People Will Leave
and Rythgar please stop bringing up rewards and “lower tier” nonsense, the rewards are cosmetic, nobody asking for these changes gives a crap about gear and rewards, they want fun competitive matches against equally skilled players and currently neither spvp or free tournaments offer this for casual players and solo queuers.
If your answer to everyone is just “get better l2p” you’ll end up with a dead game on your hands because casuals are the majority and the audience for e-sports.
Point taken, and I agree. But there is just kinda So much you can ask of your game developers. They can’t very well program a perfect match making system (surprise surprise there is none..).
The first and best step you can do is to actually just create a team and go for it. Because the sPvP is based around 5vs5 right? kinda logical really? no?
And then when you have a team you can take the good, bad and boring matches togheter, and hopefully ArenaNet will implement some kind of ladder system or alike, that will improve the match making some.
Oh but, for the ladder system (or basically any other decent match making) to work you kinda need to have teams to rate, don’t you?Anyways, I might be a bit harsh and my solutions might not be in your taste, or optimal for some, but they are in my eyes the most logical, do-able and realistical.
But if you want to keep QQ’ing about the system and it’s design then please go aheadI’m sorry the discussion could not be more rewarding.
again dude, for mid-tier teams there are no competitive matches. You are either facing elite team in paid or pugs in free. What. Do. You. Not. Understand.
it’s like im talking to a wall.
separating free tournament to pug and teams would be a simple step to solve this with ranking to follow to match even better.
I seriously think you overestimates TP and other “e-sports teams”. I have yet to see a streamed TP (or other teams like team lunatic or team legacy) match where they “own” the enemy team. Even if you only manage to hold 1 point through the whole game you will roughly lose to 500-250.
And I dont mind losing badly to a team, as long as I know I’ve done my best And learned what to do differently/better (aka improved myself). There just is no way you will improve when “owning” other players.
How can the idea that to improve yourself in a Player versus Player enviroment is a bad one? You think the “best players” just was born that good? I promise you, there was a time when they got roflstomped as well. It actually All boils down to how fast you can improve yourself. And please dont give me no talk about that you, he or I can not improve enough to beat them, because that is just down-talking.
so you think if you lost 500-250 and kept playing against TP you would eventually beat them and become a professional sponsored team yourself? And I’m the making crazy statements? lol ok in that case every single team would be elite eventually, which is absurd. Any game/sport with ratings/ladders has proven this and I’m not sure why you are trying to debate it. There will be elite teams and mediocre teams forever.
the idea to improve yourself is good, but everyone has a ceiling. And what you continue to utterly fail to understand is that with the current system, those mid tier teams that just dont have time to play and practice as much as pro teams are stuck either playing against elite teams in paid tournies or pugs in free tournies, occasionally by luck getting matched up with an equal skill team in a free tournament.
TLDR, mid-tier teams (which exist in every game/sport in the history of the world) rarely play fun competitive matches with the current system.
Last reply: Thank you for your insight, although I do not agree. I will not keep the debate going, just wanted to point out that your whole reasoning is based on the simple fact that the “mid-tier” teams are wastly out-numbered compared to the low-tiered teams. The only explanation I can see is that you probably are a low-tier player that Thinks he is a mid-tier one?!
I seriously think you overestimates TP and other “e-sports teams”. I have yet to see a streamed TP (or other teams like team lunatic or team legacy) match where they “own” the enemy team. Even if you only manage to hold 1 point through the whole game you will roughly lose to 500-250.
And I dont mind losing badly to a team, as long as I know I’ve done my best And learned what to do differently/better (aka improved myself). There just is no way you will improve when “owning” other players.
