Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: IIvIIozzie.9250


In the past two days nearly every single game I’ve played had people either leaving the match or just going away from keyboard the entire time. Today, it happened three out of four matches. I’m done with solo queue until this is addressed. This is my suggestion:

logout for more than 2 minutes during tournament match:

1st warning- 2 hour ban from TPVP
2nd warning- 24 hour ban from TPVP
3rd warning- 1 week ban from TPVP, 24 hour account ban from game

Away from keyboard for more than 2 minutes during tournament match in home base:

Same penalties as above.

Accounts should be flagged for at least one month before the warning history wears off. I understand that RL and internet connection issues happen but if it’s an issue you experience more than once this isn’t the game type you should be playing, it isn’t fair to those who want to play the game.

Additionally, you should be able to report players in PVP with a text box where you can explain the reason.

Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Kharr.5746


Some people appear to quit because they get called to do something else and can’t finish the match. Had someone leave when we were WINNING by 150 points. He did not come back.

I don’t think your approach to punishing leavers/AFKers will keep them from doing it. The problem isn’t really that people who leave aren’t getting punished, but rather that people who stay in the match and play like good sportsmen are:

I would prefer if ANET made it such that the leaver/afker got some punishment (automatic loss?) and the team he/she was on got a draw instead of a loss. There’s no reason that the team of players that stays to fight a 3v5 or 4v5 should be punished for being good sports and not quitting as well.

Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Wait so that means if I join a game that is almost done or I don’t like and I leave I get banned?

Are you sane?

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Wait so that means if I join a game that is almost done or I don’t like and I leave I get banned?

Are you sane?

Think he is referencing tourneys. Can’t join an almost done tourney last time I checked.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: IIvIIozzie.9250


I agree with you Kharr, there should be some benefit to the team that stays. Essentially, if you are down a player from the start in a pug TPvP you’re almost guaranteed a loss and there’s nothing you can do to really escape it, and you’re stuck there for almost ten minutes wasting your time. However, I think there would be a lot of potential for exploits if something like draws were implemented.

I do disagree with you though on the discussion of penalties. I think it would certainly force players into sportsmanship-like conduct to a certain degree and It would most definitely stop them from doing it continuously because they would just be banning themselves from that content. Of course it would still occur, but not at the level it’s at currently. TPvP is almost unplayable for me because I don’t have a set group five and almost every match I’m cursed to have one player ruin it for our team.

Another thing that I feel should be a requirement is having to be at least rank 10 in order to join tournament play. Players should have basic knowledge of SPvP that ranks 1-10 would provide before proceeding there.

Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: KooB.6503


It’s simple.
A Tournament that is (x<5) vs. 5 should simply not influence someone’s rank. It should not be counted as a loss or a win. Its so annoying how many tourney losses I’ve had this week alone due to annoying 4v5’s.

In fact, 2 minutes into a match it is not 5v5 a prompt should show up that ask whether the team wishes to continue. This is totally fair.
If it is 4v5 because someone left, their team should report it. That person should get a warning. Real life issues come up, bt that doesnt mean that one persons issues should influence 4 other people. Yes, sometimes there are emergencies but if this is the case, an hour or 30minute ban should not be an issue.

Games should be able to be PAUSED up to 2 minutes. If everyone on a team agrees to pause and >50% of opposing team agrees to pause.
That would allow for real life issues because the leaver should be decent enough to type, “I’ve got a real life issue!” or “RLI!”
All this 4v5 kitten is incredibly annoying. Happens to me at least 8/20 tourneys and that’s outrageous. My rank is hurt because of it too.

- Twin Doggy Dawg

Penalties for AFKers and leavers in Tpvp

in PvP

Posted by: Phaeton.9582


Phaatonn, London UK