People refusing to team up
That’s another thing I don’t understand. People are given the tools to succeed and yet they want to do it their own, inefficient way.
[Mada] Apocryfia
Thing is:
If ppl team up and end up in higher divs …..followed by queues solo theyll bring their team down.
I have seen and heard people who team up and get a huge loss streak.
It is hard to find a good group of randomers who can win streak long enough to div up.
And there is a higher chance of playing against a full guild team if you go in as a team.
If someone refuses to play in premades when you suggest they play in a premade, it might not actually mean they’re not going to do it. Basically, he’s not “refusing” because he’s an idiot; he’s “refusing” because he doesn’t want to seem weak and in need of your assistance. If he’s still playing, he probably took your advice. He just needed to go about it in a way that would make it seem like it’s his idea and not yours.
Forum anthropologists. Solo queuers win a game and decide to team up organically without your input. They win some lose some. Same as solo q. Then go back to solo q.
if i go pvp i tend to team up on my impressions of the players not the personal scores or how many points they wreak up , its about the map control .
if the team im in does well on map control and wins some fights then contests at the right time , i ask them if they want to team as personal scores do mean they have killed a lot of players or decaped but those two sorces don’t earn points for the team and then lead to Losses.
so if people team up on the basis of good pvp’er = high points its a not a good judgement of there skill .
you could just end up with a bunch of people that have no sustain vs a group that has a good sustain and game ethics that’ll just trump anyone basing their party choices based on score.
and if a team does start a lossing streak , i don’t stay with them as it hurts everyone in the team and since its strangers in a group its going to be hard to pickout a weak link without seeming rude or judgemental , so just leave the group and try again.
i do this often every time i do a pvp day , as soon as i find a decent team with a good Structure and ethic to map control i stay untill 1 person of that team leaves 4/5 the team collapses as you can’t trust a new stranger to fill to boots of that previous player and to keep the win rate up so again i just say im done ty for the games then leave.
it may take time to find a decent group of people and build some form of trust but abusing people because they can’t find a group or win isn’t a reason to blame the system.
any group of poor team play will always result in a blowout game.
and playing with a team that keeps loosing past a second game isn’t worth staying on , its not that a person is bad or sucks , its just some times the play style they have just doesn;t work with the other people in the group too , so don’t risk matches by forcing yourself to play with people that don’t work with your playstyle.
keep it civil , maybe offer a idea at the start like 0 far – 4 mid – 1 home and make sure a bunker goes to the home point untill the mid fight is going , right then check the classes and judge if you need to bring the bunker over then a +1 roamer like a mesmer/ranger/warroir/thief drops off mid to defend home or to decap far .
(DECAP ONLY then back to mid) this gives a straight 2-0cap the longer the mid fight goes on for the more points you gain and only by the opposing team retreating back to home to cap , one person can follow and Contest effectively giving you a chance for a 3 cap with a decent lead .
the only way out of this is for 1 person to die respawn run to home and gain a +1 supporter making mid a 1vs2.
i often talk in team chat telling people what to expect ahead of time if i have the chance and strongly tell the team if they are regrouping or focusing a node so we can react to maintain a 2-1 cap.
its all about trust/respect and finding a team/group of players that mesh with the play style you use , if a team doesn’t work out after those two losses just leave.
i wouldn’t force anyone that does not team play to join into a team anyway , if they can’t trust other people to support/rotate or bring the back up when needed they are simply not paying attention and are poor team players.
Teaming up has cost me about 3 times as many losses as it has given me wins. Once I grouped with a full 5 person team after we randomly queued together and were dominating. We won many matches but then one person went to bed. The replacement did great, but then once a second person from the original group went to bed, everything feel apart.
I also joined two different PvP guilds and lost more when teaming with them than going in solo.
Also teaming with a less than full team still increases your chance of matching versus a full 5 team, which positions you at a disadvantage from the start.
No trust, no team. MMR is srs business.
There are two kinds of premade, the pug premade and the teamspeak tryhard premade. Unless by sheer luck you end up making pug premade with a good comp and good players, it will almost always lose to the tryhards, which you’ll inevitably be matched up with. Without built in voice comms in GW2, it’s just easier to solo/duo queue most of the time.
That’s one reason I want tournaments back: There is really no good reason for ppl to team up!
Playing wih 4 other ppl on teamspeak and coordinating the whole thing is work; you need to find a good team, learn to play together, w8 for everyone to be ready etc. so you should be rewarded for it in some way. In the League-System, you get punished for playing with a team, so why bother?
I avoid partying because I already get annoyed when I’m pugging against a premade… I don’t want to increase the risk of those matches popping up.
That guy is salty AF tho, wow.
Edit: Further into the season I even stopped partying with some guild members because of rank differences, someone in emerald didn’t wanna give me a loss in ruby and I don’t party with someone because I don’t want to give him a loss in diamond.
….. And Elementalist.
(edited by sephiroth.4217)
If Anet will dissolve SoloQ in Ranked games, all these problems will solve…
Eh…are you for real? Many premades use VoIP. I don’t have time nor the will to get my microphone and voip through a game. I don’t want to be matched with such people. Thus I solo or duoQ (the latter actually being good enough to match you against full voip team).
The guy was clearly upset but he had a point. If they offer the possibility of soloQ and they say their matchmaking system is good, they better kittening up make sure their system works and doesnt require you to team up in order to progress.
Many people seem to say that playing with a premade requires too much work and would require a VoIP. It would also face you up against other premades. But isn’t that the point? You need to put in the work to be better.
Many people seem to say that playing with a premade requires too much work and would require a VoIP. It would also face you up against other premades. But isn’t that the point? You need to put in the work to be better.
VoIP doesn’t mean you are a better player. You just sync burst on command and have easier time for map awareness because people would usually say who goes where without you having to worry about the minimap.
You have to also accept the fact that people generally play PvP for fun, not for badges or pixel glory or whathaveyou. And playing for fun dictates that you enjoy the game the way you see fit. I got into last tier of Ruby playing this way. I no longer play because certain other games released recently and I spend all my free time there instead of being fodder for high MMR players
I actually did make a premade to get there 2-3 weeks ago (if not more), no voip though. It was still fun but the premades with voip were just too annoying tryhards. I didn’t sign up for that. I know we can beat them but meh, why bother.