How can the idea that to improve yourself in a Player versus Player enviroment is a bad one? You think the “best players” just was born that good? I promise you, there was a time when they got roflstomped as well. It actually All boils down to how fast you can improve yourself. And please dont give me no talk about that you, he or I can not improve enough to beat them, because that is just down-talking.
so you think if you lost 500-250 and kept playing against TP you would eventually beat them and become a professional sponsored team yourself? And I’m the making crazy statements? lol ok in that case every single team would be elite eventually, which is absurd. Any game/sport with ratings/ladders has proven this and I’m not sure why you are trying to debate it. There will be elite teams and mediocre teams forever.
the idea to improve yourself is good, but everyone has a ceiling. And what you continue to utterly fail to understand is that with the current system, those mid tier teams that just dont have time to play and practice as much as pro teams are stuck either playing against elite teams in paid tournies or pugs in free tournies, occasionally by luck getting matched up with an equal skill team in a free tournament.
TLDR, mid-tier teams (which exist in every game/sport in the history of the world) rarely play fun competitive matches with the current system.
Last reply: Thank you for your insight, although I do not agree. I will not keep the debate going, just wanted to point out that your whole reasoning is based on the simple fact that the “mid-tier” teams are wastly out-numbered compared to the low-tiered teams. The only explanation I can see is that you probably are a low-tier player that Thinks he is a mid-tier one?!
omg WTF are you talking about? Teams that lose to TP 500-250 are mid tier. If you lose to TP in the first round of a paid tournament (after waiting for 30 minutes) you lose your tickets and have to go back to free tournaments where you play vs PUGS 99% of your matches, what is fun about playing against pugs to earn tickets only to go back and play against TP for one game after waiting 30 minutes??
What is fun and competitive about that???
I don’t know how else to explain it, you just don’t understand. Do you even do tournament play?
if they added a ladder/ranking system and separated premade vs solo in free tournament everyone would be playing fun competitive matches and not a single person would be complaining about anything involving tournament play except meta and class balance which is how it should be.
(edited by Sprawl.3891)
We’ll be looking at the prices for the paids. We’re also looking at how easy it is to get tickets and the rate at which players acquire them. We want to find a good balance and we’re listening to the playerbase.
Thanks for all the great suggestions in this thread.
I think you are missing the point of everything that’s have been posted here before.
Players that play (or try) paid tournaments on a daily basis don’t want the price reduced on tournaments a whole lot. Yes, queues are a pain in the _ _ _ but face-rolling anyone that gets inside because they decided to go in a freaking pug just for the sake of playing isn’t fun at all. That’s the main reason many players like myself, have almost quitted this far out. Free tournaments are trash, not fun, not competitive, not rewarding.
A semi organized team, not even a full roster, will faceroll anyone in free tournamets for a trash reward. 1 mediocre chest, with completly random loot, that crafts into a buggy and exploitable mystic forge.
Let me try getting my thoughts organized…
Paid tournaments where the solution to:
A) Trash/Non-existent competitive gameplay.
B) Reward / Acomplishment to high end guilds / groups other than… better games.
C) People crying about getting demolished by teams in free.
D) An additional option to constant glory farm in 8’s.
The problems that came with it where…
A is still kittened up since there are not enough teams 20 hours a day. This could be fixed making cross region servers.
B Still unrewarding. Giving chests and equal loot. Paid tournaments yield random and horrible sets way too easy to complete. The fact that we get that horrible guild armor that looks completely unfinished is also demoralizing. Its more annoying than if you had the chance for it to FAIL to craft gear. We get a new currency that is completely useless right now and probably will be for the next 2 months at LEAST. Make gear look better, fix clipping, increase the cost for crafting the gear and dont make it completely random. I wont freaking mind putting 5 slivers if Im guaranteed to get the set I want instead of 5 guild “X”.
C since queues are mind numbing long, and there’s no SOUND REMINDER for the QUEUE POPPING ,free are the only option. People troll out of frustration, take random builds / teams, and again… Teams vs Pugs are not fun… not for teams, not for the other guys getting 500 – 0’ed.
Fix matchmaking, add individual / team player rankings. Split free’s maybe? (rank 0~15) (rank 15+)?
D Random 8’s teach nothing. Point defense is unrewarding and discouraged. Zergs are encouraged. Randome autobalance switching teams 1 min before game ending.
