Penalty for leaving ranked matchs
Punish too severely and people will QQ. That or people who legit have terrible connection and shouldn’t play anyways won’t complain.
The only exclusive skyhammer stream
there are always 2 sides
when penalty for leaving than they go afk ingame or jsut troll around
first arenanet should remove the anoying/frustrating parts – than can talk bout. This alone would reduce Leavers alot.
Yes it sux when have to play 4v5 but sometimes i can understand this guyz and yesterday i was one too. My first match soloQ Skyhammer – bäh – than Spiritwatch – Bäh – Another 2x Skyhammer and again spiritwatch with 4 warriorz in enemyteam and staffele + thief in my team pointz was 350:50 or something and i was soo anoyed from this game so i turned it off and had some fun with friends.
first remove skyhammer and spiritwatch from soloQ and nerf finaly necro and warrior
than we can think bout the other things
(edited by Romek.4201)
first remove skyhammer and spiritwatch from soloQ and nerf finaly necro and warrior
I hear a rabid rabbit here.
Well, skyhammer is understandable because 80% of players can not into positioning but Spirit Watch? Seriously? Nerfing necros? Have you ever played a necro? Still can agree with warr nerf.