People just want a fair match in SoloQ

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


It’s now obvious, thanks to the EU Leaderboard #1 (Adam) revealing exactly how he did it, and how the top 10% on the Version 1.0 Leaderboard got their position and how they easily keep it.

So…we ignore the leaderboards until the matchmaking function gets fixed.

But the real issue is a lack of confidence in the matches themselves.

When you are matched against people above your “bracket”, the game is not fun for most players.

If you are in the Bronze bracket, and you are up against 4 Gold Players and a Silver…what’s the point of playing that match?

To me, 5×5s are looking better again, until SoloQ Ver 2.0

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

(edited by Silentshoes.1805)

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Snate.2961


Here is a suggestion that might help in the short term: How about a little more time between the que pop and the match starting. This will allow players to determine the best composition for the map/group, be able to adjust (switch toons) and still be able to communicate with newer players should they be clueless (I had an engineer on my team this morning who had no idea where the point he was to cap existed).

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: HolySoNg.5371


In solo arena ??
Early winners and losers in the game already decided before the start of
always team win vs team lose , team high rank vs low rank
no balance !!

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Shar.3402


Get the first 10 people who queue and sort them in a 1-2-2-2-2-1 way based on ranking.
Or pool 20-30 people each time and sort them that way.

Whatever you do, it’s better than forming a team of 5 and then searching for another team (which may be much higher/lower rated, leading to unfair matches)

Shar Teel – Elementalist
Yolo queue FTW [YOLO] – Desolation (EU)
Champion Magus, Genius

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Xaqq.7562


I don’t know how the matchmaking is done but it clearly sucks.
It looks like eitheir all player of Team A have a best ranking than the whole Team B, or the opposite. This lead to stupid match which ends-up (most of the time — 80% of the time for me) to something like 500-200 and 100-500.

Interesting, close game seems over with this new soloQ system. Its either: you win like you were a full team against PUG, or you lose like you played 3vs5.

I don’t mind lose 500-400 or something like this, when the game was, well fun, because balanced. However, stupid 5minutes games when you know you win/lost in 2minutes of playing is… kittened.

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Silentshoes.1805


And the more you lose, the worse teams they put you with.

Like that attack underwater, the “Sink Like a Stone” attack? That’s how it feels.

The Alien (condi necro),That Wreckin Crew (Mesmer)
Silentshoes (Thief), Wind of the Woods (condi ranger)

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Cosine.7841


Matchmaking seems to work okay if you are already rated high. I had 6 matches in a row where all the players on both teams were top 200 leaderboards.

People just want a fair match in SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Krugash.4920


If you are in the Bronze bracket, and you are up against 4 Gold Players and a Silver…what’s the point of playing that match?

I start by saying I’m a super casual pvp player, and I totally agree with you. I have 0 team match played and like 5 in the new SoloQ.

Tonight I flagged for SoloQ kind of late, and I happened to be in a random team against: Ixl Super Ixl, XerreX, MiM Ultima, and some other IDL guys I forgot the name. First thing to my mind was: wtf am I doing in this match? So I double-checked the members in my team cause I really felt out of place, but I didn’t recognize any of their names. Of course they asphalted us, 500-nothing.

Now to the point, I don’t really mind losing a match, but the problem here is that it wasn’t fun for anyone. It was really frustrating andI really felt misplaced so I didn’t reflag after that cause I didn’t want to let another party down. Also, it wasn’t even a learning session, cause 15 seconds after they took control of the map they just melt us, so if anything, I learned not to flag for SoloQ till I’ll be sure to fight beginners of my same level.