Well I think I jsut failed at organizing a text but I tried… thats my 2 cents…
fix the pvp SOON or lose the decaying player base you have
there’s no point in even addressing random 8s. If they reward capping/defending more than skirmishing people will just circle cap more than they already do and avoid fighting. if they reward winning more people will just quit and re-join other games more since there is no penalty. They need to just focus on tournies imo.
imo we’ve already got 2 modes for those of us who have hung around in organized teams, and we can’t even flesh those out properly.
Paids teams are too few, and casuals are taking refuge from 8v8 in free tourneys, along with mid-level teams farming tickets, and top level teams that just wanna play…
It wouldn’t be instant gratification, it wouldn’t immediately solve the ticket farm problem, but 5v5 spvp could provide a meaningful avenue to get more casuals into the game, out of the fire, and interested in tournament-level playing.
The other option is to make random pug tournaments, and what is to measure there? Conquest tournaments hinge on team communication and that’s not going to happen with pugs, even at 5v5, so do they really need a tournament, prize, and 3 minutes of downtime in between each match just to have fun and participate in a less chaotic mode?
(edited by Master Charles.7093)
Fact is the price of paid tournmanets atleast is too high , this is why people all over have long que issues. Longest paid que was more then half an hour by that time we canceled it and went back to frees. Either most of the ppl finished their stack of paid tickets or they just dont que for paid anymore. Only best teams like Tsunami , No scrub and so on its kinda hard to play it and then also lose your tickets. Anet needs to tone down the ticket prices or the paid tournies will have 10 teams running them and no more.
You’re wrong, most people already left.
Paid tournaments at 6pm eu? Nope.
the sad part about people who wants premade and pugs plitted is that when u are in a pug team and u face another pug team, someone in the losing team will leave.
every time. and look at me, i usually play with my team free tourney becuse we really need to improve basic tactics we lack, but when i start some pug, i still have fun, even if i meet someone who roflstomp us…once i met TP, was fun too.
nice QQ’ing “puggers”.
I play SPvP when I play alone or a controlled enviroment for tPvP but I like to play MvM when I like to roam killing players even if we are out numbered.
MvM doesn’t mean only zerg vs zerg its also for roaming around
The hell did i just read. You’re complaining because casuals lose tpvp? well no kitten, casual players always lose pvp because they’re pathetic narrow-minded salary men who cant really do anything besides be mindless drones. In pvp theres always a winner and a loser, you want them to change that? The game already promotes carebearism enough as it is, if you ask me PKing in the world should be allowed and encouraged
people are leaving because: pvp has no point , you don’t get anything from it. On old mmos you had to pvp in order to get best pve spots/bosses to get gear
because pvp is imbalanced: just look at what the most played classes are in tournaments
pvp gets repetitive~
SPvP should be 5v5 by default. Save the 8v8 crap for games modes like CTF or TDM if you decide to add them. That will give better feedback from actual pvp players than anything else.
Pretty sure that’s /thread. NO ONE enjoys this 8v8 zergfest on 5v5 maps. Please remove it
I enjoy 8v8, and to be frank I don’t understand where this idea that 5v5 will somehow change puggers zerg mentality comes from-is it just because you can’t let go of the GW1 glory days? If anything having a few more players increases the strategic options available.
incisorr you should go back to wow if you think skill = better gear.. or just play wvwvw.
in pvp u get fun and competitiveness, if u like them…
Why do they go around changing stuff that wasn’t broken, and on top of it they change it for the worse?!?!
Agree 100%
But the format is not the only problem.
Fights are too messy with tons of AoE.
Almost no teamplay (except the too complex combo mechanism) because for instance no invidual buff or heal.
Capture points are boring.
This game is very disappointing.
There is no question the matching system in spvp needs to be improved, but even then spvp is a different beast than tpvp. People want to play tpvp, regardless of how well matched they can be in spvp.
