People think I'm a troll.
Are you capping an empty point with more than 1 ally? If at the beginning of the game you see that 1 ally is capping a point and there is no enemy there don’t sit on the point. 1 player is enough to capture the objective.
While Im certainly no pro but a huge fan of new people coming to PvP, I want to try you to watch this video:
Hopefully it will help you.. If any specific questions, don’t hesitate to PM ingame to my accountname: Terrorsquad.2349
(send ingame mail if Im offline and I’ll answer it asap)
Just curious, are you playing an unrank or rank battle? Maybe you should try practice games first to get used to the flow of PVP first.
Are you capping an empty point with more than 1 ally? If at the beginning of the game you see that 1 ally is capping a point and there is no enemy there don’t sit on the point. 1 player is enough to capture the objective.
No, I just go take a point with my necromancer setting traps everywhere and I wait for players to set them up then I go for the kill. It just seems like they don’t want anyone to capture a point somehow.
Just curious, are you playing an unrank or rank battle? Maybe you should try practice games first to get used to the flow of PVP first.
I just choose a server from the pvp browser. The name of the server is MAD (dailies).
It’s not a ranked match nor an unranked one.
Here’s my stats to prove it.
While Im certainly no pro but a huge fan of new people coming to PvP, I want to try you to watch this video:
Hopefully it will help you.. If any specific questions, don’t hesitate to PM ingame to my accountname: Terrorsquad.2349
(send ingame mail if Im offline and I’ll answer it asap)Cheers
Thanks. my friend
Why didn’t you ask them what’s the problem? I never played on those daily arenas, but my guess is that one team caps all 3 points and then they wait for points to tick to 500. You probably ruined that plan for them. Play on other arenas and problem will be solved…
bet he joined a duel server
Join ranked or unranked instead. The pvp browser is for people that don’t want to play actual pvp.
What you should do: Avoid any server with a special name, especially the ones with something like “farm”, “daily” or “duel” in it. Try to join a server named “Server [Numbers…]”. You can see how many people there are. I just made a short picture for you.
Actually i wouldnt adivse to join unranked/ranked until you at least knows the layout of all maps. As soon as you do, unranked will be a way better experience than “practice”..
P.S.: This is a perfect example why we need a better tutorial and need to do smt against ‘daily’ stuff (and no, i dont have a good solution, and no, i dont want those daily ppl in my games :p)
Just curious, are you playing an unrank or rank battle? Maybe you should try practice games first to get used to the flow of PVP first.
I just choose a server from the pvp browser. The name of the server is MAD (dailies).
It’s not a ranked match nor an unranked one.
Here’s my stats to prove it.
Oh this is really funny.
A dailies server is where weirdos go to trade wins for the daily rewards instead of actually playing the game. So by playing the game you are being called out for trolling them in their little walled garden. Keep on doing it.
Same….. people always think im a troll whenever I cap a point. Here’s a proof.
Same….. people always think im a troll whenever I cap a point. Here’s a proof.
If you are playing the naked rifle warrior with full signets… Sure looks like a troll.
OP, if by some chance it wasn’t a win trading game, in a close match, players are expected to leave home to support other fights when they can. Guarding home is very important, but its nearly useless if you spend the whole game on one point getting 2 capped. Some builds focus on holding a point, and these can be powerful in some games, but in games where players ignore your home point, its important to branch out. Keep an eye on home, and if possible dont let them decap, but winning a mid fight and securing 2 points is kind of the point of most pvp maps. If your team loses the mid fight and you sat at home and fought no one, you were in part the reason the mid fight was lost. (unless the enemy team is also camping home) Any fights that are uneven are big parts of determining the outcome of matches.
Please keep doing that in daily servers. They just farm points to get their dailies done. I’m kind of ashamed that it’s even in a pvp browser.
Please keep doing that in daily servers. They just farm points to get their dailies done. I’m kind of ashamed that it’s even in a pvp browser.
I think those spectators who watch the fight until one side is winning and stack on that side, and those who joined to force auto-balance so they can join the “winning team”, is even worse than the above you mentioned. Unfortunately most people in Hot Join are like that nowadays. They usually give up when I slaughter them in first encounter and get the lead, then they’d just leave and force the autobalance so they can join on my side.
While Im certainly no pro but a huge fan of new people coming to PvP, I want to try you to watch this video:
Hopefully it will help you.. If any specific questions, don’t hesitate to PM ingame to my accountname: Terrorsquad.2349
(send ingame mail if Im offline and I’ll answer it asap)Cheers
Why are you begging for donations towards your legendary in the annotation for that video?
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
It sounds like you joined the wrong room. Instead of looking for a specific room to play in, just click “Practice”, “Unranked” or “Ranked”. It’ll automatically put you into a queue. I suggest start with “Practice”. It allows you to get more of a feel of whats going on. Then move to “Unranked”. You can always try to form your own group too using the LFG tool.
Most of those room are private rooms where people want to do very specific things. With the tag [daily] more than likely it was a room set up for people to farm their PvP daily achivements, buy allowing the other team to win with the class of the day. Taking a point like that interfers with that.
Good luck!
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Tbh full signet naked rifle warrior looks like a troll regardless of what it’s doing.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Tbh full signet naked rifle warrior looks like a troll regardless of what it’s doing.
Actually full signet itself is a troll build, and 99% of Warriors using that build usually play absolutely terribly.
Tbh full signet naked rifle warrior looks like a troll regardless of what it’s doing.
Actually full signet itself is a troll build, and 99% of Warriors using that build usually play absolutely terribly.
It’s a troll build if the player is good, otherwise it’s a fool clinging to a build meant for lvling. I get signet of fury for wvw killshot, but it has never seemed worth for pvp.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria