enter.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


Question is can an Australian enter. This would really suck, I play endless amount of hours with my team training and to be told we can’t play sucks.

Does this mean i need to quickly get married to some from USA just to play.

Any single girls????

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: TRoopEr.5364


I am raging. I always supported gw2 and stuff.

There are no special rules in my country(russia) for visiting america and getting money prizes.
There is a time restriction for making VISA. BUT i say it is all about poor gw2 orginisation here.

Thats how it looks for me: Anet has no interest in gw2 esport, they just give the mistleague the place to host there tournament and some advertisment, and after that they do nothing more.

But if Anet made special invitational latter for participants it could fastern the procces of making visa,but who wants it. And Mistleague can’t do it, because (as i think) it is not an offical orginisation. Thats the point. No esport gw2. FF.
I always belived it will work out,but not now. – Leagues and tournaments.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: mrook.4163


This is frustrating for Team Pure Pleasure as we would have to sub not one but two team members, one for age and one for region. While this means we will probably be sitting out this first tourney, I hope the region issue is indeed looked at for future tournaments and we look forward to cheering on those able to compete!

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


I understand the regional and age restrictions from a law prospective, the thing is I am also sure that Arena Net has the time and resources to remedy this problem; that is why I want to ask Arena Net if its possible to rethink this, and see if it could be possible to include the other regions and be more lenient with the age restrictions.

The main problem is, that this is going to effect a lot of teams that wish to participate in this tournament, since a large of bulk of the teams have players from different countries or are under the age of 18, this would mean that these teams would then have to replace these players in order to be able to compete in this tournament.
No player would like to hold his team back from achieving victory and thus this would cause a lot of players to consider leaving the competitive scene, because who knows if this could occur again in the future, and they can once again become a hindrance for their team.

This being the first major tournament that Arena Net is hosting, means there needs to be a wide acceptance in order for it to succeed.

Regarding the law aspect of things, I know that these are not legal walls and there are many ways around this hurdle, and I understand it takes time and resources to overcome these problems, but Arena Net should also try and accommodate its playerbase instead of choosing to alienate a large majority of it, in its first live event.

I personally will be leaving the competitive guildwars scene if worst comes to worst, and this won’t be because I hold any resentment to Arena Net, but in fear that this could happen again in the future and that I would be an obstacle for my team; because hey lets face it potentially the region restriction could remain for the next coming tournaments and I have no way of knowing if it will or won’t, so the safer option would be to assume that it would remain.

I hope that Arena Net, takes a serious look and try to accommodate as much as of their playerbase as possible.

P.S If these issues are steaming from travel costs / gaining access to the USA and Hotels; then I am sure that teams will take it upon themselves to provide these to their members and no expense will be taken by Arena Net.

Team Paradigm.

(edited by Xeph.4513)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Rol.6938


Hello im from Turkey(non European). Im 27 years old, member of Nonstop Nonsense(ESL 2nd place) and im profesional poker player irl. I can understand the region and age problem of tournament.But i go LV every year and i dont have any problem about laws and travel.I travel to US whenever i want to play poker(got my 15 year visa to get there).So are you going to consider this posibility? Since there is no problem about going there.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


it’s written european union, what’s about switzerland? we are not in and we don’t have problems with visa or something like that, we are close like eu

on the german site it’s writen like this: Ab nächster Woche steht die Anmeldung Spielern ab 18 Jahren offen, die in Kanada, den USA, Mexiko und in Europa leben

what’s now true? european union or europe?

(edited by Serendipity.1547)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: TRoopEr.5364


I understand the regional and age restrictions from a law prospective, the thing is I am also sure that Arena Net has the time and resources to remedy this problem; that is why I want to ask Arena Net if its possible to rethink this, and see if it could be possible to include the other regions and be more lenient with the age restrictions.

The main problem is, that this is going to effect a lot of teams that wish to participate in this tournament, since a large of bulk of the teams have players from different countries or are under the age of 18, this would mean that these teams would then have to replace these players in order to be able to compete in this tournament.
No player would like to hold his team back from achieving victory and thus this would cause a lot of players to consider leaving the competitive scene, because who knows if this could occur again in the future, and they can once again become a hindrance for their team.

This being the first major tournament that Arena Net is hosting, means there needs to be a wide acceptance in order for it to succeed.

Regarding the law aspect of things, I know that these are not legal walls and there are many ways around this hurdle, and I understand it takes time and resources to overcome these problems, but Arena Net should also try and accommodate its playerbase instead of choosing to alienate a large majority of it, in its first live event.

I personally will be leaving the competitive guildwars scene if worst comes to worst, and this won’t be because I hold any resentment to Arena Net, but in fear that this could happen again in the future and that I would be an obstacle for my team; because hey lets face it potentially the region restriction could remain for the next coming tournaments and I have no way of knowing if it will or won’t, so the safer option would be to assume that it would remain.

I hope that Arena Net, takes a serious look and try to accommodate as much as of their playerbase as possible.

P.S If these issues are steaming from travel costs / gaining access to the USA and Hotels; then I am sure that teams will take it upon themselves to provide these to their members and no expense will be taken by Arena Net.

The players that are part of teams will be out of scene for next 2 month. Who need to play with them because they are illegiable in participating in tourneys. Thats the big issues ;-X – Leagues and tournaments.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: TRoopEr.5364


it’s written european union, what’s about switzerland? we are not in and we don’t have problems with visa or something like that, we are close like eu

on the german site it’s writen like this: Ab nächster Woche steht die Anmeldung Spielern ab 18 Jahren offen, die in Kanada, den USA, Mexiko und in Europa leben

what’s now true? european union or europe?

indeed that is a big question. Europe is even half of Russia. But European union is not – Leagues and tournaments.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Phantaram.1265


Come on Arena Net, show you care about the GW2 competitive scene. The age and region restrictions are not only affecting top teams forcing them to make roster changes, but it is discouraging newer teams from even attempting to participate. I can imagine Arena Net is just wanting to show off the game at this tournament, but the players attitudes will reflect on everything and it won’t be near as positive with everything going so awkwardly for the teams.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: butch.8136


This reminds me of Anet stating they were looking at how the player-run tournaments were evolving (Question was if we’d ever see in-house tournaments). I’ve noticed tournaments dying a bit the last month and I think this is Anets reaction to it. Because of the short-term decision to do this and looking for an ideal moment (from an advertising standpoint Pax Prime is a good date) the overall organisation suffers a bit.

But to be honest i tought the age restriction is a common thing in these kind of competitions. The region lock is a bit stupid in my eyes but it shows that they had to take this decision pretty fast. I do think they can’t back out now and I do think it’s hard to bypass these problems in a month or two.

I’d rather had that they kept promoting playerrun tournaments behind the scenes and get a decent MAT style (<GW1) system in place and do it the proper way.

My 2 cents.

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


Does this mean i need to quickly get married to some from USA just to play.

Or save the President life :P

cough** part time terrorist , looking for a job , small gold requirement cough**

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: DXIEdge.2789


I think that this silence is probably meaning ANet is trying to figure out how to fix this.

I’m gonna be straight forward, non-18 year olds are probably going to have their hearts broken. It’s just the legal system. Please don’t blame ANet.

However. This region system may fix itself if the teams attempting to go can supply their flights/hotels. I’m not sure on this, but as Xeph said that aspect isn’t a legal barrier. The minors issue is, however.

And Ultima. NA is ready to kick MiM’s kitten :p

R40! Ele/Ranger for GW2 Esports Guild
@DXIEdge on twitter.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Rol.6938


So they pay expense(hotel/flight) if you are in european union. if you are not in, they dont pay anything even though you have US VISA? what the hell….

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Nikkle.4013


Lcs has 17+ and Wcs has different age restrictions depending on the country I believe. I think 15 year olds can play in Korea WCS but not in EU. My guess is the lawyers decided to take the easy route and have one global age restriction then have to deal with various countries. Anyone thinking the age restriction is out of the ordinary should get out more. The region limitation is much more worrysome. If it is about prize money can a team nominate one person from the accepted region to be the recipient of all prize money? Then the team can deal with gift taxes/declarations on there own?

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: prozon.3561


Ehm, only 2 Teams are able to play the final on 31th… so why you guys are complaining so hard, you just need a sup for this 1 day…

The important part of this Event for the Teams is not the game in Seatle at 31th of Aug, its the Qualify tourney before…

For example we are not able to play without any Sup the quali TN, means in normal case 90% out for sure… You will easy find an replacement for 1 guy if you won the Q Tourney….

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: ilr.9675


Hey I got a Question about this that hundreds of other people are all asking too.

Why is a PvP Tournery preventing you guys from giving PvE balance a check-up?

Why is this Tournament stuff…. preventing your team from making PvE Skill Splits ? …seriously. People want to know. If anything this is the perfect excuse to take a break from your nonstop PvP balancing, and buy a respite for a much larger contingency of gripes among the silent majority here…

(edited by ilr.9675)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Jesus people. Get a grip.

They have explained that it takes alot of resources to check all these countries out. These are resources that are scarce and cant all be done at once. Instead they are investing these resources in the game, which is a good thing.

They will get to your country eventually, but dont count on it being soon. There are a lot of countries in the world. It is unrealistic to expect they will be able to review all of them. SO if you aren’t in the countries then you have to suck it up and deal with it. Let’s be honest, most people are eu or north america. So the tournament will still be exceptionally valid.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: uberkingkong.8041


Its not anet fault that your not 18, its not anet fault you live in some country like Bahrain.

Just because a country enforces different laws and prevents anet from inviting you its not anet fault, go argue with your country about it.

Just because you cant rent a hotel under 18 its not anet fault, its your country fault with there laws. If you want change then protest but protesting at anet will get you no where because it aint there fault.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


@ Lordrosicky
The issue is that Arena Net could allocate sources to fix this problem and instead of having a live lan event they could opt for a online event (which would still please the majority of the player base).
Once everything is sorted and they can accomdate the majority of the playerbase then they should do a live event; but to choose to do a live event and rip teams apart because all the legal issues have not checked out, is a big error, espically when such a large portion of the population isn’t from eu / na and the below 18’s.
If you take a look at other live events these restrictions are much more lenient as to accomdate as much of the playerbase as possible.

I am sorry to say but your ignorance is baffling, the restrictions are set by Arenanet as they are the hosts of the tournament, the age restriction is also impossed by Arenanets legal team, because a lot of complications do arise from having minors at any event, and a lot of times minors can’t be held liable to their actions, and will need to be provided with adult supervision. Also they can’t accept the prize money directly meaning that they will need to provide more legal documentation to be able to give the cash prize to their legal guardian. (Incase you want to ask why they don’t just nominate someone from the team to accept the prize money, well its just not possible too many issues can stem from that.)

Regarding the countries issue, I live in dubai and have been to live lan events in America, Paris and Madrid; and I can assure you its not the country that is barring me from attending the live event, but the fact that it takes legal research and more legal documentation to allow me to accept the prize money, this is also coupled with entrance to the country among a few other factors.
This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)

In this case Arena Net is just taking the easier option of putting up these restrictions, that I think could overall harm the event, a lot of teams and indivduals who have dedicated a lot of their time in this game are being effected and in a very negative manner, all we are hoping for is that Arena Net re-evaluates the matter and hopefully we can come to a better conclusion.

Team Paradigm.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)


I didn’t know you were a lawyer as well. You should offer your legal resources to them, would probably speed this along. This way everyone can participate. Glad we have a vast player base to help this along. Here you are A-net, we have one volunteer lawyer to help you along…

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Serendipity.1547


Jesus people. Get a grip.

They have explained that it takes alot of resources to check all these countries out. These are resources that are scarce and cant all be done at once. Instead they are investing these resources in the game, which is a good thing.

They will get to your country eventually, but dont count on it being soon. There are a lot of countries in the world. It is unrealistic to expect they will be able to review all of them. SO if you aren’t in the countries then you have to suck it up and deal with it. Let’s be honest, most people are eu or north america. So the tournament will still be exceptionally valid.

europe isn’t only EU, there are also other countries and i know that switzerland has close the same rules than EU – and i’m happy to live here when i read such postings^^

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)


I didn’t know you were a lawyer as well. You should offer your legal resources to them, would probably speed this along. This way everyone can participate. Glad we have a vast player base to help this along. Here you are A-net, we have one volunteer lawyer to help you along…

Rather you keep you sarcastic posts to yourself, instead of posting nonsense where its not appreciated nor adds anything to discussion.

They are not trying to bypass any legal barriers here, all they are doing is drawing up legal documentation that will only be used during the sign up process and when money is being given. Regardless other LAN events have had to deal with the same process, so everything legal is already there drawn up and outlined for use, this isn’t a legal barrier that needs to be overcome. There are also a lot of other factors here that would take too long to list.

Its funny that you are saying this, because I did graduate with a corporate law degree, and I am familiar with the process, I however don’t know everything behind the scene’s and the budget that Arena Net is on; but all I am saying to allocate the resources to a lan event and have an online one for now, instead of alienating a large portion of the player base, in favour of having a very rushed LAN event.
Its is crucial that this LAN event is successful, espically for the pvp community, but to do in this fashion will not be earning Arena Net any points with the player base.

Team Paradigm.

(edited by Xeph.4513)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)


Its I however don’t know everything behind the scene’s …

You can have many preferences, but I don’t personally care; especially after you just got done chastising someone else for doing the same thing.

Not to mention this “nonsense” post remark, coming on the heels of a change or else I quit post…rofl

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


@ Lordrosicky
The issue is that Arena Net could allocate sources to fix this problem and instead of having a live lan event they could opt for a online event (which would still please the majority of the player base).
Once everything is sorted and they can accomdate the majority of the playerbase then they should do a live event; but to choose to do a live event and rip teams apart because all the legal issues have not checked out, is a big error, espically when such a large portion of the population isn’t from eu / na and the below 18’s.
If you take a look at other live events these restrictions are much more lenient as to accomdate as much of the playerbase as possible.

I am sorry to say but your ignorance is baffling, the restrictions are set by Arenanet as they are the hosts of the tournament, the age restriction is also impossed by Arenanets legal team, because a lot of complications do arise from having minors at any event, and a lot of times minors can’t be held liable to their actions, and will need to be provided with adult supervision. Also they can’t accept the prize money directly meaning that they will need to provide more legal documentation to be able to give the cash prize to their legal guardian. (Incase you want to ask why they don’t just nominate someone from the team to accept the prize money, well its just not possible too many issues can stem from that.)

Regarding the countries issue, I live in dubai and have been to live lan events in America, Paris and Madrid; and I can assure you its not the country that is barring me from attending the live event, but the fact that it takes legal research and more legal documentation to allow me to accept the prize money, this is also coupled with entrance to the country among a few other factors.
This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)

In this case Arena Net is just taking the easier option of putting up these restrictions, that I think could overall harm the event, a lot of teams and indivduals who have dedicated a lot of their time in this game are being effected and in a very negative manner, all we are hoping for is that Arena Net re-evaluates the matter and hopefully we can come to a better conclusion.

I understand how the restrictions effect you.

But this live tourny will attract attention and help the game to grow. Who knows, 3 months down the line you might be playing for bigger prizes online as a result of the impetus this tourny gives gw2 pvp. So in the long run it is good for everyone.

You arent being excluded from an existing tournament. This is a new tournament with some restrictions. Like free money for half the people in the world is still better than free money for nobody.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)


Its I however don’t know everything behind the scene’s …

You can have many preferences, but I don’t personally care; especially after you just got done chastising someone else for doing the same thing.

In reference to the budget, and not the legal issues, which is the topic of discussion.

but then again you personally don’t care, so I can’t expect you to think before posting, right ?

Team Paradigm.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Pyriall.5027


This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)


Its I however don’t know everything behind the scene’s …

You can have many preferences, but I don’t personally care; especially after you just got done chastising someone else for doing the same thing.

In reference to the budget, and not the legal issues, which is the topic of discussion.

but then again you personally don’t care, so I can’t expect you to think before posting, right ?

I personally don’t care of your preferences. I guess it’s to much to ask for you to read. You’re such a hypocrite. You chastise someone for speaking on matters they are not fully informed and yet there you are, playing amateur attorney. Not to mention, you’ve always been one of the first to say, “give them time to fix it” yet when it effects you; you’re front and center with the pitchfork.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


@ Lordrosicky
The issue is that Arena Net could allocate sources to fix this problem and instead of having a live lan event they could opt for a online event (which would still please the majority of the player base).
Once everything is sorted and they can accomdate the majority of the playerbase then they should do a live event; but to choose to do a live event and rip teams apart because all the legal issues have not checked out, is a big error, espically when such a large portion of the population isn’t from eu / na and the below 18’s.
If you take a look at other live events these restrictions are much more lenient as to accomdate as much of the playerbase as possible.

I am sorry to say but your ignorance is baffling, the restrictions are set by Arenanet as they are the hosts of the tournament, the age restriction is also impossed by Arenanets legal team, because a lot of complications do arise from having minors at any event, and a lot of times minors can’t be held liable to their actions, and will need to be provided with adult supervision. Also they can’t accept the prize money directly meaning that they will need to provide more legal documentation to be able to give the cash prize to their legal guardian. (Incase you want to ask why they don’t just nominate someone from the team to accept the prize money, well its just not possible too many issues can stem from that.)

Regarding the countries issue, I live in dubai and have been to live lan events in America, Paris and Madrid; and I can assure you its not the country that is barring me from attending the live event, but the fact that it takes legal research and more legal documentation to allow me to accept the prize money, this is also coupled with entrance to the country among a few other factors.
This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)

In this case Arena Net is just taking the easier option of putting up these restrictions, that I think could overall harm the event, a lot of teams and indivduals who have dedicated a lot of their time in this game are being effected and in a very negative manner, all we are hoping for is that Arena Net re-evaluates the matter and hopefully we can come to a better conclusion.

I understand how the restrictions effect you.

But this live tourny will attract attention and help the game to grow. Who knows, 3 months down the line you might be playing for bigger prizes online as a result of the impetus this tourny gives gw2 pvp. So in the long run it is good for everyone.

You arent being excluded from an existing tournament. This is a new tournament with some restrictions. Like free money for half the people in the world is still better than free money for nobody.

Yes I do agree with you, and this can potentially be good for the game, but if this doesn’t work out then this will be an even larger blow to Arena Net who already alienated half its playerbase with the heavy restrictions.
If you are going to do something at least do it right.
They could just as easily use these resources to promote and market a large online tournament and then move on to live events afterwards which would be a better approach while retaining their playerbase.

I just don’t agree with these heavy restrictions.
I personally however are not effected by these restrictions, and will be attending the tournament.
I am just worried for the rest of the playerbase that has invested so much time and effort and are not even getting a chance to do what it is they have worked so hard for.

Team Paradigm.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Xeph.4513


This however can be cleared up by a legal team and is not by any margin difficult to execute.
(so sir please don’t speak in ignorance, if you don’t understand much about the matter its best not to say anything at all. Thank you.)


Its I however don’t know everything behind the scene’s …

You can have many preferences, but I don’t personally care; especially after you just got done chastising someone else for doing the same thing.

In reference to the budget, and not the legal issues, which is the topic of discussion.

but then again you personally don’t care, so I can’t expect you to think before posting, right ?

I personally don’t care of your preferences. I guess it’s to much to ask for you to read. You’re such a hypocrite. You chastise someone for speaking on matters they are not fully informed and yet there you are, playing amateur attorney. Not to mention, you’ve always been one of the first to say, “give them time to fix it” yet when it effects you; you’re front and center with the pitchfork.

I suppose there is always someone who has to make the forums unpleasent, I chastised someone because they stated 3-4 incorrect facts based on no information.
All I did was explain that the problem has a solution.

I am also not effected by this issue, I thought I was but all that was clarified, I am doing this because it is unfair that these people who has spent so much time playing this game and trying to be competitive at it, are shut out and not even being given a chance, to play, when they have worked so hard for it.
It is also unfair for the teams that have to leave behind team mates because they are not able to attend, it is very unfair that these sort of sanctions are impossed on these teams and players, right before the event they have been working so hard for.

Team Paradigm.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Batmang.5421


I agree with Xeph. I would have preferred an online tourney that everyone is able to participate in but I do understanding the marketing behind the PAX deal. Hopefully we will be able to represent this amazing game in a competitive and entertaining manner to help the game grow as an esport so there can be future events that all players can attend.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


let’s get over it, there are many top teams that won’t be at PAX, so i say we hold a in-house tourney. Lets hope we can get this rolling, rather sick hearing EU “think” there the best cause our NA team failed hard.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


I am curious how we know who are the top teams atm, when there is no official ranking for Teams, no prestigious tournaments, (I guess Masters of the Mists). This is more nit-picking than anything, I know there are good players.

But the best, really? No one is the best at this game yet.

On-topic: Restrictions suck rah rah rah, let me go to Seattle please rah, I want to compete.

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


Age restrictions: The reason for the 18 is due to travel/hotel requirements.

For regions: we hope to expand those as we go forward with future tournaments.

More details: There will be additional details/rules coming in the near future, as mentioned in the last section of the announcement.

Balance: We are being VERY careful w/ balance between now and the tournament so you guys don’t have builds changing every patch. This is why we did the larger balance patch last month – we wanted to do smaller and smaller changes as we get closer to the tourney. We know there is a perception that a few things are too strong right now, so we’ll be looking at those between now and the tourney.

balance: the balanceteam broke our meta already! my role as support/rez/healbunkerelementalist got destroyed (me (mainele from mim) and hyx (ele from denial/tcg ) had to reroll onto offensivemode-ele playing a completely different role…). the best teams in europe already play a 4 roamer 1 guard setup .a bunkerele cant hold a point in 1v1 vs a necro, s/dthief or engineer, now it is even better: bunkerele just dies vs that classes… to heal people and rez people it is atm absolutely impossible because of that kittening condition aoepressure. imo necro (wins all 1v1 easily, best range 1200 aoe crowdcontrols) s/dthief (except vs necro one of best classes , mobility , pressuredamage and survivability( how many dodges , evasive skills, teleportskills and stealth u will give the thief in future ?? …) are too strong. engi is near boarderline but requires at least skill…

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: sirnibb.4709


Smack in the middle of quakecon

Rank 80 guild wars 2 player.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


I think that this silence is probably meaning ANet is trying to figure out how to fix this.

I’m gonna be straight forward, non-18 year olds are probably going to have their hearts broken. It’s just the legal system. Please don’t blame ANet.

However. This region system may fix itself if the teams attempting to go can supply their flights/hotels. I’m not sure on this, but as Xeph said that aspect isn’t a legal barrier. The minors issue is, however.

And Ultima. NA is ready to kick MiM’s kitten :p

NA evolved from Stone Age to Bronze Age because NA is like Guald stealing European’s Technology! :P XD

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: alcopaul.2156


I thought you have to be 18+ because there’s gonna be booze and chicks.

Edit: ’Merica. 21+ NVM.

So we know how will be the recruitment thread for srs tPvP teams will go.
Team Awesome [Asum] is recruiting serious tPvPers

-must be skilled
and most of all
-must be 18+
-must be a resident of the US, Mexico, Canada and the European Union

(edited by alcopaul.2156)

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Benjamin.7893


I personally however are not effected by these restrictions, and will be attending the tournament.

Did you and Teldo finally get married <3

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Psychogene.6780


For those who have alot of issues with the region restrictions, would you rather anet just abandon this tournament and wait till they can put one up that is inclusive of every nation on earth?

I think this is there first big attempt at this so of course the scale of it is not going to be able to accommodate everyones need. I’m not aware of any major tournament anywhere in the world that did not have region restrictions on its first attempt.

If anything, this is a starting platform on which to expand if it is a success. I’m sure anet had to cover alot of legal grounds (and even more so when you take in the fact that it is international) to even make this happen.

Anyway they are not the first to have restrictive region requirements on entry. This taking from geforce e-sports page -

“Why is my country ineligible?”

NVIDIA works hard to clear countries for the Legally Eligible to Participate list in GeForce eSports tournaments. Some countries make it very difficult to operate or outright prohibit tournaments under their International Games of Skill laws. While the largest legally eligible markets have been cleared, NVIDIA is continuing the legal research efforts to clear more countries for participation in future programs.

- So give it time, people should be supportive that a tournament of this scale is happening and maybe be more critical of the eligibility requirements for future tournaments.