The important thing to remember is it is not about whether you’re an amazing group player with an awesome guild that loves the current pug stomping set up and thinks casuals don’t belong in tournaments, or a casual who hates being stomped but wants to be part of the real pvp experience at his own pace and thus only pugs.
Ultimately the fact is- ALL competitive sports separate the best from the worst, casual from pro. You don’t go down to your local arena for a pick up game of hockey and suddenly your group of old people, children and buddies who exercise twice a month are up against the LA Kings.
Yet, there are tournaments in children’s sports, college leagues, state leagues, national and international- there isn’t a huge skill or organizational gap for the most part between competitors in those tournies.
As long as GW2 decides to ignore that this form of pvp cannot be called competitive to anyone- it’s not to the best, the decent and organized, the decent casuals or the awful.
The idea that fighting the best teams will make you better has zero basis- there isn’t a single scientist who would support that bashing your face against a brick wall over and over is going to make you stronger than facing obstacles that provide a challenge BUT you can overcome.
Nevermind the fun factor- yes, I said it, fun, that magical word that somehow vanishes whenever we talk about video games.
Be honest- who has fun when TP squashes a midcard team? Or when a guild squashes a bunch of casuals with zero organization? People who like competition like even matches- where they can win, or they can lose, where they are challenged- and more importantly, for this to be called ‘tournament’ pvp that aspect of challenge should be there.
That’s why smarter games have ELO and separate pugs from premades.
Of course- yes, there is a group that loves easy matches- but the casuals they need to face an easy foe will start to leave as they grow bored of being stomped, and then those easy match lovers will only face each other- and they will hate that and leave. Trying to build a game for those people results in an empty game over time- every time.
But, build a game where the best face the best, casuals face casuals, teams face teams and you have a system people who won’t flake out will love. The current system doesn’t give satisfaction, competition or fun by design- and it never has. There’s a working system out there that’s been used by real sports for decades- maybe it’s time to stop using archaic systems that drive players away.
Or, you can keep with the ‘maybe casuals should not be in tournaments’ logic that pretty much destroyed the pvp in TOR- are the two most anticipated mmos of the year really both going to fall to the same problems? I’ve given up on Bioware, it’s a long wait for another decent sounding mmo if Anet’s going to be the same.
Guess what- casuals will stop playing tournaments- and the game altogether. Most people use pugs as a way to test a game before looking for a commitment to a guild/pvp group- but if everyone is too disgusted by the game early on, you are going to see less premades too- think about it.
I’m giving up on pvp. The reason is simple – I can’t find 4 very good, experienced people. Many people that play GW2 pvp(or stopped it) are former WoW players, and are used to 2v2 / 3v3 arenas. That mode was a way easier to find teammates for. What about WoW’s 5n5? It was a dead bracket. It’s going in the same direction in GW2. Sadly, there’s no other bracket…
If there was a 3v3 arena(which would be the best – rather balanced, with not many people needed to play) for sure PvP would be better.
But that’s just a planning failure. There was a hope for pvp to be something exciting as a new thing. Well, playing as bunkers isn’t exciting. Standing on the point for whole games. Sometimes, it’s better to take advice from someone’s instance. You’ve created something new, good. It was fine for some weeks, because it was NEW. Now it isn’t anything new, and, sadly, it became a boring game type.
Of course not everyone must agree with me. I’m sorry for the criticism in the post, but I(and not only me)‘d love to have another game mode… just typical arena battles. The “just-fight” system is allright there – very dynamic, and You don’t have just one viable build for a class. That’s a big, BIG plus. Just the game modes are boring and there aren’t enough interested-in-pvp people to form teams.
i agree only with the fact we need a ladder and ranking system. if you can’t stay longer on a game relesed 2months, 6days ago…well…good luck finding a game that suit you..
Ammandril.9150 : so people used to playa different game with a different pvp should be instantly pro here with no reason to learn toplay a new game….there are pandas in wow right now…seems very funny game…go there.
Yes, it was released over two months ago- a pvp game that was released with one pvp style map, and has a tourney system that doesn’t promote competition. People were saying that it ‘was only two months’ for TOR too, a PVE game where pvp was an add on yet still had more map styles. The only advantage this game has is the lack of gear in pvp- what happens though when another AAA mmo smartens up and does the same, but with real pvp brackets and a variety of pvp instances?
GW2 creates a massive pve map despite being hailed as a pvp game- and makes ONE pvp instance game style despite that type of play being the most famous thing about GW1… oh, and it is not even the same pvp map style GW1 had!!
If Anet made Halo 4 it’d release without deathmatch and capture the flag.
Ranking, ELO, matchmaking, different maps, different objectives, all that stuff would be great (and was already present in GW1). But beyond the pvp format, the GW2 gameplay is very weak compared to GW1’s one.
For instance, the fact that you cant buff or heal a team mate except yourself is a critical issue. In GW1 and other MMO, it creates a game in the game, they try to kill someone, you counter and infuse or protect the target. The objective is now to shut down the healer and then to counter the one trying to counter the healer. And so on.
In GW2, the gameplay is just about bunker builds and tons of AoE to capture a point.
Yes, you can heal but mostly group healing. You even target a team mate. GW2 is no more collaborative and I miss this.
Actually it takes quite a bit of skill to pug stomp as a premade.
That’s why they’re stomping you.
Because they’re skilled, practiced and communicative. I do concur though. Premades need their own que. I, personally, prefer to go premie vs. premie. Challenge is the name of the game for me. That’s just how I roll. There’s very little difference between roflstomping a pug and grinding mobs for an hour.
It’s the same mind numbing boredom.
Do it like League of LEgends
solo and dual queue,
and then 5 man teams.
It works for them, its dat simple.
There’s various solutions to allow casuals to enjoy tPvP, it’s just a question of whether ArenaNet will implement them.
I still agree with another poster in that ArenaNet wants PuGs in free tournaments so they are food to premades. Why else do they allow us casuals to queue for tPvP? Sure, the few actual teams get bored of PuG stomping, but the majority of premades are in it for rank grinding and would prefer to face PuGs all day.
I’m giving up on pvp. The reason is simple – I can’t find 4 very good, experienced people. Many people that play GW2 pvp(or stopped it) are former WoW players, and are used to 2v2 / 3v3 arenas. That mode was a way easier to find teammates for. What about WoW’s 5n5? It was a dead bracket. It’s going in the same direction in GW2. Sadly, there’s no other bracket…
If there was a 3v3 arena(which would be the best – rather balanced, with not many people needed to play) for sure PvP would be better.
But that’s just a planning failure. There was a hope for pvp to be something exciting as a new thing. Well, playing as bunkers isn’t exciting. Standing on the point for whole games. Sometimes, it’s better to take advice from someone’s instance. You’ve created something new, good. It was fine for some weeks, because it was NEW. Now it isn’t anything new, and, sadly, it became a boring game type.Of course not everyone must agree with me. I’m sorry for the criticism in the post, but I(and not only me)‘d love to have another game mode… just typical arena battles. The “just-fight” system is allright there – very dynamic, and You don’t have just one viable build for a class. That’s a big, BIG plus. Just the game modes are boring and there aren’t enough interested-in-pvp people to form teams.
I agree that the capture the point basic game mode is boring when its the only one, but you think adding 3v3 arena will make things less boring? WoW had more going on in its pvp than arena. Arena was the most boring aspect of its pvp in my opinion. Arena should be like a world pvp afterthought.
What I predicted would happened with free Tournaments once paid became available has…. The bottom line: sPvP’s design caters exclusively to the best of the best and only provides hot-join for casual players.
The problem is with GW2 most people in the PvE realm who want to cross over are not casual players, they aren’t really dedicated hardcore players either. They are somewhere in between. I call them serious recreational types. They take game the game seriously, but just don’t have the hours to put in to compete with best of the best. Occasionally due to inherent skill some do cross over.
You want to make sPvP more accessible. It’s not that hard